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About MovingTarget2

  • Birthday 12/02/1974

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  1. # 983 21 "Pomf =3" STEAM_1:0:22281968 14:59 204 0 active 30000 Seneca, Nymeria, and I had asked him to stop the mic spam but he became even more of a jerk and then proceeded to spam his music throughout the whole finale. You can look at the logs but it started around 1:20 AM CST. His id is above. I did ask nicely and also asked over mic as well. Pleas consider. Thanks, MT
  2. Just got back this weekend and had some time for L4D2. I love the additions to the purchasing spawns. I played a couple of games and I did not hear ANY complaints about the spawning system. Have you heard of any feedback good or bad? IMHO, its awesome. It's exactly what I had hoped for. GJ
  3. Did 9001 people really vote for no? lol
  4. Hi Guys, In a conversation thread with Jackie, Kira, and others, I noticed that they brought up some very good ideas and strategies. I got interested to see if there were any implications to the data server and if there were some assumptions that could be made from looking at the actual data. FYI I found this information from the Server Stats page... http://l4dstats.gcftw.com/server.php Obviously the server is still up so the data will change but here goes... ** Please excuse the funky formatting Infected Type -- Spawns -- % of Spawns -- Average Damage Per Spawn Hunter -- 300767 -- 17.03% -- 8.92 Smoker -- 231150 -- 13.09% -- 25.05 Boomer -- 215801 -- 12.22% -- 1.94 Spitter -- 396121 -- 22.43% -- 36.23 Jockey -- 148542 -- 8.41% -- 14.48 Charger -- 473474 -- 26.81% -- 28.7 Total -- 1765855 -- 100.00% So if I am reading this correctly, the top three spawned Infected in order are Chargers, Spitters and Hunters Damage-wise, Spitters do the most damage, followed by Chargers, then Smokers. Obviously damage-wise, the boomer is misrepresented here because the damage done by the common infected aren't reflected but I would think that the rest of the data has to be pretty accurate. Do you guys see anything else from any of the other data collected?
  5. Well guys. A huge thanks for really considering this. I'm really glad that this has sparked some good conversations and heck I found another D&D fan (D3 - LOL) Jackie - I think the good points you mentioned really outweigh any of the bad points. I am hoping once everyone gets a chance to come and look at this post, we'll see a heavy bias towards the first option. If you believe it will be easily implemented, all the better. (WOOHOO) I'm not too attached to changing the point cost of the various infected so I'll let you guys decide if/when the system gets implemented. I know that you guys are extremely responsive compared to other server admins and community. If I don't comment as much, don't take it as I am uninterested. I know that the appropriate questions and solutions will come out.
  6. That might be my personal bias coming through since I suck at hunters. :-)
  7. Hi Guys, What do you think about this idea... Some of the newer players don't really understand that when you purchase spawns, boomers for example, that it often force spawns another player ahead of the travelling survivors - usually not in a good spot either. Essentially, this wastes the new player's points; gives the survivors easy points; gets the player yelled at by the more experienced players; and ultimately, makes the game experience for the new players less enjoyable. How about... Idea 1. When purchasing a spawn, it allows the server max spawn for that type to be increased by 1. For example, if I know that there is a stairwell where chargers would be really helpful, I can buy a charger spawn. This causes a message to pop up and say Charger spawn has been purchased by MovingTarget so that any other player spawning can immediately choose Charger. We could even have a counter that pops up on-screen with the number of additional available slots for the different spawns. Idea 2. When purchasing a spawn, the user is actually immediately spawned as a ghost outside of the server max for that spawn. For example, if I had 15 secs before I spawn again but wanted an immediate spitter, I could buy the Spitter spawn and immediately come in to spit. This would also help to alleviate the spitters/boomers that don't believe in suiciding. I do believe that this would greatly balance gameplay. The points would probably still need to be tweaked especially for the various spawns. For example smokers and hunters are such low point achievers that I do believe they should cost less than a spitter or charger. I'm not sure if the server tracks how many types of each infected are spawned, but anecdotal experience would suggest that Spitters, Chargers, and Boomers probably are the more in demand spawns. Now I wish I could say that I'd help with the programming but I have NO CLUE on that part of it. So if anyone has the programming skills, please feel free to take this idea and run with it. Thanks, MT
  8. Gonna pay my dues... been playing on this server too much not to Here is my paypal transaction Unique Transaction ID # 9TA50512Y2314554V MovingTarget2 STEAM_1:0:41438189 My e-mail should already be in my profile
  9. AWESOME! TY TY I've been pouring over the link for the past hour now instead of getting ready to go to work :-) Must... Go... Work.... Thanks again!
  10. Please forgive me if this is stickied elsewhere but I've taken an honest attempt to look around the forums for it and have yet to find. I'm hoping that there is a comprehensive command list so I can bind some things to my mouse. For example: two weeks into playing on the server I saw someone type in !heal. It would have been very useful previously. On a second note, what version of the !buy mod are we using?
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