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Posts posted by MattKemp

  1. I love how everyone says they "always vote yes"....Not just the people that posted here, everyone *always* says they vote yes. But if they all did, there wouldn't be a problem.


    If you want to make a difference when the vote-scramble fails, switch teams. Plain and simple.


    Everyone says they're perfect outside of the game, but that never translates to in game.

  2. Don't get hit by rocks then, and the tank will lose control. Do you really want to limit tank play to where the tank has to rush 10 Survivors with Auto-Shotguns? That makes them worse than useless.


    EDIT: Or go to a place, like inside the house, where the tank can't hit you with rocks. Things would get hectic, maybe worse, but with the amount of points you all allegedly had, you could've held out 'til the tanks lost control. Remember - if one tanks loses control, everyone loses their tank.

  3. A "Main" refers to the four Survivors you see when you press TAB. They are the only points that count as you progress through the level.



    EDIT: It's a term only used when there are more than 4 Survivors

  4. Honestly Jackie? I think you should. And honestly? I don't regret making this post. Everything was coming to a head anyways, I was just a catalyst. This is Jackie's server, plain and simple. And like I said above, the "He said, she said" shouldn't even be brought up. These last few days are more than just about Times:It shows how petty we've become. Our arrogance is ruining the server for everyone.



    Honestly? We shouldn't need admins telling us what to do, and how to do it. We are all adults here, and we have been using the rules as a doormat so we can do whatever the hell we want. As long as you're in GCFTW, respect Jackie and the rules he has set, and stop being so foolishly petty. Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics:Even if you win, you're still dumb.

    (PLEASE OH PLEASE don't turn this into a mental ilness thread. It was just a joke. LET IT GO)


    About TIMES: IMO, he should be give a warning. Not a 30 day, but not nothing, either. Maybe an hour or two without being able to use the points, maybe a few days away, but definitely not permanent - However, I will respect Jackie's decision, whatever it may be.


    To Jackie:Everyone deserves a second chance. This server is still my favorite game to play by far. I like a lot of people on this server, but without you there would BE no server. Therefore, I vow to not play on the group server again until you're back. I will keep watch here:Let me know when you return.

  5. Cake, you are one of the 5% (or 2% according to Jackie) :) lol...Yeah, it makes me angry too, but what can you do, other than your best, to at least help out the new players?

    • Like 1
  6. Okay, well, in my opinion, it had to come out sometime.

    Jackie:Yeah, we won't talk about it, and thanks.You have done so much for this server, and every time I see the

    Buy Plugin/Server Update Notes


    , I see that you have changed this or that for the better. Make no mistake - I know it's a little wordy - but I was basically defending Jackie, whom I have no problem with, who has spent countless hours trying to manage a server. For what? Everyone talks fine, but once people are in the game, they all act differently when Jackie/admin walks in, and the server in general is going downhill.


    Cinkadeus:I've played with you only a few times :( but that's exxactly it. Also, who wants to have the same maturity level as a bot, anyways?


    Nightling: Hmmm okay, well, I'll start off by saying that I've always like you too, from your high pounces to your mp5s. This is the last I'm saying on this - You hear a lot of complaints about people in authority when you're not in that position. Most are fodder, of course, but more are not. Maybe at a later time - though I think that if I do log them, they should be for Jackie alone - unless it's about you, of course. I wasn't really trying to defend Times, like I said, he was kind of asking for it. I was defending Jackie, and his hard work he does, and how everyone - Times included - says one thing, and acts another. I have no beef with you, Nightling, I think you're one of the people doing something right, maybe you need to be a little more strict lol. I've been here a while - and sometimes you need to take a step back to see what you are really seeing. I talked to quite a few people about this or that, and this is the conclusion I drew.


    This server used to be the best. Yes, used to be. Even though someone keeps upgrading the server, our ranks drops. Everyone needs to clean up their act, if not for me (well especially not for me) then for Jackie.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm just going to write a little on TIMES and try to close the book:

    You know, I see a lot of hating on TIMES for simply speaking his mind. I thought that that was what the forums were for - to keep things like this off the game. Most of these people are bashing him for speaking his mind on a glorified rant, for him keeping the issues out of the game. There is a reason he brought his problems with the server here, to keep it out of the game and to talk about it - but it kinda got out of hand fast.

    I think he's just mad (as most people are) about the lack of gcftw-ness around the server lately. I think what he is looking for is what we're all looking for out of the server - a little consistency. Consistency from the admins to either put your foot down our throats, or to ease off of it. Consistency from the stackers/abusers *cough cough* you know who you are *cough cough* (I have very strong opinions on this, but I'll keep them to myself for now.) to choose a side. Either stack, or don't, but if you do, own it. Consistency from all the regulars out there to help the new people out (50 hour minimum is flat out ridiculous), and to help them like you would want to be helped on a new game.

    I alone see a lot of regulars get stuck on a team of new people, and either leave, switch teams, or just not even try to help their teammates out. This is just flat out ridiculous. You know why people join GCFTW? We're #1, or at least in the top 5 all the time. We should be helping these people, not ridiculing them and switching teams all the time.

    We also need accountability for the admins. To name a few that get complaints, -okay, okay, I won't go there.

    Honestly, this server is getting ridiculous. Am I the only one that sees the hypocrisy everywhere? Yes Times, was kind of asking for it tonight. But honestly? Out of everyone here, the only person I can/will NOT find fault in is Jackie. HE works to make this server a better place, and you guys demand more and more, and 95% of people don't respect any rules at all on the server. You are all getting pathetic. Every time I'm on, I see teamswitching, rushing with no accountability by admins or members, abusing, and just general people who don't care about new teammates. I don't know how this server is #2, I really don't.

    There is a reason Jackie almost never plays on the server anymore. Anyone wanna guess why? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    Times came at it a little irrationally, yes. However, everyone needs to lighten up a bit. We should be a server where people WANT to play. We need CONSISTENT ADMINS THAT WILL ACT APPROPRIATELY TO THE SITUATION, and look at it objectively. Admins, above all, cannot take anything personally, but employ the rules fairly to EVERYONE. You people need to realize that if you want to play competitively to the point of stacking, go to a 4v4. And I don't want ANYONE telling me "Oh, its him," or "Oh, its them," because its EVERYONE. I really don't understand it. I love killing my friends in L4D2 and stomping their heads in. It's great to do that, especially by commanding a worse team lol. Most people show their true attitude in the way they play, and I really don't like what I see. I used to, but now I don't. Just about everyone else is a hypocrite - take it for what it is. You can't complain about someone for breaking Rule A when you break Rules, B, C, D, E, and F.



    Oh, look at that. I've written more than I wanted :(.I haven't played for a few weeks, I play one day, talk to about 10 different people about the ahem, 'direction' of the server, and I may go right back to SWTOR. What happened while I was gone? Can some reason be restored? Will people start acting like normal people on the L4D server? Will Mormons everywhere be offended? Will Batman stop Two-Face? All that, and more, below these words to come.


    EDIT: We're slipping faster than I thought. We are now down to 5.

    • Like 1
  8. Happy New Year; May you make it to the safe room when all hope is lost, with 2 Tanks and 8 screaming Special Infected personnel on your ***








    EDIT:And yes, thank-you Jackie, you have made this server the best in the L4D2 world :stretch: :stretch: :stretch:

  9. Just thought of this. This idea is in form of more achievements. This is what I call...


    Efficiency Achievements

    Dun dun dun...


    What is it you may ask? Well, look at one of the definitions for the word:


    accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort


    Get an idea of what I have going?


    If yes, keep that idea in your head and see if it matches with my idea.


    If no...well...don't keep any ideas in your head and just read on.


    Okay. Here is an example:


    The infected team gets off a good attack and kills like 3 survivors in a short amount of time, but the team doesn't get anything out of it.


    But...what if they did?


    Huh? Get the idea now? My idea is "As a team, do x in y and get a team-based achievement". If something like this is accomplished, the entire team gets the achievement as well as points so not only can you get achievements on an individual basis, but also apart of a team as a whole.


    I figured, this would encourage a bigger emphasis on teamwork, and the team gets rewarded as such. 10 people working as one is the best way to take out the other team, or to steamroll through the map.


    Now, given my slightly better understanding at coding for sourcepawn, I feel fairly confident that I can pull this off without too much trouble. Heck, I wrote the Tank queue system and the Tank limits (something I struggled on in the past) myself and both work great and I haven't seen any bugs with it yet, so this shouldn't pose any problems.


    What do you guys think?


    I like it, it sounds like a good idea

  10. This is my 2nd time on The Sacrifice, the map appears to be bugged - others have said it's restarted multiple times as well.


    EDIT: I think an admin just changed it to Dark Carnival. Either way, its off of Sacrifice, so yeah....lol

  11. Considering the lade launcher and m60 can mow anything down and getting ammo for them is only 3 points, buying ammo for each could be increased just for those guns to say...9? Maybe that will even things out a bit.


    I approve this message.

    I approve this message

  12. Update:


    -Infected survivors can no longer buy a full heal. They must heal with a first aid kit. (Controlled by a convar to enable or disable this feature)

    -Survivors can only respawn a certain amount of times (default = 3 - default controlled by a convar).

    -When a player takes over a bot and vice versa, a black and white check will take place.

    -When a player switches teams, it clears out whatever they bought last so they cannot rebuy something they bought as a survivor on infected and vice versa)


    Awww man, I always enjoyed raining mp5's down on the survivors :(


    How Matt acted was a bit over-dramatic since it was only an hour ban and not 1 day, 1 week, 1 year, or lifetime bans. Same goes for anyone else that had acted up in the server when it happened, I assume they were friends of yours or other regulars.


    You don't see anything wrong with that if you aren't aware of the entire situation? Meaning, if you don't know the entire situation when it's out there in front of you, and you're too lazy to read what happened, do not bother posting and insulting me and others who defended me. Just don't be intentionally ignorant if you want to post, when it's all too easy to educate yourself on the topic. All I'm saying is, read before you post - it's kind of rude not to when you say something like ^, especially about the other people who defended me. If you say it about me, that's fine - but don't bring them into this - but if you do, at least read what happened in its entirety

  14. Bravo Jackie, you always pull through. I don't know what Chick was doing at the time, but I do remember before The Passing, on the Finale of Dead Center after playing as a Survivor she had to go, so she moved herself to Spectator/AFK, I wasn't really paying attention when Matt Kemp and Chick fiasco had happen. Personally since it is stated in the group forums, the game server should state "Look at the L4D2 Group for More Rules" yadda yadda, seeing as how filling up the Message of the Day with this, would be pointless as many people don't even read it to begin with. Either way they should be seen in the server, "Paid Members get reserves over Non-Paying Members" or something like that. I dont really pay attention to what the cycles are for the messages for I have looked at the Group Rules/Conduct, I assume they're represented in the server.


    How Matt acted was a bit over-dramatic since it was only an hour ban and not 1 day, 1 week, 1 year, or lifetime bans. Same goes for anyone else that had acted up in the server when it happened, I assume they were friends of yours or other regulars. Just be glad that GC is a mature group and not like most groups where Admins word is like the word of God, and unable to plea


    If you were not paying attention you did not see what happened, but read Jackie's post. Before you judge me or anyone that defended me please at least read the *entire* thread. The fact that you didn't know what Chick was doing at the time shows that you didn't even take the time to read above, and, well, if you didn't read above, and just read Jackie's post, please don't insult me or anyone that stood up for me. I have good standing with many admins and members* for a reason, and that's why they stood up for me. Please read before you post. Thanks.


    EDIT:*and regulars


    As soon as you join, you spam chat with that and I said enough is enough and I banned you for an hour.


    The whole situation got WAY out of hand. No one bothers to read rules anymore or anything. Tirtul was in the right place to do what he did to make room for a paying member. The ban shouldn't have happened at all, but it did because, again, it got WAY out of hand and I had to, like a Counter-Terrorist, defuse the situation.


    For the reasons you gave, you know what, it's fine that you kicked me - Chick's a paying member and I'm not. That's 100% fine with me, but I did not know that that was the reason I was just kicked - the same situation has happened in the past, and I've never seen someone kicked for a member. It just made me angry, the way you did it - just a kick for "member reservation" then I have to figure out what happened by other friends in game.


    I never had a problem with Tirtul, his comment just came in at a bad time. It did get out of hand, but I was mainly just trying to find out WHY I was kicked more than anything. I also wasn't trying to spam, just a lot happens in chat in the server, and I wanted to get my message across so someone could tell me why or something, I'm not really the spamming kind of guy......lol.....It just seemed like the ban was overdoing it - I didn't think I had done anything "ban worthy"


    I think most of it happened when I was banned - I was talking (again, maybe I got too hostile or whatever) with Chick to figure out why I was kicked in the first place, and BAM! Banned, and of course it didn't have a time limit, and since I like this server a lot, I really got angry, because I didn't even know why - it seemed to me like a dodge "I'm wrong and I don't want to admit it" type of thing, and when everyone else heard, well, all hell broke loose, I'm assuming. It's just neither the kick nor the ban had much of any explanation to them, and that would've really helped. As I already told Chick, if she (or anyone else) had simply ASKED for the slot, I probably would've given it up. It's just the way in which it was handled seemed a lot like "Oh, just kick him so I can play, who cares" and then Tirtul's comment on top of it.....


    All in all, it just got blown way out of proportion and will probably blow over by tomorrow, but it just made me angry in the way I was kicked/banned with no real reason (or time limit).




    I was banned by Jackie for an hour- Reason: "You must have something better to do with your time", and as I look now, I see he's deleted the reason, well done, that was quick.

    What? Are you saying that I edited the reason on the SourceBans site? If so, the reason you were banned was "Player got kicked to make room for a paying member. Player keeps complaining about how his spot was taken and spamming it on the server." That's what I put from the ban page and I didn't edit any reason, so I don't know where you got that from. I consider every issue regarding a ban a serious one and I don't try to hide anything. Everything is out in the open for discussion and that's how GC operates.

    I know, and I've been here long enough to know, that, c'mon Jackie! I probably saw that from the quotes at the bottom, but it was a few minutes after I was banned, and I could've sworn I saw it there, but if you say it wasn't I'll believe you over me any day of the week haha.....I must've been seeing red lol...

  16. So most of you were there, but to recap:


    I had been trying to join the server for about five to ten minutes, and finally got in on the Infected side. About two minutes later, I was kicked because of "member reservation" with an open spectator slot for members to join. Naturally, as I had never seen this before, I tried to see who had kicked me and why. I had multiple friends in game, as well as my two brothers, who were all playing - the Survivor round just started, not a lot of time for talking, you know, lol. So I heard Tirtul{sorry again} say during one of my brief visits: (something like)"Just forget about the whole matt thing, its over" into chat, which angered me greatly - I'm so low you just kick me and forget about me? Really? So then I heard from someone in game that Chick had stolen my spot from spectator by having me kicked, and got all mad about it (Chick, having already been mad at me for multiple things in the past (see my status updates for one)). Anyway, I digress, and when I finally got in (as a dead survivor;I think Kira joined spectator so I could join - if so, thanks), I asked her why she kicked me, and isn't that what the spectator slots are for? At this point, yes I was tinkled off, but I don't think I was being hostile - perhaps I was wrong, but again, I digress. She told me over voice chat that she had been waiting forever and that "I pay and you don't so too bad", and before I could argue my case, I was banned by Jackie for an hour- Reason: "You must have something better to do with your time", and as I look now, I see he's deleted the reason, well done, that was quick.


    Now I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that if this happened to anyone else, they'd be as tinkled off as I am. I'm pretty sure I'm at least considered a regular, I played on and off on different computers from June through July, and I got my own in August, and have reached rank 57 since - you look up the hours I've played. I've always followed the rules to the letter (meh, one or maybe two times not too strictly), I always am in the back helping the new people out, and I NEVER leave a teammate behind. I've always liked this server more than any of the others, and was contemplating joining at the end of the month - but if this is what I can expect for me to become, screw it, I'd rather not be a member.


    Anyways, so why was Chick deemed better than me - I had to join and rejoin and rejoin for ten minutes while she could sit there and join from spectator - a lot easier. Why should I be punished and kicked for her not paying attention? And why was I just banned again with no explanation? No nothing, just banned - later found out for an hour - for "You must have something better to do with your time"? Really?

  17. I was in the server, I know what happened. Paraoxysm(I think, but a regular) likes to sometimes walk about 15 feet out of the saferoom and wait for the team, so the infected players can't prepare a coordinated attack. Ted vote kicked Para earlier last week (I was present then as well, and voted no) so he had apparently 'had enough'. So basically, Ted tried to kick Para, had the vote vetoed by Cake(for good reason) and, well, it escalated pretty fast. In like a minute they were arguing like little children while there was just four of us in the back(me, ted, para, and an afk-turned louis that I had waited for - they both came back for me), arguing the entire time, cussing and all. Para was cussing at Ted, Ted was cussing at Cake and Para. I was trying to calm them and trying to get Cake to switch one of them teams, but when Ted said what he said, and then said he was going to leave anyways, he made it a pretty easy for Cake. I 98% support Cake, she did the right thing. The only thing I would've done kicked both of them, sooner. lol But yeah, legit kick from Cake.


    And Ted, you both were acting like children, spamming curses and such into your mics. It's really a wonder we heard anything at all.

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