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Posts posted by tonerrrr

  1. You're giving yourself an uphill battle if you don't change your diet first. Diet should be the very first thing you change. Eat mainly complex carbs, protein and fiber. Keep sugars to a minimum and definitely no soda.


    I got to 190 and now I'm around 174 with little exercise but strict diet change. Even that little of a change makes a big difference. My goal is to get to around 165 but I've been slacking.

  2. I play the back b/c it's more fun that way. I also like sniping all the hunters picking on people incapped or just trying to go for me, they must get mad.


    Better players must play the back. It is inevitable that they will get more points since the back is attacked more. As far as "farming" points goes... Like I said, I like the challenge and it's more fun, I could care less about points. When people tell me to get moving I do so.


    I've also been told to start moving after not physically being able to do anything for over a minute: constant charger animation, smoke, charge, smoke... literally not able to shoot once. This especially happens if you're stuck in reload when the infected keep stopping your reload. Can't shoot the smoker after getting charged if you're reloading, etc.


    The best thing to do in that situation is to just go to the back and help/yell at the people (in a nice way of course). A team looking out for eachother cannot be killed in one spot (even if 1 tank pops up). This is why a lot of finales are boring in a sense.


    A lot of times on this server people get way too mad about something they may not know about. For instance: If 1 guy is in the back walking around a room, it's very possible he's dancing with a charger rather than just sitting around. Keep this all in mind.

  3. As for this...

    What are the requirements to become an admin?

    You should probably look here. But I'll quote it for you anyways:

    REQUIRES: member for at least 30 days, successful application.

    Anyone can ask any admin or board member for an application whenever they like.


    Well seeing as how Tsunami is an admin along with The Dude, I see no reason why I shouldn't be an admin at this point. :supasmsm0:




    -__- seriously ?



  4. As for this...

    What are the requirements to become an admin?

    You should probably look here. But I'll quote it for you anyways:

    REQUIRES: member for at least 30 days, successful application.

    Anyone can ask any admin or board member for an application whenever they like.


    Well seeing as how Tsunami is an admin along with The Dude, I see no reason why I shouldn't be an admin at this point. :supasmsm0:

    • Like 1
  5. Looks solid to me. WP. Responsive skin. Commenting off, admin hidden, so good for security.


    As for protecting the images are there any watermarking plugins for WP? I'd look at that. Killing right-click save as only does so much...


    Thumbs up.




    ^like he said, killing right click isn't really doing much, you can do a batch operation on all the photos in PS and slap a watermark on there if you really want to be safe but then you have the problem of not making the watermark too noticeable/not making it easy to just Photoshop out of the picture.


    Don't forget, the noobs will think they're clever and screen shot the actual screen, or if they were knowledgeable, they would just "save the webpage", check their cache, or view the source. Try it for yourself, at least in chrome, hit "ctrl+s" to save the page. Just leave it as the default "webpage complete" or whatever it says, then view the webpage folder in where you saved it. All resources (images) neatly kept in one folder.


    http://www.tjmpix.com/wp-login.php I'm not sure what you mean by having admin hidden, you mean like a login link? If someone didn't just know the default directory or PHP file then how would they know what to do with the login page anyway?


    All in all I think the site looks great. I would work on the pre-load function of the surrounding pictures and trigger the fade like mentioned previously. May be cool to bring up a thumbnail view as well. Great Job!

  6. Why not admin the new players. Admins should just put them in spec and talk to them there. If they immediately use "!jointeam" then they are just trolling, if not then they don't know what's going on and are just playing the game.


    Admins can use warnings with reasons etc. Admins can do more than tell people to stop cursing / ban / kick people. You can also just unwarn someone after they start paying attention.

  7. Just hop in and listen to what everyone says. I wouldn't try "admining" at first until you get a handle on the game *cough Tsunami *cough... JK! There's always a lot going on. When you are survivor you need to be alert 100% of the time, infected, not so much, just need to know what special infected to be, or what not to be, at what time. If someone says "get off the charger", click your middle mouse button (or zoom) until you're off of the charger ha.


    People will use nicknames for things like "incap" even. Do you know what an "incap" is? It means a survivor is on the ground and they need to get picked up or bought up since they are incapacitated. This is a reeeeally simple example but if there are things people say and you don't understand, just ask.


    The good news is people are SUPPOSED to help you on the server. Since it looks like you speak English, just joining in shouldn't be a big deal.



  8. Why not admin the new players. Admins should just put them in spec and talk to them there. If they immediately use "!jointeam" then they are just trolling, if not then they don't know what's going on and are just playing the game.


    Admins can use warnings with reasons etc. Admins can do more than tell people to stop cursing / ban / kick people. You can also just unwarn someone after they start paying attention.

  9. any good deals on tv's (<55') out there?


    If you are serious about a good T.V. Deal hit me up! I know ALL the BLACK FRIDAY deals! Trust me if you got a price point (be serious) and a size you want hit me up


    I can get flip flops for a good price anytime I want at Walmart.

  10. If I would of pretended to be a girl this entire time I would of been admin already

    I thought I was going to come in here and bow....I'm feeling like its kinda sexist lately with who's becoming admins..... :blush:


    just sayin :/


    amazing how sexism still exists in this century. Look at the demographics of our admins, we get a second woman and suddenly you freak out. Chill man. Not cool at all..


    I think this is what they were implying though SK is a woman so I don't know why he would bring that up...:

    What are the requirements to become an admin? I've no problem with Tsunami (she's great!) but is there a certain amount of hours you have to put in or something? How long was she a member before becoming an admin?



  11. No one likes me anymore and all the new bloods don't even know who I am.


    I'm mr. sad guy.


    Quit yer whining, the babes don't like it!

    The babes don't like me anyway.


    But perhaps we have a clue why :P



    I'll be your babe ;)



    ............................2 guys



    1 cup.



    < FL here.


    In all seriousness if you're up there hang tight, the storm will pass and hopefully the only "suffering" you endure is power outages.

  13. This all reminds me of this one time we tried to put together a tourney... would be fun to try that again. Thoughts?


    We should just find out how many people would be down, say 30 people hypothetically. Then you choose 3 captains. Then they each go through rounds choosing the rest of their team. Kickball style. Have people from the 3rd team be ready to play as alternates and vice versa.

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