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Posts posted by JackieChan

  1. The campaigns that aren't in the rotation aren't in there for a good reason.  Swamp is also NOT coming back.  It can be changed to it manually for all I care, but it's never coming back in the rotation.  I've given that campaign way too many tries and every time it's just server drāno. 

  2. In a lot of cases, this is the most fair execution of our philosophy on the server.  No one likes a rusher.  Infected love them, but the whole "one bad apple" idiom?  Apples here (insert Dixie groan here).


    Teleporting a rusher back and kicking them not only rids the server of a potential griefer (I say potential because they could just be oblivious to where their team is, pass a point of no return and cannot rejoin their team), but undoes the possible damage they could have done for their team.  I created a command for admins to use that allows them to teleport a rusher back to where they're aiming and immediately kick the player from the server so the bot is back with the rest of the team.  I hope it will alleviate some of the fumbling around they have to do by having to quickly type in 2 commands, account for typos and get back in the game in a timely manner.

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  3. It's probably not going to be nerfed in that way you guys might be thinking.  I was just thinking it was wasn't going to be possible to suicide if the Infected player is within kissing range of a Survivor.

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  4. I'm hoping to add some stuff to the buy plugin after the holidays.  This will be on the list.  I think I'll make it so you can only suicide if you're a certain distance away from Survivors.

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  5. 17 ;) (and counting)

    It's 18 actually. Carlos is currently dominating everyone else too.


    I think it'll be better if it were survivor only. Adds intensity he can buy up and have more of a chance rather than infected which he dies even faster as. "DammitCarlos: Wish I died as fast as peanut"

    The counter "system" I have going is counting them separately.
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