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Posts posted by Fenix

  1. Was there a server wipe today? I just logged on after my first hard night's work on Rust...and lo and behold my house is gone along with all my crates of stuff...yet my equipment I had on last night was still on me. SO i'm not sure if this was a wipe or a glitch/update. Could we get some clarification? I know some updates have been happening with this server, but could we at least get warning in case our stuff gets wiped so we can save what we can?

  2. Done yet? I just bought Rust because I was bored...but the server info says it's offline.

  3. I've asked and asked and asked for fireproof hordes to be purchased for a greater cost than normal hordes and it seems Jackie is against it, even though he hasn't actually stated it.

    • Like 1
  4. http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?ownerId=68738317&searchRadius=0&listingId=363057395


    This is my car I'm selling. So far I've had 3 people look at it and even after a low-ball offer, and my "maybe" response, they've still backed out. So even if you guys are in another state than me (AZ), I wanna see if any of you know anyone in my area that may be interested. I've lowered the price considerably since I posted this on autotrader. Original price was $8800. I just need to sell this car soon. I can't afford to keep it any longer.

  5. So....I'm selling my BMW. It's sad to say, but since I'm still making payments on it, I can't really afford to keep it with the crappy job I have right now (Geek Squad). This job was meant to be a temp job while I was searching for something involving my degree or experience in the Navy, but so far no luck. Here's a link to the autotrader page so you can get a good look at what I have:


  6. I can tell is that all I would see next on the forums is that Tanks don't appear as often anymore and that Survivors have it too easy, then to nerf the Survivors, then to nerf the Infected, etc. etc etc.



    Remember that thread we had about having too many tanks? I think one circumstance was that there were 14 tank-spawn kills in a round for just 1 team. I don't think we'll run into that problem any time soon if you nerf hunter points.

  7. Thing is though is that its exactly what people are complaining about. I doubt that reducing the amount of points one gets as a Hunter is going to stop people from playing them any less than they are now. I know that it wouldn't stop me at all and probably all of the good Hunter players either.


    Then why not do it and see what happens, rather than saying it won't make a difference? If you truly believe reducing the points hunters get will not change how often people play hunters, then just tone down their points and be done with it. Why bother arguing the fact that people play hunters because they earn high points for their skill...when you just said that it wouldn't make a difference if the points were reduced for hunters?

  8. These arguments about the hunter is completely lackluster into what the actual problems are. These same arguments can be use for all other classes. Off the top of my head, I can say there are too many people playing chargers in The Sacrifice campaign. Too many spitters in EVERY map of No Mercy. Too many chargers in EVERY map of The Parish...too many spitters in the finale of Dead Center. Is just what works best and who it works best for. Reducing the points from hunter pounce won't reduce the number of players spawning them AT ALL. Hell, it might have the opposite effect since we will have to pounce even more to get what we normally do.


    Hunter class is a one hit wonder...if it misses its pounce, it WILL DIE INSTANTLY without interrupting or hurting the survivors at all. At least the jockey has (noticeably) faster recovery time from shove, higher hp and smaller hitbox than the hunter. Other classes will provide safer interruptions.


    Again I will repeat myself, hunters are not the easiest point farming class. Imagine how often and how many times survivors get boom with the most guarantee chances. Just being near a small group will cover 1 - 3 people. And you die instantly without waiting like a hunter, positioning, waiting for the right requirements and wasting potential time. You guys are severely underestimating what other classes do, how often they are spawn than the hunter and how much points they bring.



    Well Jerky I was in the middle of writing a rant but I will just go with what you said, seems to have worked a lot better than what I would have said.


    I am only human, and so are the other hunters, we can and will miss, we will not always land our pounces and if we miss, we have a hard time retreating because we are so loud and lets face it, the hunter has the 3rd least amount of health and there are 10 guns that can be blazing at him while he runs.



    Reducing the points from hunter pounce won't reduce the number of players spawning them AT ALL.


    Amen brother, you can say that again and I think I will

    Reducing the points from hunter pounce won't reduce the number of players spawning them AT ALL.


    I don't play the hunter specifically for points, and if you notice, I chose some of the hardest pounces to pull off.

    Joker said one time in game: "clony gets the best pounces" "but not always the most efficient ones" or something along that line.


    I enjoy playing as the hunter because of the level of difficulty it is to play him, especially the way I play with him. It is so satisfying when I land a pounce from a distance so high, that I can't even see the ground. I love trying to hit survivors. I love trying to calculate where they are going and slam on them while they are in motion, to me it is the most satisfying experience in this game. I am not out to just get straight up pounces and anyone who is on my team will notice that I go to excess sometimes to get my pounces when I could have easily stopped climbing 10 seconds ago.


    Edit: Lets face it. I am from L4D1 where there was only the boomer smoker and hunter, and the occasional tank. Out of the four, the hunter was the most fun to play as, and also the most fun to kill. And so I chose him, and in L4D2, I still choose him, because I am from L4D1 and that will never change which class I like the most.



    This still doesn't change the fact that hunters still get the most points than any other class, no matter what map (minus swamp fever). That's the whole point of this topic. Hunters are used too much to get tank points. It's been repetitive lately according to Turbo.


    What about a reward for people who switch up between infected, and a penalty for using the same one over and over (for example every time you spawn in as a hunter, the max pounce points attainable drop by two?)


    Counter resets when buying a tank.


    I'm just throwing stuff out there


    Not saying this is a bad idea, but this would have to apply to all classes not just one.

    If someone only plays charger and gets 5 "charged another survivor" he would get 1 for each, but if you use him again would it be .8 for "charged another survivor" next time? Then .6?

    Same with the boomer? Instead of 2 for each survivor, you get 1.5 for the second time you use? Then 1?

    It just seems a little too harsh. Some situations call for certain specials and if players are maxed on that certain special for that situation, you are possibly forced to play the class you just died as and earn less points.


    Edit: If the counter resets on Tank buy, then think about this. Sometimes, you can play a lot of infected more than once yet still not have a tank. Another point, would this be applied even if the infected didn't get any points in his life?




    I disagree. Spitters barely get any points (maybe 3-5) if you spit on 1 downed survivor. That multiplies when multiple guys are down in the same area, but almost impossible to get as many points as a huntard can (sorry my WoW days bring me back to that nick-name). The only positive use for chargers is during times when they are used in conjunction with spitters or during a kharma charge, but they also get an extremely low amount of points.


    The most points a boomer can get from bile is 20 pts if they bile the ENTIRE team which is extremely rare except for the beginning of certain maps.


    The point is that hunters can easily rack up points more than any other class out there, and it doesn't even take much to do it. Your skills as a Hunter Murderin aren't what we are talking about. But the problem is more evident when you're playing too...or when you have a small group of players who only use hunters.


    So I would say reduce the points a hunter can get from pounces. This might cause a slight imbalace between infected and survivors though. I know Jackie has been working on making it harder for survivors to win, but with a lower point income for infected due to a decrease in hunter points, that could make things worse for infected. So I also agree that points for other classes should be slightly increased.


    The classes that may need an increase (by precedence) are:




    Jockey (maybe)


    Boomers I think are just right, but sometimes just getting 2 points or nothing (from being instakilled) can be a bit aggrivating. Is there a way boomers could get like .1 points for every infected that damages a survivor due to your bile? I know the game keeps track of damage a boomer causes due to bile, so I was wondering if that could be considered when using bile on less than 4 people. If you boom 4 or more, then all you get are the points you earned from biling them (8 pts).


    This is just a suggestion, I'm sure others may agree or disagree, but I definitely think no matter what, hunters need to be "nerfed".




    I understand you guys are having problems with the vote kick. I have a suggestion that may/may not be possible. You guys should allow vote kick to the paid members only, therefore hackers, ragers, etc. can be kicked (and only for say, a couple hours). And, trusted players are the only ones vote kicking. I rarely play on the l4d2 server, but I would love to see this implemented in the cs go server (I'm sure it would work in the l4d2 server as well.) Not sure if there is a plugin or something that would make this possible, though


    This was the way it was before it was removed. votekick was always a member-only tool.


    Then why isn't it like that anymore :C



    I mean, did you even read Peanut's post?




  11. I understand you guys are having problems with the vote kick. I have a suggestion that may/may not be possible. You guys should allow vote kick to the paid members only, therefore hackers, ragers, etc. can be kicked (and only for say, a couple hours). And, trusted players are the only ones vote kicking. I rarely play on the l4d2 server, but I would love to see this implemented in the cs go server (I'm sure it would work in the l4d2 server as well.) Not sure if there is a plugin or something that would make this possible, though


    This was the way it was before it was removed. votekick was always a member-only tool.

  12. I haven't really left, but I stopped playing because certain things were allowed even when some board members disagreed, and then certain things were frowned upon, like using votekick.


    I'll say this, and I've said it in the past. When I first started playing on this server, it was only after I played the campaign mode for a while. But when I joined, there were certain unwritten and written rules about this server and other servers that made it so that you could get kicked if you were breaking those rules. I always learned the hard way. I was kicked for holding a spitter, I was kicked for rushing, I was even banned a couple times over the course of about 2 years. The first time I was kicked I thought I was banned. This lead me to the website and this Forum to try and get unbanned because I enjoyed playing on this server and I felt what I did was a simple mistake. But without being kicked, I would have not learned as quickly...thus making the game more difficult for other players on my team.


    I want to know the real reason why votekick was created in the first place...and then why it was removed. I thought it was supposed to be a tool for members only to kick the ones not playing with the team or breaking rules when an admin wasn't around. But having to find an admin on steam just to get someone removed because we weren't allowed to votekick made it that much more difficult on the rest of the team as one or two of us would have to temporarily leave the game/go afk to contact an admin, and 10 minutes later the person finally gets banned, or leaves before it happens.


    I agree with Vlad that times have changed and this server is always full of players who don't listen, or don't even speak our language and refuse to help or play with the team.


    Lately, when I log on, this is what I see happening:

    I see the server is nearly full with members.

    I join and play a game.

    After a bit a couple members leave and new players join that are unfamiliar with the server.

    Those new players make it difficult for the entire team and other members begin to leave that team because we cant vote-kick.

    Soon you have a team that has mostly members, and another team with only a couple members.

    A scramble is requested, and it either gets denied or after the scramble, the members who get put on the losing team leave the game.

    Sometimes those members will rejoin and get back on their old team.

    Because of this, more members leave and chaos ensues when more non-members and new players join the server.

    • Like 2
  13. This point imbalance has been made obvious since a few players on this server made invisible wall pouncing popular. I don't even use that technique and I can still rack up a good 12 points per pounce if they are outside. Maybe this will sway those hunters that only choose that class to maybe pitch in and choose other classes where certain situations call for it.

  14. To be honest I probably would have killed you too if you were holding spitters, but then again while I'm doing that, I'm holding chargers up as well...


    So in all reality...don't hold spitters and you wont cause others to rage at you.


    I have even been yelled at for holding a spitter after I spit (for like 5 seconds) because I was waiting for the incap to occur to drop down on my target and die on him....that's how crazy people are when it comes to spitters.

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