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About cannabisking916

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    united states
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  1. No i did not use the "N BOMB" I said 2 times MAYBE 3 I might have used a word similar to that but not even a black person would be offened by it i have black "friends" and they dont mind, and you guys are fakes and straight lieing because i did not say "nikker" thats a whole different thing ill be mad at myself for saying such things unless im joking around and that word is nothing to joke with and ill be honest here because im a man i said "nikka" not even the real word and its not spelled right so techinally i said nothing...I refer to my black friends as "nikkas" some times and they really dont care cause they say it right back..and "drug references are a no no".. honestly who cares??? what are you kids?? im not harming nobody so it shouldnt even matter or even be a "rule" but yea i guess ill change it and change my to ogking916 on forum, unban me so i can start enjoying the server again thanks. Im not harming anybody, people do way worser stuff but no you give me a fat ban which i think is permant but i have no idea Why do you guys take this so serious??? Why cant we do this on a server? what the f### happend to freedom?! WERE IN AMERICA DAM IT AND I DEMAND FREEDOM THANK YOU. And request to stop?? I didnt recieve a request to stop LET ME KNOW NEXT TIME THANK YOU BEFORE JUST BANNING ME. AND APLOGIZE ARE YOU SERIOUS?? THIS IS A GAME where im suppose to enjoy myself i feel like im at the prinicipals office trying to prove myself rite. Its like you guys ban people for anything i did NOT recieve a warning you just said BYE-BYE like your cool because you have the ability to ban me. this is why i stay on my PS3 to stay away from BS like this. Trust me If i felt like i didnt deserve this ban, i would not be on here wasting my time on some game. I dont really play this game and when i do its this server which is why im really here and of course i shouldnt be here in the first place. Where im from your known as haters.. a haters job is to hate so i let them do their job Please tell the exact reason why i cant curse?... Put yourself in my shoes and look at it from my perpective for a second....It was minor words its not like i was offending anybody you guys are defintly over exaggerating
  2. Hi my in-game name is cannabisking916 ... I really have no idea why i was banned just because someone said so? i was just chatting with other players and they kept saying "cannabis kid" i really didnt care and just put it off the side... and we had a joke or two but i dont think i deserve a ban. I feel like i was banned just because u wanted me banned because u have the ability to ban me, it just doesnt seem fair and i dont think i deserve this ban, GC is literally the only server i go to i wait till it has a slot just so i can play on it because i refuse to play any other server..
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