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Posts posted by Codrut

  1. when i tell someone i am disapoint (in the game we failed very bad the plan). Me, i dont find it an insult. It seen like others do. When we lose very bad, i am telling my team we can do it. Always. How should a call when we fail? I was disapointed. If someone is disapointed at me, i will not react. Maybe he have a reason. I will not feel insulted. Not even a little.

  2. I am getting a lot of comments lately that i make bad comment. Is either cause i ask a player why he change in the last sec and screw up the whole plan or that i say that i am dissapointed (is a personal fealing. I can no longer express it?).


    Any way, I want a list for what you people find "bad comment". Is cleary that we have different point of view

  3. Before joining server.






    1. Chose the good team if you are new.




    1. Ak is the best gun in the game (8 points). You need a laser after you buy that ak (3 points) (for bind is: B 1 3 3 1)


    2.If your a fast aimer, buy the sniper (also 8 points). Laser is not an option, you have to buy it.


    3.It sound stupid, but aim for the head. (about 4 players do it in the server).


    4.Stay in front of middle if you're bad. The back is for the "pros". You will get there.


    5.Heal others and you receive 4 points.


    6.Type !buy to open buy menu. You will have all things there binded. (For heal if i remember well is B 5 1)


    7.If you press B, you can see your points number.


    8. !np number is to ask points. Ex: !np 8. You asked 8 points


    9. !sp name number to send points. !sp Codrut 9. You send me 9 points.


    10.You dont have to write all name. Ex: !sp cod 9. You send me 9 points


    11.Pick the SMG, not the shotgun.





    1.Boomer : Fat, slow with no hp. Walk and press "R" and click to rocket jump. Each boom is +2 points and if you boom 20 persons (40 points) you get an archivement +5


    2.Charger : Only if you can death charge (push him out of the building) or in colaboration with a spitter.


    3 Spitter : (my favorite) Spit on an incap. Work with a charger/smoker/hunter.


    4. Smoker : Set up with chargers for death charges.


    5. Hunter : Jump out from building and if you hit DIRECTLY a person, you get more points, depending on the high.


    6. Jockey : Pick a guy alone and pull him away. If you ride him for 10 secs (i know how it sound :P) you get archivement and +5. Depending on the time you ride him, you get points.



    When you finish playing. (In order)


    1.Open chat and say bye all, Codrut is the best.


    2. Disconnect from the server with a weird scream and your mic open.


    3. Jump 3 times .


    4.Scream Codrut for 30 secs.


    5. Stay on your head for 30 secs


    6. Close the game.


    7. Enjoy your life.


    8. The camouflaged face on your window is me....

  4. Played l4d2 last night... Crazy weird game. Took me 30 min to understand the idea of what I have to do.

    Buying system and info commands look easy to use, though I had a problem typing them every so often when so much stuff is going on around.

    People on the server seemed friendly, especially Chick, healing and reviving! Thanks.


    bind your buy menu on b (like counter strike if you already played) Everything else will be easier

  5. Thanks! Can anyone confirm if I've been granted GC member status yet?



    I saw you earlier getting kicked. I dont think you gave the good ip,

  6. Hehe. My 1st time was awesome. Like a pro player i played the campaings on xbox (expect l4d 1 maps >_>, but this come more lately), when i join (jackie was still playing) everyone told me nice the point system and we all had fun. Then i wake up.

  7. Wow thank you all! Very informative. Alright, single player goes first, then I'll jump Onto server and kill everything that moves. Sounds easy....

    In reality: "well single player was easy, let's try multiPlayer..." 10 mIn. Later: WTH!!! Help!!! Where did everyone go?!! Is that a friend? Hey I'm here help! :Roar: dead_____



    just come in my team and you will survive forever!

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