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Posts posted by GummyBear

  1. I have to say some glitches are funnier than other. 
    For example the campaign no mercy.

    Sometimes the charger charges from the top and you land right on the edge of near death. 

    And then he pummels you and you fall straight to your death. 

    I wish I had a video of this to show you all pretty funny.

  2. panda_zps0408e24e.jpg

    We spoke about me uploading a picture of Panda. 

    She is really cute and does not let me sleep at night. 

    Thus she is a bit whiny. She is very cute though and I could not think of what to call her. I thought first oreo then, cow then none of those fit. Cow was because of course a cow is that color and she eats a lot. She has like eight stomachs she eats a lot. Oreo because even though on the outside she is dirty she is so sweet to us. 

    But then I thought as we were talking in the chat the other day. Panda because panda was in there talking to everyone. needless to say thank you panda we finally came to the decision of naming our dog after you. 

    • Like 3
  3. Ok clearly the headline says POST MUCH.

    Not gummy needs to be a fan of Clint Eastwood but to be honest. 

    he looks to be a pretty good actor. Keep them coming I find it humorous. 

  4. I have a weird one for you guys that I have noticed. 1st say crash course there is a fire trashcan there and you stand on it you lose HP. Then say you start the round and do not get hit for 3 min you still get untouchable with that fire damage taken. 2nd say someone joins mid game. I have noticed that when you get hit , it says you know not able to get that achievement any more. How does it work do you have to wait 3 min or do you not get it, or does it count on the round time?

  5. if you look at the video it shows all the players all but one on my screen and none of them had the mic signal over them i did a !teams and saw that kent was the only one left. and when the campaing switched i told the other player he was the one screaming as he was being votekicked he started yelling again and everyone was happy when he was gone look at the logs on the picture i sent you will see me saying see i told you it was kent. Thank you elite gandalf for the kick. He is a witness. 

  6. To whom it may concern. 

    # 2044 5 "Kent" STEAM_1:1:68660906 45:44 233 0 active 30000
    Reason spamming this was terrible. 
    This is the link to the offender 
    and here is the picture that shows that it is him. 
    And we have players the player that votekicked him as a witness as well. 
  7. Hey peanut can we have a lineup of maps please so we start on say No Mercy. 

    And then a line up I know it is this Saturday but what time is 8:00 EST on PST time?

    Let me know.


                                           Sincerely Gummy. 

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