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Everything posted by popekingsley

  1. I was the last one alive on the bridge finale, and the tank and other infected decided to have some fun with me instead of killing me outright. By this point it was literally impossible for me to make any further progress as the last survivor alive with a tank body blocking the bus i had to cross. So I defended myself into a corner as long as I could, then jumped off. Everyone seemed to have fun with it (I saw several "RIP's" and "honorable death" in chat). Nobody said anything negative about the actions and seemed to think the whole thing was a bit of fun. Shortly after the teams swapped and about 1 minute later I was banned with the generic "read the rules on the web page" message. No warnings, no explanation. Taking the 'honorable way out' seemed appropiate given the situation, and I have seen admins condone similar actions on several occasions (I even had an admin clarify to me years ago that such behavior was understandable in these situations and not punishable). So have the rules changed again? Why was I banned?
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