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Posts posted by Bunny

  1. Yea I definitely realize people believe different things and I am much more open to a god that represents what I represent (Love, equality, compassion). I just don't see that representation of god very often outside of my personal connections (which I deliberately made because of their understanding).


    With the fuss about god in schools one thing comes to mind which is the flying spaghetti monster. FSM is a religion claimed by most atheists to highlight why god cannot be in schools- because there are many different religions and you cannot pick and choose which ones to teach. So now my thought is that if there are so many different types of gods, and different profits, different rules.. how does one choose between them? And when you get people like westboro baptist church who use god's word to promote hatred how are we suppose to tell them they are wrong?


    this is all just a messed up system I do not understand at all, but I think I am talking about something different anyway


    Like previously mentioned, every church/preacher/whatever are probably going to believe different things. One Christian church may call themselves Christians, while other Christian churches might say "they aren't Christian!" There are a lot of things in Christianity that are open to interpretation, and there's a lot of things that religious people kind of...set aside and don't worry about too much because we don't like to feel caged. These days, we're more likely to do what we feel is the right thing to do, the moral thing to do, rather than worry about what and how we're sinning. I sin on a daily basis, but my intention isn't to go against God, my intention is to live and appreciate the beauty of life even if it was created through a series of chain reactions or a supernatural being. I'm an Agnostic Theist. I'm not concerned about how the Earth was created because it's something that I will never know in my lifetime. I believe that there is a God, and everything else is open to interpretation. I wasn't always a Agnostic Theist, and it took a while from me to transition from Christianity to such, but we all choose a religion based on what we find to be the most important beliefs of that religion. Of course a religion can't always have everything that we believe unless we make up our own religion, but for the most part...people choose based on how close that religion is to our viewpoints, or the viewpoints that we find most critical in a religion. Some don't even classify themselves as a religion, which is perfectly fine as well. But that's just from my own observation and with my personal experience. That's part of growing up...you learn a lot about yourself, you change opinions all the time, and we just like to understand things. The more we know, the more we're able to get a better understanding of ourselves, and that includes what we consider to be a true religion or a true belief.

  2. The first question I would like to introduce is "what does it mean to be Christian?" You may talk to hundreds of preachers, and I'm willing to bet that you will not receive the same answers for everything. Christians and Catholics, along with many (if not all) religions are polarized. What I mean by "polarized" is that they all have inconsistent beliefs. There's been studies about this polarization. I read one in particular but can't bring it up at the moment because I forgot where I got the credible source (it's probably with my college database). You and I both know that if you followed the Bible religiously, you'd be doing some pretty messed up things. A.J Jacobs wrote a book about trying to live through the Bible, and he actually did a little presentation on Ted.com if you're interested in that. Although I would say that Atheists are more likely to blame themselves rather than blame someone else, you can't really dismiss the possibility that there are Christians who believe in "free will." I know many Christians who believe that God is simply letting the world unfold and people make their own decisions in life. Of course, there's going to be some Christians who believe that everything said and done is for religious reasons. Of course Atheism is going to offer more morality than religion because with Atheism...you either blame yourself, or you blame other people. It's a 50/50 shot. For religion, you can either blame yourself, blame others, or blame God. You have more options to choose from, so there's a 66-67% opportunity to blame something other than yourself. That's just common sense.


    Everything is open to interpretation. You may certainly say that the only way to reach Heaven is being rich, but others may say that you only need to do good deeds. Not all good deeds need to be done financially. But consider this...if a rich man/woman donates money to charity, does that make him/her a good person? To the people receiving the charity, surely. But to God? If God is all-knowing, I'm sure he'll know which people donate purely because they are a good person rather than trying to impress their God. If you want to help your neighbor move, you help your neighbor move out of the kindness of your heart. But if you help your neighbor move because you're trying to find a way to have sex with her, then I wouldn't consider that a good deed if I were God. I believe getting to Heaven is much more complex than simply because you have the money to do a bunch of poop. As they say, it's not always what you say...but how you say it, or what you do, but how you do it. There are plenty of people who are poor but are the nicest people you will ever meet in your life, so this opinion of yours that you think "God favors the rich" can be true, but it really depends on what they do with the riches...I think.

  3. Proof for you and me may differ greatly. I have experienced my God on many occasions in different ways but my experience may be convincing only to myself.


    I agree with this as far as what you expect in other people...which is great because it's good to be realistic. When you experience God, it's a great feeling -- however, someone can experience something that doesn't consist of God, and it would be equally beautiful. If someone has an experience, perhaps a realization of their purpose in life that doesn't consist of fulfillment of any supernatural being, doesn't make them anymore correct than that of a person who had an experience that consisted of the fulfillment of a supernatural being. The point is that...everything is open to interpretation, and that's the beauty of life. No matter which way you look at the creation of life, why we are here, or anything else...no one ever knows for certain. You may know that God exists because you've had personal experience, but someone else may know that God DOESN'T exist from personal experience. The truth is that ANYTHING could have resulted to the mass shooting of those kids and adults -- I'm not going to deny that it could've been for a religious reason, but I also will say that our thought processes and actions are complex (to our knowledge), and there's really no way that we can pinpoint the cause...especially in just a few sentences. If you're gonna tell me that this was for a religious reason, then you need to understand that there are very little truths about religion. I'm glad your confident, but the problem is that everyone else has different opinions and feel confident about them, and there's no way of knowing. These "lies" you are talking about could be very true, and the world needs more than just "well because I've had personal experience" to call it anything religious as fact.

  4. Apples are great computers, but they're expensive. Just because Apple is a popular brand doesn't mean it has no imperfections, or that there are computers that are of better quality. When you buy an Apple, you're mostly paying for the brand name...which is good and all, it's your money so I don't give a poop what you do, but there's better poop out there that's not as expensive. What Starbucks did worked for them, business wise. They've got customers coming in because they keep regular customers and Starbucks is the "in" socially. I know people who only buy coffee at local small businesses, but most people very rarely say "let's go get a coffee" and go to 7-11. Starbucks has seats...and they've got a truckton of shops around the US. It's convenient. Kids in middle school and high school go to Starbucks because it's the cool thing to do, and young and middle-aged people who "can't function properly without coffee in the morning" go to Starbucks because it's along the way to their jobs. I hardly ever see old people at Starbucks because I mean...their idea of convenience is having coffee brewed automatically with a machine at their house. They buy their poop from the grocery store on Wednesday with their senior discount, and couldn't give a truck that it's not from a coffee a shop.


    There's a saying "if you want something done right, you do it yourself." If you don't like how Firestone replaced your tires, you take it somewhere else next time. A company like Starbucks is looking for changes on a wide scale so they can make more profit. If they don't feel it makes enough profit so they can build Starbucks every 2 miles, they won't do it. You miss their last year's Mocha Focha Tocha Vanilla Raspberry Bat Guano sprinkled coffee? Oh well...sucks to be you...guess you gotta settle for their xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx till they decide to bring it back for a month just for poops and giggles...

  5. Your belief in something shouldn't be about what other people believe. If someone still believes that the world is flat, they are certainly entitled to believe in that. If it makes you happy to feel that you can associate yourself as a Nihilist, then be so. If you're not confident in what you believe, then don't classify yourself as anything yet.

  6. The way I see it, I'm all for benefiting the whole. I'd be happy to pay tax dollars to support legal abortions...because I'd rather support legal abortions than backyard abortions. If abortions are made illegal, it's just going to turn into another "war on drugs" kind of thing. There's always going to be abortions, legal or not, and I think that making it illegal is only going to make it worse. People are very intelligent and can find ways to manipulate the system. If given incentive, people could find ways to perform abortions or somehow get rid of a fetus while minimizing risk of getting caught. Then you know what happens? Women go to jail/prison...which means more jails/prisons which means...more tax dollars. Either way, I'm spending my tax dollars on SOMETHING. I'd rather spend my tax dollars on something to PREVENT people from doing rather than tax dollars that doesn't solve as much as we'd like. I mean...honestly...are jails/prisons really as effective as they can be? To some people, it's free meals, shelter, etc. I just don't understand why many anti-abortionists believe that just because a woman is pro-choice, means that she's gonna have an abortion any chance she gets. A woman isn't most likely going to say "nah, I'm not gonna use a condom. Worse case scenario is I get pregnant and I just stab myself in the stomach." Condoms can be super effective...can is the keyword here. My mom has been through an abortion, and she says that it's not an easy experience, and it's not easy to live with. I think living with the fact that you prevented a potential life is punishment enough. Of course, if you have 3+ abortions then I'd start getting really concerned, there's responsibility in sex, but other than that...one...maybe two abortions is understandable.


    With that being said, am I for universal healthcare? Hell yeah. I'd be willing to help someone if someone is willing to help me in return. I don't see the problem.


    I'm sure I'll comment more later, but right now...I need sleep.

  7. People shouldn't be kicked/banned for saying "f" in "f u," they should be kicked/banned for being disrespectful. You shouldn't be kicked/banned for saying "f" because f is just a letter. If someone associates "f" as "truck," then they got a dirty mind and that is entirely their problem.


    F.U doesnt stand for Fun University.


    If the contexts doesnt match with what others are saying/happening around you, then we ALL know what it means. If you dont got time to type them up, dont use acronyms that are commonly associated with bad words, you can say Forget You, but if you use the acronym version people WILL think the most common words because there is no context and its your fault that actually happened.


    For the record, I mentioned that you shouldn't say FU because it's disrespectful. Ultimately, I'm saying that you should never say FU during the game. I'm also saying that because it's disrespectful, it's something that many people can interpret. So I'm not disagreeing with you. But then there's the other possibility of combinations of words that could be debatable...so...




    On that note, I just wanted to throw my two cents...not have people get tinkled off from an opinion. I'll just slowly back away and say...it's a fun and games. No one means any harm, just wanted to share my opinion. That's all. :)

  8. Just to point out Shrek is not a Disney movie. It's a Dreamworks. Disney doesn't have movies w/ swearing (at least none that I have seen and I've seen a lot)


    Not many animated movies do have swearing because they're most likely suitable for all audiences, is that point that I'm trying to make. It doesn't matter if it's Disney, Dreamworks, or whatever.


    Anyway WE are not 5, we are not stupid. WE all know what 85% of the world knows W.T.F. and F.M.L and FUUUUUUUUUU stand for.


    I didn't say...anyone was stupid? Just because I'm challenging a viewpoint doesn't automatically mean that I'm trying to talk down to you. C'mon...being respectful comes from both sides of the argument. I like to debate in forums because I find debates pretty fun...even if I could care less about it. I don't curse on L4D or anything, and that's precisely the point...we aren't 5 year olds. If we can't handle acronyms on a mature video game, then what CAN we handle in our lives?


    Best example I had a teach if you did something and were like oh Fudge he would say no no no, and give you a little talking too, but if you said I like fudge on my ice cream.


    There's also teachers who have sexual relationships with students. Just because one of your teaches has done it, doesn't make it right. C'mon now.



    Stop acting like a warning goes on your permit record and acting like a bunch of kids who just got yelled at for being rowdy when the teacher left the room. Just don't use it, and if you do use it and get warned, okay note to yourself Don't do it again.


    I don't get warned because I don't use it. But just because I don't own a gun doesn't mean I don't think people should have the right to own guns. Just because I challenge something or agree with something someone else says doesn't mean I'm acting like a kid. In your life, there's going to be people who disagree with your viewpoints or rules. That's kind of how America was founded...


    I'm sick of these threads and arguments. And booohooo I can't get away with W.T.F. and F.M.L. and fuuuuu oh I'm going to make a thread and say getting warned is so over the top because as we all know a warning is so permit and so much ruins your fun. Just accept it as an okay this admin didn't see it as you trying to be abusive or breaking the rules but wants to let you know hey please don't say it again.


    You are entitled to your opinion. We have free speech, do we not? It's not like I'm a telemarketer calling your house every 30 minutes and saying "hey! guess what! I hate the color of your house! Here's what you need to change..." I mean...it's a forum. You have no obligation to read the thread, or reply. It can't make you THAT sick if you put all the time and effort into making a response. I've read things I've disagreed with and thought it was a completely stupid argument...like "can you love two people at once?" Instead of lashing out on the members of the forum, I chose to take it out on Minesweeper. In the end, Minesweeper tinkled me off even more and I decided to read a book. C'mon...no one here is stupid. We can have a disagreement and still be able to see other sides of the story...

  9. I wouldn't mind having extra points for team effort. I like to be spitter and spit the survivor as a charger pounds him/her to the ground, but I never get a lot of points for it. I don't think spitters get enough points honestly...I'll be looking at the screen getting xnumber multiplier and I'll check my points and get like...a whopping 3. So team points would encourage me to be more of a team member instead of trying to go rogue. The problem I potentially see is that it will encourage more team stability...but I think it would encourage too many people on the infected to stay together and do things all at once. Then once all the infected get killed, the survivors have like...10 or so seconds to jump around like bunny rabbits, race towards the safehouse, and heal members. If you are gonna add points for teaming up, that amount of time for...say...a spitter to respawn and spit on a survivor after it's been charged...needs to be a good enough amount to where it allows the infected to attack at inconsistent times to keep the element of surprise rather than everyone dying at the same time just to get extra team points. Otherwise, everyone will team up at the same time, die at the same time, and then you're left with a jockey or so out of the bunch trying to get a survivor that's guarded by 5 other survivors with machine guns.

  10. Zero0, you make a valid argument. In fact, I see stuff like this all the time in Disney movies. We're talking movies for ALL AUDIENCES. If anyone's ever watched any animated movies, chances are...you've come across two characters talking, and one of them saying something like "shut the f..." and being interrupted by another character. I want to say that it's happened in Shrek, but I'm not entirely sure.


    Words have no meaning in themselves, which is important to understand. People shouldn't be kicked/banned for saying "f" in "f u," they should be kicked/banned for being disrespectful. You shouldn't be kicked/banned for saying "f" because f is just a letter. If someone associates "f" as "truck," then they got a dirty mind and that is entirely their problem. But if you say "truck," then clearly...it's against the rules of the server, and is entirely appropriate to kick that member. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense to kick/ban the person. Just throwin' my two cents out there.

    • Like 1
  11. This is fun!


    -- I've been playing guitar for a couple years now on and off. I really suck, but one of my dreams is to be able to play Blues.

    -- One of my dreams is to write a book, and I'm actually in the process of brainstorming ideas for it right now. I have a little leather pad that I keep in my pocket wherever I go in case I randomly think of something.

    -- I like *some* romance novels. I've been reading them a lot lately on my Kindle.

    -- My favorite racing game is Nascar 2005 for the original Xbox. I had over 10,000 laps on Talledega.

    -- I'm dating GravityKitty. We've been dating for almost two years now and it's been the best years of my life.


    I'll add more later!

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  12. Personally, I find making fun of another member more immature than cursing. I'm a new member, I don't play very often, of course I'm going to be terrible. If someone says "poop" or something every once in a while, I hardly even notice. But if someone's yelling curse words on the microphone, they need to be banned from VIDEO GAMES...not just the server. There's a certain point where curse words are acceptable...and the bottom line is that the ESRB rates the game as "mature." Some stores, depending on states, can deny your request of purchase of L4D2 if you're under the age of 17 (and sometimes 18). It's not just to prevent the younger audience from buying that kind of content...it's a warning label. It's a "we are not responsible if you see or hear something that you're not supposed to." It's the reason why ESRB doesn't usually rate, if at all, the online gameplay...that's a no brainer. Automatically, anyone who plays the game consents to the warnings of blood, gore, language, etc...so if someone hears someone say "ahhhhhhh truck" when they die after trying too hard, it's not like you don't expect something like that to happen. Of course, everything in moderation...whether it's soundboards, "bad" language (when, keep in mind that words are only GIVEN meaning) etc. Cheating is a no-brainer. I haven't had any problems yet with the admins...but then again...I hardly say anything on voice chat...I do suck though. Really suck.


    This reminds me of collegehumor making fun of the Call of Duty thing where people complained about playing the terrorists on the video game. It's stupid and unnecessary.

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  13. Honestly, I don't even see how it could even be an argument. It's like banning Dick Cheney from politics because of his first name. His name isn't offensive...and why should he be banned from politics just because people think about male genitalia when they see his first name? I mean...Neopets has even allowed me to name a pet MikeHawk and MikeHunt...and that's a family-friendly website. Certainly a server on a mature game wouldn't have an issue with someone with the name "MikeHawk" or "MikeHunt" if Neopets can. To me, there's no question. It's just an innocent name, and anyone who thinks of it differently is choosing to view it as corrupted.

  14. You know what would be cool? I like the point system, and I think that it would be very cool if you could use both. Depending on how many points that you accumulate on the server, in total, you can buy time in the spectator mode. If I've been playing for a while and I've accumulated over 1,000 points total and I wanted to go into spectator mode for an emergency or something, I could take some of that 500 points and go spectator for 5 minutes or something. That way, the people who go on spectator could really earn being in spectator for a period of time, hogging up the server, guaranteeing that you won't get kicked for those 5 minutes, or you could go spectate without buying a spectator slot and risk getting kicked. Make spectator extra VIP to where you gotta earn spectator mode. I'm new to the server and all, not that tech savvy...but I think it's a pretty cool idea.


    If there's only a limited amount of spectator slots that prevent people from coming into the server, then disregard this message and call me Nancy.

  15. When I was a kid, one of my first games was Toe Jam & Earl I think for the Sega Genesis. I played Super Nintendo as well but can't remember the games I enjoyed. Nintendo 64 was where it was at...mostly because I never played by myself. Then I went onto playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on the PC, then Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for the original Xbox, and then onto Battlefield Vietnam for the PC. Now...I don't know what's different...the graphics are amazing these days and all that, but there's not really a game that I'm able to stick to. I'd play the poop out of Medal of Honor any day. poop...Nascar 2005 was the best racing game I've ever played, including Need for Speed Underground 2, but Nascar 2005's servers got shutdown when 2006 came out. I'm planning on getting the new Splinter Cell, but I don't think it'll ever be the same as Pandora Tomorrow or Chaos Theory. Everyone has different opinions, however.

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