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About Yen

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  1. Thanks for replying, My apologies if you or anyone else felt like I was telling you off or disrespecting. I just want to share my insight and experiences as I have played many strategic games; cs (5 years), dota (7 years), mostly competitive and local matches I play. But seeing as it is from L4D2, if the infected are spawning every 30 seconds after dying, the best way to advance from point A to B is to kill 1/2 or 3/4 of the infected, as 1/2 or 1/4 infetected left won't stand a chance or delay the humans if it was 10vs10. But as it's a pub game, so I will try to keep my distances *acceptable* from the team, as most of the team gets dragged into a corner, delaying the advancement even more thus allowing more spawn for the infected. Again, if anyone feels like I have disrespected someone or feels as if I have an attitude, my apologies, it is not my attention to do so. Just want to be unbanned. Thanks, Michael
  2. Hello, Was banned because I didn't want to wait for the noobs dying in a single area; being spitted, charged, and pulled. so I ran further up, and what do you know? Ban hammer. I even helped opening up the garage door so noobs won't have to go around. And to those people who say *you're leaving your team behind*. Strategically, if you are being out cornered in a little room and surrounded by infected, the best way to post-pone and survive death is to relocate into a different area. And that is what I exactly did. Respectfully, if it was 10vs10, and 10 players on one side was pre-made (being humans) and they just kept moving forward without stopping at every door, would that be considered rushing? Is rushing when someone leaves a team behind? What if you rushed as a team, still get banned? Clearly, I did not read any game policy you guys may have but seeing that you can get banned for rushing is a joke. If someone was rushing, an infected can CLEARLY (if they wanted to) killing the rusher. End of story. If any debate about rushing, I would gladly like to debate about it. Anyways, please unbanned me as I look forward playing this game. Thanks, Michael
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