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Posts posted by Leonebluen

  1. So you didn't think going into Iraq was justified after 9/11 and the intelligence from numerous sources (including other countries) that Saddam had WMD?


    Why do you trust an administration that has done nothing but lie to you from day one?


    No, no, I don't.


    First of all, numerous other Middle Eastern countries had stronger ties with Al Qaeda than Iraq. It would've been pretty stupid to target Iraq for 9/11.

    Secondly, half the intel about Saddam's WMDs was made up, and the other half was about as reliable as my great grandmother's opinion.



    Now, to be clear, I'm not here to say Obama's actions in the Middle East have been likeable. My point is that you saying he's started a bunch of wars, and your subsequent defense of President Bush, is absolutely laughable and utterly ridiculous.


    Also, about the US helping Saddam while he was gassing people, here's a source for you: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/08/25/secret_cia_files_prove_america_helped_saddam_as_he_gassed_iran

  2. I think what ZD was getting at is that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize and then went on to do politics as usual. Escalating the Aphghan war, why? We beat them long before Bush was out of office and the place to withdraw troops was there not Iraq, but hey there is a lot of heroin grown there....


    Then he backed the Muslim Bortherhood in egypt and even gave them some of our best fighter jets but they aren't there anymore......


    Now he's backing this nutjob in Syria who is so bad that the russian federation is appalled by his actions! Not normally a big Beck fan due to his over the top emotional pleas lol but this video is poinant https://www.facebook...294976200639003


    I think that's exactly what he meant. I'm just trying to understand what twisted chain of logic equates those events with invading a country under false pretenses?

  3. Maybe we should give every liberal democrat the Nobel Peace Prize before they start a bunch of wars. The same outrage over Iraq is also only reserved for Republican presidents.


    Maybe we should give ZD an award for most tenuous political comparisons. Please, tell me more about how Obama has started a "bunch" of wars under false pretenses - you know, like the war in Iraq.

  4. And if we're outraged over both?


    Not that I want to invade Syria, quite the opposite. In fact, it greatly annoys me that the U.S. constantly ignores large global problems, but it still tries to look like the good globo-cop by meddling in affairs it shouldn't.

  5. So, looking at the standings, Crasx is the favorite. No wonder why he suggested doing this :P


    Psh, hard to call favorites when there's three undefeateds and two who haven't finished any games.


    (And I think I've got crash beat ;))

  6. I wish there was a way to take moves back if your opponent hasn't played yet. Just moved moved my knight to the wrong space on accident.

    That folks, is why you don't play chess late at night.

  7. Tainted made half the survivors do the Talpa challenge


    no one seemed to care too much for the... the infecting of the survivors,


    How would you know if he "made" them do it? You weren't on their team. Maybe no one was upset because they wanted the talpa challenge?


    Be a rule stickler all you want, but the rules are only in place to keep the game fun. Likewise, admins are not here to just enforce rules; they're here to make the game fun. Sometimes that means bending the rules too.

    Perhaps no one else cared about any of the other stuff for a very simple reason: it made the game interesting.

  8. If 4 dead Americans are no big deal to you, and if you are cool with things possibly being covered up to protect incompetence....then I don't know what that says about you


    If you're so unsettled by things being covered up, then I don't know how you function as a 21st century American.


    Moreover, I didn't say four deaths are inconsequential, my point is that the level of indignity expressed in this thread, and the way it's directed, are both absolutely senseless. Americans are desensitized to violence, unless the big bad word "terrorism" is thrown into the conversation.


    Dozens of people can get gunned down, and you won't hear one god damn meaningful word about increasing school safety or improving mental health care on our own soil. No, instead it just becomes a partisan battle about gun rights, and it gets nowhere. But if this happens, then the SoS best resign and be on her way, because obviously her incompetence is the main reason why a foreign embassy wasn't properly protected, right?


    And God forbid we actually care about non-Americans dying, like the hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East who have died in the last decade. There are about ten times this many combat related civilian casualties every single day in the Middle East, and many, many more than that die indirectly. When was the last time you gave those people any meaningful consideration or prayer, and when was the last time you got NEARLY this indignant about the lack of information released about them dying?


    The point here, is that your approach to politics is disgusting, you folks don't seem to give two poops about any HUMAN death that doesn't advance your political interests. Yes, four deaths matter, but those four are only few drops in the sea of blood America is filling to maintain it's hegemonic and economic primacy.



    So, long story short, no I don't think it's particularly significant when the cause of four deaths is temporarily kept from the American public because, face it, until their personal interests are involved, most members of the American public care more about Sunday night football than civilian casualties.

  9. ZD resurrecting a nine month dead thread about four deaths as if this coverup is the worst thing a president has ever done. Move along folks, nothing you want to get involved with here.


    True but just because he's done worse doesn't mean that it's not bad.


    Covering up the death of four people from a public prone to illogical xenophobia and downright racism isn't a big deal, at least not from a distanced perspective. There are many, many far bigger issues in our world to care about, especially this long after the event, and it's pretttyyy stupid to try to act like the security of an embassy is something the white house is directly responsible for. That's just not how the world works. Similarly, I don't blame Bush for not responding to the warning signs regarding the original 9/11 attack, because that's not something the President is responsible for. Sorry to say, but, the pres. is a figurehead who we like to point fingers at for things that they just don't handle. Worry about XOs and how they use their pol. cap, that's what matters.

  10. This Saturday, 11pm eastern, I will simultaneously create 4 withers. That's right, four.


    Everyone is invited to attend and slay the heck out of these bad boys with me. I'm hoping we can get enough people to take them out on our own, but if not, I'll throw down some iron golems to aid our efforts.


    I fully expect people to die, so, there will be beds so everyone can stay in the fight until the end.




    PS - I'm planning on keeping the nether stars for myself, so, don't expect compensation besides the thrill of the fight. I could kill these individually w/ the help of iron golems, I just think it'll be a lot more fun to do it in a group setting.


    I'll see you then people!

  11. Bring up old stuff is uncalled for first off.


    Secondly, just to be clear, I went out of my way to find multi options for the survival & creative desires. Which Biggs added the multi-verse (which i found for us) before the update.


    I have never said just deal with it on /home. I have been very cool with however this poll goes. I think this thread has went from a polite discussion to dreading up the past and creating unneccessary comments, that's why I said it should be closed.


    If we need to make poll only topics from here on out to get rid of this excess b.s. then maybe we should. Cause A lot of us are done with all this drama.


    That's exactly my point? You're just striking me as a fair weather friend to democracy. This time, the vote is going your way, and you're all smiles about democracy. Last time, it didn't go your way, and you just rejected the vote.

    The fact that you're acting so differently depending on whether or not the majority swings your way or not is what's bothering me here.

  12. I did not say that in a rude or derisive manner. I simply stated what happened on that thread. If it didn't happen it would be uncalled for. It did happen. I would've quoted you directly, but that thread was deleted.

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