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Posts posted by Drumyadi

  1. csgo lounge has A LOT of lowballers on it. BUT if you are patient it works out. Ive made hundreds, and i mean hundreds of dollars persuing trades. yeah it might take a long time at moments but a guy like me should have no where near the inventory i do have. Ive probably put 200 in this game and have around 1000 inventory. Work them trades!!!

  2. So who do i have to bug to get some GC swag on our forum? I'd buy AT LEAST a hoodie and a shirt with a sweet GC logo and even like a m4a1 and ak as the cross bones with our skull or some other CS related GC gear. Help me get this post A LOT of attention so maybe we can get some gear together. Thanks!

  3. TItanfall is awesome. Comparing it to CoD with mechs doesn't do it justice. Just read some reviews out there for pc. I love it. The mechs are fun. The free-running is awesome. And theres less camping and hiding because of the free movement.

    Barashin i'll definetly add you on origin.

  4. Have about 11 wins in competitive so far, want a good team of guys(or girls) for some match making. Hard to play competitive with random teams because people don't communicate and/or have a good game plan. If you're down to play just add me on steam and we'll get a good team of guys to rank some wins.

  5. This is either proof of how much people really care about the skins in this game, or that no one takes screenshots lol.


    In my case it's both.


    say whaaaaaat? skins in this game make the world go round. and screenshots are hard to come by that are sweet. i have a couple but gotta make sure my last entry counts!~ need that knife!!!

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