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Everything posted by pacman

  1. Isn't there a mod to prevent people from a complete rush job? Other community servers are using it. I don't really see people rushing right out of the gate very often, it's more of a middle/last ditch effort when half the team is dead or will be dead soon enough and you are going for points (since versus is all about points). I think the only ones who should be kicked for rushing are the guys who do it right out of the safe room all the way to the end without any regard for team play.
  2. I was playing in the L4d2 Team Versus community server and all of a sudden I was banned. I believe it said due to a spray. I did do a spray at spawn location before the round started but it was nothing bad to my knowledge. It was a spray of a guy giving a girl skittles candy (is that considered pornography????). I think it was a one day ban but not sure. Seems like some of these bans are over the line IMO. There was no warning given either.
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