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Posts posted by Architect

  1. Hmm sorry, let me rephrase what I meant Architect, it was a little too obscure:

    I hope you don't record your games as you play with an external program. I hope you go back in later and record the demo you took from steam because recording using external programs while playing can slow down your overall computer, although if you have enough power I don't suppose it would matter, but when using record from the steam console, it causes almost no strain, at least a noticeable one, not for me. The only downside is the shots in the demo look ridiculously off sometimes.


    I use the external program while playing, though I have plenty of power and have not noticed any degradation of my performance, though I have a heavy duty i7 and video card so they are capable of recording.

  2. With Half Life 2, look for the add on "Half Life 2 - Update".  It is not an official update from Valve, but a community lead effort to improve the game's visuals.  It was just released March.  In fact I just installed it this morning, intending on playing through HL2 again. 

  3. I was in the game at the time that General was considered rushing.  I was a charger and was punching him and ended up chasing him farther from the team when he finally went incapped.  I did not consider what he was doing rushing, and unfortunately I missed the discussion about it and did not interject in time to let them know what happened.


    TLDR;  I chased him from team, incapped him far from team.

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