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Architect last won the day on August 13 2017

Architect had the most liked content!

About Architect

  • Birthday March 9

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    Mohrsville, PA

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  1. Hope everything turned out ok for you.
  2. Odd. Two sites give different, but similar ids. STEAM_0:1:11699922
  3. SteamID: STEAM_1:1:11699922 SteamID3: [U:1:23399845] SteamID64: 76561197983665573 Thank you!
  4. Checked, and I still cannot buy hats, so I assume it still is not working.
  5. I am not being recognized as a member on the servers. I can neither choose hats, and I get kicked to make room for other members.
  6. I was kicked from a game just now for not being a member to make room for a member.
  7. Got it! Thanks, that worked. Any chance of changing my forum name back to Architect?
  8. I attempted to buy a $15 membership, and got this error message: You are only allowed to purchase one of this product, and you have already done so.
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