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Posts posted by Architect

  1. First, thank you for approaching us and appologizing.


    If you are the same person that I banned, please confirm your steam id, then what happened is that you ran out of the saferoom prior to anyone else on the team being ready.  You triggered the tank and were immediately killed.  Then you logged off.  Myself and other players were asking you to get back to the saferoom, but when you logged off, it appeared that you were attempting to grief the server.  By griefing, I mean that you intentionally were trying to play poorly to make the survivors lose. 


    When you confirm your steam id, I can lift the ban.


    However, please be aware of the server rules.  What you should have done is not rush out of the saferoom before everyone is ready.  Stick with the team and help them.  If you go to far ahead of your team, you could be banned again.

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  2. I try to watch tutorial videos during lunch at work. Check out war owl- he has some great stuff.



    I try to watch tutorial videos during lunch at work. Check out war owl- he has some great stuff.


    The tutorials are great. Especially all of the tips on quick firing. Always hated the awp in l4d2, will have to try it on this game. 

  3. I thought playing some of the single player would get me ready for this, but, nope, I was wrong.  Jumped in, started playing, immediately shot a friendly who was next to an enemy, got warned for player shooting.  Well, I think I will play a little longer on single player before trying that again.


    What part of Ontario? I have been going there every year just about for 42 years for vacation. There is a lake called Calabogie, in Renfrew County. It is about 80 km west of Ottawa. Fishing, drinking, swimming and drinking. Did I mention drinking?



    I lived in a town called Brockville right on the St. Lawrence/ USA border about an hour south of Ottawa.  I used to snowboard at Calabogie every winter haha

    My great grandfather, grand father and my mom went there for vacations each summer fishing bass and walleye. My son is the fifth generation going there. There are cabins down the road from the Calabogie peaks called Jockos.

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