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Everything posted by Flann

  1. Hi, I would just like to start by saying my name is Nicholas "fLaNN" Flannery. I am a long time player of the gcftw Counter-Strike servers, this includes the Counter-Strike: Source one along with the CS:GO one. I'm not what you would call a regular. I only came & played in there maybe one day a week at best as a calm server with great hit registration, but after literal years of playing in the server spanning two entirely different games I have just seen in what my mind is one of the highest forms of abuse & a very very slippery slope to becoming an even larger admin abuser. The incident I'm referring to has happened at roughly 3:30PM CST on your CS:GO server. Word for word of what happened, no bull*** lies trying to make me look like an innocent party. Somebody in the server, no clue who, have never seen him before today. Just a random guy enjoying the server like everyone else. Dies and states, "WT F was that". In which an admin replayed "Do not swear.". Which I find understandable.. if he actually swore. I proceed to "If somebody is old enough to know what WT F stands for don't you think it doesn't matter?". I mean this is a rated M(18+) & hell the F could of stood for fudge for all the admin knows, but that's not the point. The point is a round later I find myself banned from a server I have spent literal years on, no word said, nothing. Know I don't care about being banned, that isn't even the issue. The issue is that I feel this is blatant admin abuse to ban somebody for literally stating their opinion about what the POSSIBILITY of the letter F could stand for with no warning at all. I feel like that is one step away from spawning him or herself guns and no-clipping everywhere ruining everybody's good time. That being said, like I said I don't care about being banned, even if I was unbanned at this point I don't think I would go back to playing in the server since I didn't visit it more than max two days a week. All I care about is that this sort of thing is looked into and honestly if it isn't & it's acceptable to ban people based on stating an opinion then I'm glad I was banned as I wouldn't want to come back anyway. Also in fairness to not waste anyones time I won't come back & read replies if there are any. I literally made this account to call out this abuse that I wouldn't want to see put on anyone else. On that note I hope you have a nice day & since you made it this far here's a picture of a cute kitty for your troubles. http://i.imgur.com/iVcczLn.gif
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