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Posts posted by ituly

  1. Was banned because: I boomed in top of the elevator and didn't know it was an exploit.


    The reason why i did this: Honestly I didn't know. I saw someone do this before some weeks ago, and didn't think it was an exploit or bad. I never did it before, and now I learned from my mistake.


    My bad~ I don't want to risk my membership over something like this, it was an honest mistake. Won't do this ever again.


    Is there a list of exploits where I can view?

  2. In another note.. I was wondering if the !buy etc commands at the start of the game, is available in other languages? We get people from all over the world, I bet and its not fun playing with them if they don't understand the 'cheat sheet' (menu).

  3. Hello!


    Game: L4D2


    Username: My steam name is iTuly. User ID is 1:0:70 16667 1


    Reason/explanation: I was ban for cursing once at the NPCs. Wish I hadn't. The mod told me to watch my language - i didn't reply because I understood and thought it was a warning but I was banned. Sorry. Would it be possible to unban me?



    Thank you.

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