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Everything posted by ChaoticInfinityX

  1. Generally the case, but this game doesn't optimize multicore usage as well as more recent games do. Not saying it will work for everyone, but I haven't CtD in weeks since making the changes on my machine and I've had a more consistent framerate while playing too.
  2. If everyone's so dead set on believing no one reads the MOTD, why have one at all?
  3. Whether playing the custom map or spawning in as a special infected, L4D2 has the habit of crashing at the worst times. I've done a few things to my own game after getting fed up and I haven't had any crashes or disconnects (unless the servers themselves were reset) in a few weeks now. For the custom map, the consensus has been that disabling addons is usually enough to get it working. For overall performance improvements, what I've done on my own system is the following: - Disabled all addons (except custom maps if you're playing on those nights) - Disable mutlicore rendering and Anti-aliasing in video settings. - Add -lv to launch options (Right click L4D2, Properties, Launch Options) Please note: This removes all gore from the game If that's not enough, here's the link to steam forums post with other steps you can take if you're having other problems: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1029427 Hope it helps.
  4. Can we put up a disclamer or notice in the MOTD that says something along the lines of while experience in L4D2 or Versus mode is not by any means a requirement, communication (whether text or vocal) should be? Inform them that this is generally a high skill server, and that if they aren't experienced in that maps played or the game as a whole that they should then at the very least be open to heeding communications from the team (if they aren't openly engaging in it through text or voice chat). Personally, I don't mind helping any new player open to learning how the game is played or on how to be a more effective survivor or infected, but I'm sure others will agree that people who join the game with no experience and no interesting in communicating and/or playing as a team simply ruin the experience for the rest of us. Oh, and that people who don't respond to verbal warnings given by admins either via text (like an "understood" or "ok") or voice chat get kicked within 2 min of that first warning (usually enough time for them to either recover or be seen for the griefer's they are). Thanks. -ChaoticInfinityX
  5. My timing couldn't be worse. Server 1 is full (even 2 spectator spots) and I need my fix!!! Urge to kill undead, RISING!!! I guess I'll play.... *shudder*... regular campaign or versus until something opens up.
  6. I saw that on the main forum, but I don't know if it's being used. No one is in there, at least not for L4D2 channel.
  7. I'm just curious if admin/members that play L4D2 use anything other than the ingame voice chat? I've noticed a few members have discussions despite being on different teams (and alltalk as far as I can tell is disabled). Is this strictly an admin feature or does GC use any voice chat apps or have a server members can join and use while playing? Thanks. -ChaoticInfinityX
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