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Posts posted by ADogX

  1. lol fine then. how about i make some changes


    So Close: Kill a Survivor inside the Safe Room (at the end of the level)


    Revenge Charge: Death Charger a Survivor that killed you 5 or more times in the same round

  2. thanks for the feedback guys! And there was one thing I wanted to clarify for one of the ideas.




    Camper: Kill a survivor inside the safe room (at end of the level)


    Say there's just one survivor left and he/she makes it to the safe room. As a Charger, Jockey, Hunter, or Smoker, hide in the saferoom and kill them when they reach it. That's what I meant. The Tank doing the killing is kind of common, and already gets enough points when in the safe room against multiple survivors 



    you can't score a headshot on tanks btw

    I'm pretty sure I've seen the chat say "Killed Tank With Headshot" - 2 Points. or something like that



    are you sure? because shooting any part of the tank does a fixed amount of damage


    very sure

  4. i didnt say every single one had to be used. besides, i like playing infected more, so those kind of ideas came easier


    as for the Perfect Accuracy one, I means that while a Hunter is airborne pounce, throw a Boomer Bile at while it's in the air and have the bottle hit the Hunter while it's still performing the pounce

  5. I suggested these to JackieChan, but sadly he didn't give me any feedback :'( not even any bad feedback! So i wanna know what you guys think about these ideas. yes, some of them are stupid, but they're just ideas. looking for your guys' feedback! let me know how many suck and how many (if any) are good.



    Karma Charged: Death Charge a survivor

    You Had This Coming: Death Charge 2 or more survivors

    Are you Snoop Dog?: Get a Death Pull with a Smoker

    Death to the Admins!: Kill 2 or more Admins (Not in one life)

    Ride 'em Cowboy!: Get a Death Ride with a Jockey

    You're Pure Evil: Have a Witch spawned by you in the Safe Room incap a survivor

    Witch Doctor: Crown 3 Witches

    Wasted Their Points: Crown a Witch spawned by the Infected team

    Why Do You Hate Me?: Kill the Survivor that you infected (Boomer infection or Medkit infection)

    Camper: Kill a survivor inside the safe room (at end of the level)

    A True Hero: Be the one who kills the Tank

    A God Among Men: Be the one who kills the Tank with a headshot

    Perfect Accuracy: Throw a Boomer Bile at a Hunter while it's in the air and hit it

  6. ok i think if we have 5 maps, it should be 1 of each game mode at least. CTF, Arena, Payload, Capture Point, and...well idk a 5th mode unless we get the Balloon Race. as for player count, 24 seems like a reasonable amount

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