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Posts posted by anzul



    Allow cars to remain while a tank is in play.

    imagine survivors traped in the sewers in no mercy  for as long as a tank burns.


    The tank gets lit on fire by not attacking, even if it were to block a path the tank would die and the car would disappear shortly after, delaying survivors by a few minutes at most.


    a few minutes can be brutal down there, too many places and too far from each other to spawn block

    a good team(team whit mics) can easily incap 2 or 3 survivors, and it goes to hell from there.


    not sure if its enough justifiction to make them stay longer tho.




    Can't be changed as far as I know.  They disappear to prevent exploits.

    what about automaticaly placing a car/carbage can/prop when the other disapears?


    btw, how long does it take for  tank to burn out all of his life if inactive?



    LOL I had to laugh at this statement. Im  still laughing as i type this as opposed to hunters  that can get a tank in less then two minutes  ,  still laughing.

    Maybe smokers would nt be a sitting duck. Then all those "expert" shots would have something to worry about. Now that have no fear of the smoker

    moving would make them fear it a little

    We're in the minority here merc, too many people like their flying hunters.


    if hunters ever get nerfed plz patch that god danm fast shooting whit awp.

    i hate it whit a passion.






    I do agree those crazy hunters that double jump in mid air are also very op

    you mean wall/roof jumping, or invisible wall jumping?

    • Like 1
  3. 30 points for 2 seconds less sounds goof to me.

    havent cheked out that one yet, maestro might be onto something there.


    and multikill should be 0.75 points whithing 2 seconds.

    botlenecks are now farming spots for survivors lol

  4. about third paragraph, there's skipvote for finales, whish it was automtic when theres 1000 or so score diference (i can only pry to the coding gods)

    by the by, the max score in any given game is 1050, 800 plus 250 bonus. (but that would be one hell of a imposible comeback.)


    duno how to feel bout mid match scramble, it would make stuff work out faster but it feels kinda untidy to me.


    charmander is way better.

    • Like 1
  5. Realism are you serious - everyone will be dead in seconds inside the saferoom before the timer countdown has finished - let the team killing commence - let's do it

    getting the granade launcher is gona be hilarious.

  6. yes plz, trying not to run into the line of fire of someone else and failing horribly will be hilarious.


    although it would also make the game way too hard for survivors, does realism handicaps infected in any meningful way??

  7. ready up should be separate for infected, and it should kep the door closed (unless its the first map of the campaing)

    i have seen some brutal game-making sesion starts.


    and maybe keep the current system as a separate survivors-only thing.

    • Like 1
  8. por lo que tengo entendido el dijo que el te pidió que no lo levantaras porque se iba a levantar en blanco y negro y tu lo ayudaste de todos modos.

    tu estas diciendo que tu nunca lo intentaste ayudar?


    solo quiero estar seguro, no quiero terminar traduciendo cosas que tu no dijistes 

  9. ok, pero por que le pediste a pump que se cambiara de equipo???

    y si estoy leyendo correctamente, pensaste que el comentario de pump fue racista, y el comentario de gijoe  te cemento esa idea?

    yo pienso q solo fue un mal entendido causado por la barreara del lenguaje y un mal momento para bromear por parte de gijoe :V



    i think it was just a misundertanding caused by language barrier and gijoe picking a bad time to joke. all honest mistakes.



     It keeps giving me errors about conflicting files (only in the 3 parts of warcelona.)

    a lot of multi part custom campaigns will tell you that they are conflicting whit each other part of themselves.

    iirc this is due to the last big update the game got(cold river) which broke something and removed some unused textures(some old custom campaigns will need an extra addon called textures fix something something)


    you should get warcelona and the other custom maps from gamemaps, its just 1 file there.


    also, warcelona is freaking heavy and demanding map(same as damit 2) urban flight is long as hell too, but less demanding.

    if you have a crappy pc, try to play them on lower graphic settings, and test them playing solo to see if they run at all.



    what is pro mod about? i've heard the term a few times and played in a server whit it, but i didnt get the point of it. it ws 1vs1.

    it's just an organized version of vanilla versus. it's much harder due to there being no health kits. if you really want to know every thing just go to this website. http://www.l4dnation.com/
    Not is more easy just play & do not use the medkit & stuff ?? I just say.. is a option.


    green plz, my inner gramar nazi is beging me to target you in-game!


    more easy = easier

    a algunas verbos, no todos,  solo le tienes que agregar "er/ier" para indicar mayor 'cantidad': fast=faster, deadly=deadlier, ugly=uglier


    just play & do not use

    ese "do" esta de mas en esa oracion. cuando la frase es interrogante el orden es diferente a una frase normal o exclamatoria, pero no recuerdo como lol


    Not is more easy just play & do not use the medkit & stuff = is it not easier to just play & not use the medkit & stuff

    no recuerdo como es la reconstruccion de español a ingles exctamente, solo se que el verbo sujeto


    is it not = isn't it/isn't/isnt

    las abreviaciones en ingles son practicas, pero tambien son un desastre :V

    ejemplo: ima = i am going to

    • Like 1
  12. In another note.. I was wondering if the !buy etc commands at the start of the game, is available in other languages? We get people from all over the world, I bet and its not fun playing with them if they don't understand the 'cheat sheet' (menu).

    !comprar/!up(usar puntos)








    here's where it gets fun...










    witch and tank keep their names in the spanish version of the game i think, or at least everybody calls them that. if not:



  13. Let's get back to basics and have a retro-week.  JC promised me over a year ago, and it's still over-due.


    How about disabling lasers for individuals and make survivors buy them for the entire team (30points)?  If not, there should be an increase to 6pts - that will probably stop the majority of dubious sharp-shooters being able to buy a laser when still in the saferoom at the beginning of a match.  I think this is probably the main reason why so many are asking for the increase in price.

    1up for this idea. but how would we go about placing it? like a witch? crouch and poof, there it is?


    theres a tolilet joke in there somewhere...

  14. Deagle is already dead accurate.  Don't know how it could be even moreso.


    doesnt matter, give it a laser!

    while you are on that, give a laser to the molotov, pipe and bile.


    on topic, you guys should put a vote up for the laser price change, just to see how the forum feels about it.


    edit: the "laser cost per weapon" has always been the most sensible option in my opinion.

  15. i am ok whit raising the laser's price.


    it would make the start of maps less of a pain whit all the green survivors.





    I think lasers would add to that in the sense they can prove they can point a gun in the general vicinity of an SI and get lucky versus having to actually track and predict where one might pop up and make changes in aiming to compensate for various factors.


    I played a bit really recently and people still run at you spraying to save you instead of crouching and trying to aim...


    i always run and shoot, i'll more than likely will run out of anmo midway trough killing the SI, plus theres the hordes.

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