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Posts posted by Pandas

  1. Personally, I think admins who break rules should get more than just a warning. Admins become admins to enforce the rules, therefore they should be more familiar with the rules than anyone else. I don't think admins get punished seriously enough for their foul behavior/rule breaking. Admins are people, they do forget. Reminders are helpful, but so is actually enforcing rules against the admins themselves.

  2. Okay, so if the other team getting points because of a teammate's negligence, why isn't shooting a boomer and having it explode on your teammates greifing, lots of infected get points that way? Why isn't healing someone in the open, where they can get pounced greifing?

    I don't think it's fair to draw a line like that. This whole rule seems like it's targeting a small group of members who have this playstyle, some pull it off, some don't. I don't think they should stand in the open baiting hunters with the risk of getting pounced but I don't think it's fair to call it greifing and ban them. It's almost like banning based on skill, if they're good enough to get all the hunters everyone is happy, whatever they stopped the hunters and got points and we don't have to worry about it, but if it doesn't work out we get mad and ban them?

    Piggybacking on that, hiding behind the word "training" doesn't seem fair to me, either. If they're doing it and not pulling it off is it training? Or is just the behavior itself considered training? If they deadstop every single hunter is it okay?

    I'm not condoning the behavior but I think making it a BANNABLE OFFENSE is probably taking things a little too far.

    • Like 2
  3. Why did this instantly turn to pointing fingers.

    It's a personal responsibility not to be rude, a personal choice not to say mean things. Everyone slips up, has a bad day, and is rude sometimes, even me!
    In the end, though, each person is responsible for themselves and should be held accountable for themselves, admin or not. Just because someone else is acting poorly does not give anyone else an excuse.

  4. Jackie, would it be possible to lower the time that bile affects tanks? If so, I'd recommend raising the cost of bile by just a few points so it isn't something crazy expensive but still creates more of a decision for the player, do I spend the points to bile this tank or just fight it out. Maybe players team up and take turns trying to keep the tank biled (if he even lives through the first one) or a player would have to commit a lot of points to keep said tank biled.
    Bile still has the same effect, doesn't last as long so not as much of a debuff, and the player must use 1 or 2 more points to buy.

    I also REALLY like tainted's idea of buffing the tank slightly while on fire, so frustrating to be burning to death while everyone is green and just constantly running away.



    We have tried to bring in fun ideas, admins vs members, custom maps, Jackie pathing, VIP mode, the kill peanut contest, etc.  The idea is to bring in some new things, have some fun.  I have a bunch of other ideas, but time has been a problem lately.  I think I can help get some of these going again though, as summer is approaching.


    I keep thinking about the tournament idea.  There are some problems that keeps making me put it off.  We had interest enough for 4 teams and I have all the rules figured out.  But, with 4 teams, if each team plays each other 1 time, plus a final game for everyone, that would be 8 games.  If we did 2 games per night, that is 4 nights.  When I looked at the data from everyone, including which nights people said they could play, very few people can play any night (Friday, Saturday or sunday).  Almost everyone had indicated that they could not play on one or two of the nights.  So if I pick Sunday nights, for example, that knocks a percentage of people out.  It also means, that we all have to commit to playing every Sunday night for four weeks.  It is just not easy to get so many players, plus Jackie, Crash, me to commit to that.   My availability is better now, so if you guys want me to just go ahead and set this up, I can do it. 


    Other ideas I had (or other people mentioned to me):

    US vs International team for one night game (I like this idea, would be easy to do I think)

    Male vs Female Match

    Pick up games - at beginning of campaign, choose two captains, and alternate them picking people (just mix up how we do teams a bit)

    Contests - prizes for things like point farmer or whatever, for a specific campaign or night or time frame


    Let me know what you guys think, I can try to help these things move. 

    try reverse captains mode- two captains who chose what player goes on the opposite team. captain a pics for captain b, then b pics for a and so on



    "You get Shepard"


    "Fine, but you're having Proto."

    "I'm giving you Johnny then"

    "Oh come on, that's just mean. I'm giving you Pump now"

    "Dude, low blow."


    Giving someone Pandas, the ULTIMATE BURN!

  6. I love this post. Straight forward, detailed, and gives specific examples. This is the kind of stuff I like to see.

    Very helpful for the community, thank you for this.

  7. Did you post this because of that time I infected 5 kits in a row and you kept getting infected?

    You should be glad I spent 75 points on infecting kits instead of a tank and then some :)

    • Like 1
  8. Your dog and I seem to be perfect parallels, I'm a bit whiny, cute, eat a lot (like 8 stomachs worth), don't let people sleep at night, I'm super dirty, and well...I guess we're both sort of "female dogs" in our own way....if you know what I'm saying. Needless to say you couldn't have picked a better name.

  9. http://imgur.com/a/LJLvU
    sgtduvall: STEAM_0:0:26033223

    He stacked teams and instead of apologizing or something he argued with talpa and i about it
    Scottie_Bugatti: STEAM_0:1:38975355

    He also stacked teams, and again argued with us, he also cursed once, we told him it was against the rules and he did it again

    They just wanted to play with their friend, but also instead of a "thanks wont do it again" they were super difficult.

  10. STEAM_0:0:35672324

    Jimmy Mc. Johns was rusing

    David Sulkers went with him to try to protect him, he is a witness

    Jimmy Mc. Johns started calling me a b**** for telling him to stop rushing and started trying to turn everyone against me for not wanting him to rush. Incredibly rude please ban him


  11. "Sorry Im Nub" and "Bog3y" both rushed the whole game, said "NO" when asked to come back and help the team. Startled the witch together and got knocked down way ahead of the team. We started a votekick and they got angry and started cursing everyone out.



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