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Posts posted by auggybendoggy

  1. How does that work into the bible?  Lets start here..  What is this?  http://dekalb.dc.peachnet.edu/~pgore/stude...gar/erectus.htm


    I read the link. How the heak to they know this "homo-erectus" guy used fire, big game hunting. Heak if they don't have a whole lot on Jesus from 2000 years ago how they gonna have any info on this cat when he was 2,000,000 years ago? Seems like some information of this person is speculation. Perhaps I'm wrong and this homo guy wrote a big ol novel : )



  2. White,

    brother I agree with you. The opeining question you propose is one tension that I don't think anyone but the cruel minded calvinist can answer and yet hold consisten theology.


    To extend it out a bit from people who never heard the gospel...What about babies that die. Or dumb people who die in their defect.

    does their lack of calling on the name of God for salvation doom them to hell for all eternity...heak even for 1 year?


    I learned in a Methodist church and baptist that there is a thing called "the age of accountability" yet I've never been shown this passage.

    I've heard the arguments about OT law but it did not deal with salvation (to my knowledge). What I do know is that most of us hold the position that if you deny Christ as the son of God then you are dust.


    I feel that we add to the scriptures when we need to. In order to make our biased ideas work with our thoughts of who God is, we make adjustments and then find scriptures to build a circumstantial foundation.


    I'm convinced we know VERY little.


    From what I understand from others (though I have never studied his teachings) Ghandi may very well be in heaven.


    I used to take that doctrine about denying Christ a to simple (or shall I say at face value). Yet when it came to John 3:16, it was not good enough for a person just to believe in order to receive eternal life (I could not take this at face value). So I found myself wondering about everyone who loves God...are they the same as me?


    Interesting that Jesus says about the church

    many will come on that day and say lord we did these miracles in your name...and I'll say I never knew you


    Yet in Matt 25

    For in as much as you've done it to the least of my brethren You've done it unto me.


    The people in Matt 25 didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Yet they are saved. Interesting Huh?


    I don't think the Bibles is a scientific book or historical measuring tape. I believe it contains the information to know God and to be like him

    in order to meet a true measure of love. Whether one book says Jesus was sitting on a rock and another book says a log doesn't matter to me

    what does matter is what he said.


    But when all is said and done I found myself struggling to understand. I have a tendency to lean liberal and to allow homosexuality a place in christianity...yet I am uneasy with it. I simply don't know. To be literal with every passage puts me on the spot with other passages or issues.

    I found myslef picking and choosing....How very dumb I am.


    Well anyhow, just some thoughts.



  3. your posts are all very good for both sides which only supports my feelings of doubt.


    Again both sides can argue using scripture that I believe supports both. Many of these verses have been quoted already. But is there an answer. In speaking with my father in law (a extremely leanred man) he brought up the fact that this issue is debated by secularists. The notion that we are determined to live a pre-determined life by means of genetic instruction (pre-destination) vs. we are acting randomly upon our instincts and psycology and circumstances which can be altered (choice). Interesting huh?


    Perhaps this is Matrix type of psych?


    What ever the case, Thomas doubted but did not cease being a christian or apostle.



  4. Few things should be noted when rekoning the prodigal son. Alot of people use this as proof of not losing salvation but remember its a parable.

    First off the position of the sons start (before leaving) is not a personal one but rather resembles mans position (relationship) to God. It was not as though the son was adopted, or a step child (red headed)


    Man walked with God (Adam) and then LEFT.

    this is the son living with the father at the start


    Man Falls from grace

    The son leaves home


    The son returns to his father

    But God through his son shows mercy (the father forgives those who have left but repented).


    It is not endorsingthe following:

    Even though you went out and lived a life of sin, you had a place by my side all along.


    No it is stating, though you are wicked I can and will forgive you if you will turn to me. I will take you back.


    so its really not a true example of not losing salvation.


    The fact that the father killed the fat calf basically rids all arguments that "If I live a life of sin after my salvation, then I lose rewards and crowns and stuff like that"....according to the above logic of the prodigal, you will be rewarded for sinning and then returning. So he didn't lose nothing he got rewards no matter what


    Again this must be looked at carefully. All it means is that Eternal life with God is our inheritance. It isnt stating that rewards will not be lost nor is it stating one cannot lose their salvation.


    The same is true of the argument...

    A son is a son is a son...we cannot change this no matter what we do. The father and son is more about relationship rather than DNA.

    These are examples and just that.


    I learned alot about taking what it does say rather than what it does not. God is merciful and full of love, Even for Lunk (heehee)


    My point is be careful taking things too literal to prove your points. Rather analyze these things carefully. Jesus was not trying to prove the inability to lose salvation but rather was expressing Gods love and mercy for a wicked people. To take things too literal all the time can be disasterous. Just talk to a pretribber (heehee)




    Auggybendoggy (headshot)

    yea right as if I could aim. Its more like Auggybendoggy 1 kill - 49 deaths

  5. hey im just going to throw  this out there cause it blows my mind.. ok you know how God said that if we repent of our sins He is faithful and jsut to forgive us our sins and to clense us from all unrighteousness? well have you ever thought about that in light of the fact that he is omnipotent? i mean he looks back at my life and sees all the times i have fallen for this one temptation and still when i come and ask forgivness he forgives me and then remebers it no more. but when i come to ask for forgivness for a sin. he dosnt just see that ive done it over and over in the past... he also sees that i will do it over and over again in the future. but still even tho he knows i will do it again next weak he still pats me on the head and says "hey its all right.. i forgive you." thats blows my mind that he could fogive me for a sin thaat he knows i will fall too so very soon after he forgave me. just how mercifull is the God we serve?





    on another note. yes i do doubt my salvation at times and and sometimes even doubt that theres a God.  because i think well how could i be doing this sin that im doing and still have the mercy of God waiting just waiting for me to repent so He can bless me again?? but i just have to come back to the scripture where He said "but as many as will receive Him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that beleive on his name." no what?? im NOt good enough for that. im NOT deserving of that in the least. but to doubt that im saved is not doubting that im good enough to be saved it is in effect doubting that Christs blood is not good enough to keep me saved. im not worthy but my debt has been paid bye the only One who is worthy. and whenever i run into a person that thinks they can lose there salvation. i simply ask them... so you think you can do somethign bad enough to nullify the sacrifice of Christ??? the blood of Christ??? taht annoys me that people are so proud that they think they can actually do something to make Calvary of non-effect. its the same with people who add works to there salvation, people that say well yes you do have to call on God to be saved BUT you also have to do this to be saved. such as baptism. (not saying baptism isnt right. just that you dont HAVE to be baptized to be saved.) bye saying that people are indulging themselves in the worst type of pride possible in saying that there is something they can do that Christ couldnt on calvary. ok ok i know im getting way off subject here but ill stop now.



    I'm not totally sold that you can't lose your salvation. It's not thats its based on works but in the same sense of James (show me your faith by what you say I'll show you mine by what I do) concept it is reversible. I firmly believe we have a choice always. So I don't think Satan can force us to sin but I do believe man can walk away. I know calvanists usually say then he was never saved but then this leads to..no one could know if they are truly saved until they die in the faith.


    I have found that both those who say you can and those who say you can't have been very strong christians as examples.


    If anyone has heard of Kieth Green he denied eternal security yet he stated that he would not endorse you can lose your salvation.

    At this same time God used him is powerful ways. I think again that Love was the factor and not his theological mind.

    I don't think people are bringing down the blood of Christ when they say they believe that. Nor do I believe one belives they have a liscense to sin because they say you cannot.


    I just think people go too far with a position that they offend others. Like I said Shadow, I am not convinced one can or can't. I simply say God holds the gabble not me. As far as understanding the laws of judgement....well I'll leave that to the judge.


    End times is a big debate that people get sooooo ticked off over. I'm usually thinking...Dude we know soooooooo little about this.

    but like pharisees and Saducees we think we are sooooooo hot. All I can say is Humble thyself at the side of the Lord.


    And p.s. if anyoen reading this has not heard Keith Greens Music GO NOW and order the silver and gold collection.

    YOU WILL BE BLOWN AWAY. If you can get his book "no compromise" get it. You will be so encouraged.


    Hope to be CS'in with you all soon. I'm still in 1.5 till 1.6 gets worked out

    it won't work for me.



  6. if anyone has a connection problem I found that MS messenger conflicts when logged on. On my pc I could not log on to Steam or vice versa.

    If Steam was logged in I could not log into my messenger account. Perhaps you have some other software that is running that conflicts...

    just a guess.




    Fatty, I hope this one works, I got the cached version from fileplanet and I could not join in any games. I got just

    verifying games resources.


    At this point I Xp restored to old cs and I'll play that until I get the guts to try again.


    Thanks Fatty,



  7. due to the fact that steam is fairly new and so many people are struggling. I think it would have been a better Idea

    to wait till steam is perfected. The fact is this MMMM is the best place to play for community reasons. It would have been

    nice to see them patiently transfer to 1.6. However, perhaps most people it works for. I find that I got me into one game once

    and I couldn't even play just watch from a corner of a building and not move the camera.

    I'm just making suggestions for future updates. I do get to see who's online playing and I figure most made it in : (

    I just started playing here (and CS for that matter) about a month ago. I've really enjoyed it.


    I'll be playing 1.5 for sometime till Steam is fixed.

    Take care till then everyone and happy CS'ing.


    Auggybendoggy, ps I'll still post here in the forum :)



  8. Well,

    Not that this will help much (hahah I baled on steam and am back playing 1.5) I'll wait to play in mmmm


    If you don't have an connection make sure your firewalls permit all ports requested. (i know you've already done that).

    I had that message after a failed 1st install. I tried to install a 2nd time and it connected....Thats the way an installation should be...yea right.


    To be honest everyone has such a different exp. with Steam Valve really should have held this one back a bit.

    It's a mess. If you go to Valvesoftware.com and go to the forums you'll see there are tons of people having problems just like yourself

    so your not alone. Don't think you are the only one with wierd problems. Some people can't even get it installed.

    Is it their machines? Who knows. Probably.


    I did find that MS messenger conflicts on my pc when steam is running. I cannot run them simulteounsley. If I log into Messnger I cannot run steam.


    My advice Bale on Steam for about 6 mos.





  9. steam for me stinks!!!

    I get to Validating game files or something like that and it just locks up until I hit cancel.


    it's terrible so far. How many people are getting this junk to work. I imagine quite a bit. But I also have read tons of people have several problems.


    My first install failed. I tried again and what would you know....It worked. All is going well till I join in and it locks up.


    GREAT just GREAT.


    I know its beta. But couldn't everyone switch when it was like at least 90% accurate. Seems like its more like 50%. At least it seems a whole lot of people are having troubles.


    Well I'll just have to keep trying till I figure it out.


    If anyone know my particular problem or solves anything please share it with everyone.



  10. I don't buy the Calvinist (extreme) views myself. I also dont buy the middle ground that says he knew what we would choose and appointed us unto it. Then it really does depend on me loving him not him loving me. I thought he chose me by his own mercy. As it states in romans he will have mercy on whom he has mercy and compassion on whom he has compassion...it does not therfore depend on mans efforts or desires but on God's mercy. So I don't believe God based his descision of whether I would love him by his knowing I would love him....Thats illogical and circular.

    These issues have planted doubt in me because I see the scriptures supporting both Ideas at times and destroying both Ideas at other times.


    For instanse I do believe Paul makes the point that God can do as he pleases (using Pharoa as the example) yet if God has a elect group to be saved then how can it be his will that all should come to repentance?


    There are other tensions but this one in particular has made me doubt Theologians and pastors. I see people struggle (shall i say dance) in order to support one side or the other. I like what Congregation said becuase I like to keep the focus with my friends off of these issues and keep them on more important matters like love and mercy.





  11. Dweez, I appreciate that point alot. Although I blame God. Im kidding! I blame myself and this others. What I mean by blaming others is that they don't help the situation at all either. I have people in my life...uhhhh shall I call them BOSSES who are pure 100% grade a a-holes.

    I find that I hate them....It's my fault I hate them ultimately, but if you treat people like crap they will hate you. So both of our sin builds up more sin.


    I like that you point out Pauls struggles too. I am one who reads Romans 7 and 8 and feel Paul admitted he struggled. I know there are many who say Paul was not saying that but he says it in Galatians if not in Romans so I don't see the problem of interpretation.


    Goot, good job on a 2.1 $300.00 unit. Whatever you do never buy one of thos 1200.00 pc's. Build it yourself if you don't know how to

    you can hook up with someone here like me or probably every other person. It's sooooo simple you wouldn't believe it. Heak you being a gamer probably already know how. For 300.00 bucks I would buy it too. It was nice meeting you and playing. Look foward to more games and conversation goot.





  12. I tend to believe that no matter how strong or confident the person (Apostle Paul, John the B, Peter) they all doubted like Thomas. I think we all doubt. I feel that I gave into my intellect of knowing I should not doubt so for a long time I never admitted it. Now that I've grown some I feel I can admit the truth to others about life and beliefs.


    Is there anyone that doesn't ever doubt? It's almost like saying "Im not proud". Perhaps I'm wrong and there are some that do not....

    Do they logically reason? I struggle with apparent or seemingly contradictions like Calvinism and Armenianism. Or how do works and grace both play a part in our lives. I know, most people say they are not contradictions but Dichotames. I say "I am not sure". Whatever the case

    MMMM is playing "viallage map" right now which my pc said "cant find village.wad in valve directory" so I have time to type this.


    Cool huh?



  13. hello everyone,

    Im kinda new here. I just starte playing CS about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I'm enjoying it alot. Kind of like playing Paintball which is alot of fun but it's much cheaper.


    I'm enjoying the server for the enforced policies that are implemented into the game play making much better. I can't stand all the cussing and racial or sexual statments made by people (usually young people) who don't care about anything or anyone themselves. So I've really enjoyed learning the game and playing on this server.


    I totally doubt my faith many times. It's so easy to do. It's amazing cause many people who believe the bible don't even catch that John the Baptist even doubted Jesus. This dude walked with him, baptized him, saw miracled by him yet later STILL DOUBTED. If this cat could doubt then how can we not.


    I don't believe there is unquestionable evidence to Gods existence. If there was then I feel faith would be a little meaningless. Its not like other things around us that we touch and feel. Often I ask others how I am supposed to be in love with someone I have never touched or felt or literally had a discussion with.


    So anyhow I doubt too. Big time. Recently I find Sermons boring as dishwater and stale as old bread. I need interaction at church.

    Anyhow I'm off the topic.


    Glad to join you all and meet you all.


    bye for now


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