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Posts posted by Ignis

  1. I know we are talking about Clint Eastwood movies but I reminded me of seeing Shanghai Noon couple years back. Still the best cowboy movie Cowboy movie I've seen.

  2. We must ask ourselves that very same question at times. How do we see? Do we see how we wish to see or how we wish to perceive. Our sight clouded in personal influence of need, want, ego, and judgement tears at one self to a point when our very reality is warped. Are we seeing what is truly there or are our extraordinary minds tricking us into perceiving only what we want to see when the reality is dark and unforgiving?


    Interested to know the average amount of times people buy something in a single round.

    Are you talking about an invasive data analysis spreadsheet on individual players? I don't want people knowing I'm the guy buying jockey limits. No Kappa //


    Yes. Yes, I am.

  4. Me and a couple people were talking a couple weeks ago(forget who) and we were thinking that if we could get a little notification of someone sent you points on the top right hand of the screen that'd be nice. It's hard to read it in the chat since it gets spammed easily near the end game with so and so bought a tank and so and so left that game. I don't know how much I'm asking for here since I've never tried modding for l4d but tell me if you can try something.


    Also know I'm asking a poop ton here because I don't know if the entire buy menu code is public or not but if that too could be moved to the right hand side of the screen so i doesn't get jumbled with chat that would be literally the best thing to happen to the server.


    I can understand if you can't accomplish these things but just a shot in the dark here.

  5. Does this mean there will be an laser light for teh awp?

    Maybe. Maybe not. Possibly. Quite possibly not. Really depends if people who can fix it feel like looking for a solution to the glitch.

  6. I found these maps too be pretty short but still pretty good. The only time there was back tracking was when someone went the wrong way and that's just because no one knows the maps. Personally i like maps that are biased to infected because it's fun to be challenged by something other than a confused bot/noob that's holding the team back in a single area for an hour. Also as playing as infected I found a lot more spawn points than in other maps which was good because usually the only way to spawn strategically on a normal map is too fly/pounce (whatever you call the 'R' Thing). My only complaint about this map is the finale because it was just bad.

  7. I remember back at the turn ofbr century when our internet was only 10.00 a month and was slow as anything. Literally the cheapest internet one could afford. Bad ol dialup days. This is for you kids who don't know what it was like.Classic 90's - The Kids Guide to the Internet: 


    Johnny, you talk about hairy butts you enjoy looking at. Kettle calling the pot black.

    ha. The interwebs improving kids grades. HA.

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  8. cant seem to get screen shots but just right click on the game in your library then go down to properties then go on the local files tab and then click on verify integrity of game cache.

    {Edit} wow did all that then realized pumpernickel already said it...

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