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Everything posted by csgo2

  1. I will kindly explain all of this. When asked if I wall, I jokingly stated yes then laughed and said no I'm not. Didn't know it was being taken seriously. People who wall aren't going to admit it if asked. I just thought it was a funny question. As for you in A site. I peek you from apts at balcony and thought I saw the top of a head. My exact words were "I think there's one still in A site but I'm not sure" I didn't want to look because my health was in RED. As for you hiding in closet. There was a player hiding there every single round and I could not defeat him. Even with smokes and flashes and spraying him down so I figured I would try spamming the most common spam spot on the map. "dark room" I really was having alot of fun on your server. I should have known better this happens alot when I spend more than an hour in the same server. It seems as soon as I think I've found a server to be a regular on, I get banned... Would you kindly lift the ban? Did anyone even spend any time to spectate? This is not a cocky question but a real one. It was just so sudden and w/o reason. Thank you. Brandon
  2. I'll keep it simple like you want it. After about an hour of playing on your server an admin come in and banned me for walling. Permanent * Thursday about 1:45am est. Played since 1.3, I despise hackers. Not once have I cheated. Please unban me? www.YouTube.com/SabreGoneWild
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