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Everything posted by sportsman2567

  1. Thank you MPG1770 for the link to the rules. 4) Stacking/ Team switching to win What is it: Switching to the winning team or team with more players in order to win Why is it bad: Makes game less fun for the losing team. When is it allowed: When an admin switches you or you move from the winning team to the losing team to balance the game As you can see the rule says no switching teams to stack the teams or move to a winning team in order to win. That in essence is the reason for the rule, fair balanced teams. My friend and I would have been glad to have been placed on a losing team together so long as we could play on the same team. You stated "You CANNOT move teams just to be on same side as your friend". We have been switching teams for weeks to be on the same team on this server so we believed that is acceptable especially since it does not violate the purpose of the rule. You are the first mod to say or do anything. And yes we violated 3) Language; Encouraging others to grief, spamming voice/text chat. But only after you moved us and told us "you cannot play together on this server, which is incorrect. You lost our respect and I believe eastwood981 let you have an earful. Like I said before we had no prior history of foul or abusive language. We actually talk on steam private chat. Also as a moderator if someone says they are playing with a friend it is common courtesy to allow them to do so. You took a narrow minded stance and told us that we could not be on the same team which is a incorrect statement. It would have taken you less than a minute to let us switch to a team together then balance the teams. That is good moderation. Definition of moderator: an arbitrator or mediator. You did not try to talk to us and come to a solution, you just said this is how it's going to be and that's it. That is bad moderation. I would like for a board member like PeanutButterNJelly or crasx to give a non-biased opinion on the matter. As I see it they will probably side with the moderator but none the less I am curious.
  2. I understand why you have the rule to keep teams balanced, but when friends play together they always try to be on the same team. That should be allowed. My friend was reacting to an unfair situation and he is a very expressive individual. No other time has he been abusive in any way. Same with me. You act like a jerk you get called out on it. I am apologizing for my language, not my actions. We at no time before your banathon used offensive language. We are adults and when someone acts like you did with no respect for his fellow players you deserve no respect. Banning people for wanting to play with their friends, ridiculous. You could have asked him who his friend was, then moved us to the same team and moved someone else to level the teams. So yes your actions were wrong. There was a better way to go about it. No Sir you ruined it. We were having a good afternoon, me holding my baby daughter asleep in my arms, and my friend with his son asleep in his arms. We were taking about him needing to go cut his grass and we'd play one more round. The round started and he was on the other team, naturally he switched back to my team. We have been swapping teams to play together for weeks on your server, but today you said no you can't switch to play with your friend. That didn't fly with us so you started banning and we started complaining. It's just a game and we can stay banned if your board sees fit. We just enjoyed that server, until you did what you did. I'm an engineering manager and I would never discipline my employees for breaking rules without knowing the full story and the root cause. People deserve the benefit of the doubt. Thanks
  3. 1. Give us as much information as possible. Team VS L4D2 10 vs 10 server #1 In game name: sportsman and my friend eastwood981 Steam ID: ellis2567 and eastwood981 Banned by: MaestroPG.gc 2. State precisely what happened. My friend and I were having a good time on your server playing together (on the same team) and a new game started. My friend was placed on the other team. He re-joined my team and then was told by the admin not to switch teams. My friend told him he wanted to play with his friend and the admin said ,"not on this server" and booted him. I called the admin out on it for booting him for wanting to play with me on my team. He booted me also. 3. Take responsibility for your own actions. My actions were to defend my friend, of course I take responsibility for that. 4. Apologize. I apologise for calling him a British (accent) donkey hole and a douche, but he had it coming. 5. Flatter us. Fun server until the admin ruined it. 6. Assure us that your behaviour will change for the better. I promise to play with my friend and not be an asshat, as long as we are treated fairly and not booted for wanting to play on the same team.
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