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Posts posted by Gardevoir

  1. And whatever you do, don't wear that "I <3 NYC" t-shirt. People were chuckling at me for wearing it, even though I was only 8 and my parents forced me to wear it.

  2. You are probably getting kicked for member reservation. We offer a $15/yr membership to reserve a spot in the server so you won't get kicked if the server is full and a member tries to join. This also allows you to kick a non-member if there are 20 people playing. Glad you enjoy the server!


    You can buy one here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/store/

    If you are kicked for some other reason I'd be happy to check it out but I'm guessing it's just the membership thing

    Well thank you for the prompt response and clearing this issue up with me.  :propeller:

  3. I have to say this server is amazing. The buy system makes this 10v10 server shine from others. But there are flaws, and here I want to talk about my biggest problem with this server, being kicked for "admin reserve slots". I'll explain.


    Firstly, I want to point out that I can understand spectator slots going to admins only, and that anyone who joins with 2 spectator slots open (who's not an admin) gets booted.


    What really upsets me and frustrates me is when I join the already packed server, with 1 slot left for someone to play, I get kicked for "Admin Reserve Slots" 10 minutes into playing (and I feel this only happens to me, which probably isn't true). I don't understand it because if I'm the 20th person, and there's 22 slots, why would I get kicked if 2 slots are still open to the administration? If you guys could explain this, I'm open to hearing everything.


    Thanks  :spin2:

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