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Everything posted by Brillow80

  1. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the mater. As a single player I feel the game is flat. I haven't figured out if the game balances players based on skill or any other metric. There is no way to swap players mid-game to balance like we can/could in UT or CS. Uncoordinated teams can get crushed, leaving players frustrated and angry. Stands to reason that if a player measures their level of fun by how much they win, the game might disappoint. As part of a group the game can be a hoot. Tis why I came here, looking for my people. Being able to set up custom games is right up GC's alley too. Content wise there are a ton of hero's, which is great. I feel the game modes and available maps are lacking at the moment. So it's a wash in terms of content We do know bliz is working on heros, maps, and ranked play. I'm sure more will come over time. Bliz has to figure out a way to properly monetize the game (I don't think loot boxes will fit the bill) in order to sustain new content production. Perhaps they can offer new hero's for $$ or maps...who knows.
  2. Greetings! It's been 3 years since I last frequented these halls. I remember some good times on the UT2k4 and CS:S servers. For the veterans and old farts, my old name was Brillow_Head (I didn't realize the forum still had my account info), one-time member of [CsLs] and [Mmmm]. Oh man, i miss the old /-=GC=-/ tag! I've been playing Overwatch and I have found the game is extremely fun...but a bit flat if you're not playing with friends. I do have a few friends from work who play...but my fist thoughts were of you beautiful people. I was a bit shocked to see no Overwatch thread. I had hoped to find a nice little thread listing out who would be playing and some way to link up in-game. But, since I can't seem to find one I'd figured I would make my own. It also gives me a chance to see who is still lurking around from the good ole days! Send me a msg I usually play in the late evenings 9'ish PM central. I'll close with my old signature who was once spoken by a very wise man: "I'd rather stick a pencil in my neck than pay $400 for a graphics card!" - Flitterkiller
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