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Posts posted by Rashad

  1. The only computer I have is a three year old laptop, I use it for everything. Games, homework, reports, cs:s, everything...


    I use a cord-mouse, and a wireless keyboard. I also use Omega Drivers, because they're the only drivers I could find for my 9600 mobility.


    When I play source I average about 20 fps, depending on the map and how many people are playing. So, it's about time I upgrade. :(

  2. I've only had the chance to play wii sports, but that was still very fun. I liked the bowling challenge where after each frame a row was added, so in the end I was knocking down like a 100 pins lol.

  3. :lol:


    *pulls out a pink tutu and a unicycle*


    Intiation again!


    I've already been through the initation before...so I still have my leather tutu somewhere around here.

    We better tell Lunk to take it off..now that you're joining again. :D

  4. My problem with that round was, Rashad maned up and made a nice attempt to get the bomb into the left site on dust. Mean while you'll still on the T side of underpass camping it out with your awp trying to be the hero. You know rashad was moving the fancy radar tells you that. Just because you kill people doesn't mean you're contributing to the team there's much more too it. When the fatman plays, he's all about team, he'll lead the rush (and ask for the lead), he'll stand infront of a planting bomber just so he gets hit first, he'll take control of the team and call out strats. I know it's alot, and by no means am i asking you to contribute like that, but that's how i see a team player. Instead of someone that comes into the server with a different name with every connection like he's too good for everyone, or like he doesn't want to be a name in the community.. The only way i know it's you when i see you type top10, then it's pretty easy to see.


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