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Posts posted by Tyranus

  1. Every time I hear the "It just works" crap, I vomit ever so slightly in my mouth. Seriously, the article isn't a list of 50 reasons that he switched. It is the "12 reasons and the 38 paragraphs that happen to be numbered" that do not give a specific reason but rather just a random thought about this or that. I am not a Mac hater but good lord, it's become a religious experience. I wonder if this is some master plan of Scientology.


    Yeah, Vista is not too good. Leopard wasn't too hot either upon release. There have been a lot of bugs and upgrade issues and all kinds of crap. The firewall is disabled by default... that's secure! The OS is pretty but not my taste. I use it to learn it because I have to support some faculty but beyond that, I am not that impressed. I'm just not drinking the koolaid.



    You forgot a sentance. "Yet I still wear it!"

  2. If you buy a 9mil just go buy a pelet gun they are cheaper. Unless your soul purpose is for target practice your waisting your money. I thought you wanted both for shooting and to have at home. If so nothing less than a .38 however I recomend at least .40.

  3. I know you said you had a price cap. Glock is the only way to go. The wieght is perfect for any user. They have a .40 I recomend the .45 though. I have always been a 1911 type guy however this gun is amazing.




    They all come with a lockable case. They can be dropped and will not fire. They are virtually rust proof. The reinforced metal bound to plastic has been tested to withstand being dropped from an airplane and still being usable. I have done research online and this pistol is on every top 10 list for all weapons I have read. Its a little expensive though because the high demand for them. They also have dif sizes for smaller hands if you look on the website Preacher you nancy I can't see any reason 4 a 9 mil other than a target gun. That baretta I had overseas was a piece of crap.


    The g22 .40 holds 15 rounds.


    The g21 .45 Auto holds 13 rounds


    If I couldnt afford one the only other route I would even spend my money on is good old S&W made in America proven for years.

  4. I think with the girl she has a right to believe what she wants until it violates law state or federal. We are who we are because of the law that got us here. Without rule of law there is chaos. I dont blindly follow what my government says. I remember crying literal tears when Clinton said on National telivision i did not have relations with that woman. Its bad enough that he did it but then he lied to every American. If a soldier lies someone could die or get hurt. What could happen if the man in the Highest office in the land does and will everyone of them after him do the same? And I am not sure how I feel about brainwashing cus to some extent we are all products of our own suroundings.

  5. I did not mean to be rude. I just wanted to put into perspective that when you say "we" then go through the drive through at Mcdonald's and the "we" you speak of is sleeping in dust dreaming of his family and what his daughter looks like that he hasn't seen in 16 months. Who is rude?


    Ok, I will play along with this word game....

    What you said was logical and correct. I am not fighting, so I have no right to say "We are fighting terrorist". You came across as if since I am not fighting, then I should be completely cut off from the issue and have no opinion.. (even though Im paying for it, but that's not the point)


    Now, if you truly believe in what you said, you will not show any hypocrisy when your rule is applied to other American political issues. If I don't have the right to say "we are at war with terror". Then if you were not in the trade center, pentagon or the plane that went down, You don't not have any right to say "We were attacked on 9/11". Right? And you should feel cut off from the issue completely.....


    I also find it odd that you attempt to belittle the very citizen's who would rather you spend time at home with the family rather than sleeping in the sand for 16 months. Noone ever disrepects the military and everyone respects the fact they are following orders from the commander in cheif. The whole "If you don't support the governement, you don't support the troops" is pure propaganda for help noone but those elected to office.


    First off let me asure you none of this is a game. Peoples lives hang in the balence of this conversation. The men i am talking about are National Guard and crying cus they are not used to leaving their daughters and would rather not but answer when duty calls regaurdless of the reason they joined a branch that had not been used off shore for years. During WWII men in Bedford VA and all across the country joined the guard for the dollar a day to feed thier family. When they were called and when we are called we leave everything we hold dear in an instance all our hopes and dreams are layed on the floor when we get on the bus. You could probably understand my frustration when your done spending a year where at every moment you could die and every time you turn on the news some person with some great proclimation is on the news talking about what your going through. They say "sons and daughters of Americans" like they are children and not grown men that signed a contract. They use us at every turn for political agendas. I wasn't fighting I was trying to make a point. I do not look down on those that choose to serve our country in a family setting. Most National Guardsmen are full time dads until terror strikes. Everyone has a voice. Every american does! I was just trying to bring a little perspective back to the conversation about dead troops. What I would like not to see is my brothers die in vien. I am not trying to kill open honest conversation. We live in a free society. And your right I can say we were atacked. However I would never say it in front of those that were directly effected and if I did on accident and it offended them and they voiced that. I would have a little compasion not try and take it personally and argue my case. When I made the "we" comment I am sorry I directed it at you its from years of pain. My only hopes to come from this is that when you use it your are careful with it. I am not the best at writing down and communicating feelings. Thats why this is the only thing i feel comfortable talking about. And i joined the military before 9/11 my reasons for serveing have nothing to do with 9/11 there is a bigger picture for me, not that you said it did I just wanted that known. I have loved my country since a small boy playing gi joe in the back yard. (Pokemon FTL) The way you choose to serve gives you no less of a voice however when there has been a higher price paid a little respect is due.

  6. If you can stand fox news here is a video story of how messed up the news is.



    Cound not get a direct link its in the list on the right titled "Political Press?"

    its the story of Haditha Iraq. Where it was the headlines of Time magazine. The Marines were exonerated on all charges yet its quiet as a church mouse because its not negative and no blood is involved. People were glued to the screen after 9/11 and since the media has looked for those kinds of ratings. Tragically only horror gets that kind of results not justice.




  7. well, I guess I would be down to about 25% of what I started with?


    Anyway, Our government continuing to invest in fossil fuels is not in the best interest of the people. It IS in the best interest of the person doing the drilling. Sure he is going to make some money, but it is inevitable that we move away from such an energy source.


    No matter how much we drill, gas will never be a dollar a gallon again, because


    A) People will pay $3.50 a gallon. You have to be a moron businessman to sell something for 1/3 of what people will pay for....


    If the government was looking out for our interest they would start investing in an energy source that is not quite as pollutant as oil. Oil will run out one day. So we must move away, but if people pay $3.50 to travel 25 miles, the next business man will sell his energy source for a price equivalent to what gas is.


    If we can move to electric, the power companies will just raise the cost of power. Corporation and business owns America... Money is worthless to people now. We are just following our leaders, When we put anything and everything on our credit card and plan on my children paying it back, money is worthless to us... so yea, why not pay 10 bucks for a gallon of gas?



    But people would pay 5 dollars a gallon cus they cant live without it. So why did it stop?

  8. Here is a list of who is comming so far. I remind you nubs in cinci its only 2 and a half hours drive



    [VI] fanboy

    [VI] Kemo Sabe

    [VI] kovah

    [VI] Tyranus

    [VI] Dweezil

    [VI] Preacher

    [VI] Spatuladogg

    [VI] Lex Diamonds

    [VI] Hailfire

    [VI] AST_Racer


    Zero Damage

    Happytime Harry


    For sure:


    [VI] Swoop

    [VI] Slaphappy

    [VI] Jipper

    [VI] eb0

    Eb0's girl

    [VI] Teflon Don

    [VI] Bartertown

    [VI] Titan

    [VI] Shadowfire






    [VI] PftKev

    [VI] Mookie

    [VI] Max Killjoy

    [VI] White Knight

    [VI] Train

    [VI] Jaksiel



    Drunk Monk

  9. no offense but sounds like a big made up story. No evidence to back any of it up and if it is true it is kind of funny i must say. On the contary though by no means just because your house is a certain way does that make you an environmentalist. One thing that comes to mind is Bush saying about 2 or 3 weeks ago how we need to build more oil refineries because its been so long since we build any in the US. Yeah he is an real true environmentalist...if you believe in renewable energy being a joke then sure.


    Edit: I am refering to when he was asked about 4 dollar gasoline prices. Search cnn and you should be able to find the video.



    You guys crack me up. You would rather say bush is the debil then google search the facts. Its all over the net here is just one refernce. Quit being so hateful and have an open mind.



  10. I did not mean to be rude. I just wanted to put into perspective that when you say "we" then go through the drive through at Mcdonald's and the "we" you speak of is sleeping in dust dreaming of his family and what his daughter looks like that he hasn't seen in 16 months. Who is rude?

  11. until you can prove there was a threat of these weapons of mass destruction that were supposely in iraq... if you remember the reason why we went there to begin with. I still don't see why we ever went there in the first place and how us staying there is providing us safety from the "war on terror." honestly, other than bringing down saddam what good has our presence done for those in iraq? set up an unstable government that has yet to work out for iraq? The reasons for why we went there to begin with were never held up or were never justified well enough to "get weapons of mass destruction" and now we are stuck their because of being affraid of how the U.S. will look if we pull out. Now please tell me why we still should be there?



    WMDs was what people needed to hear. The real reason for going to war was 28 violations of treaties that were put in place after the gulf war. One is grounds for war not 28 and the gas(chemical weapons) was there. We went and are there the reason and that reason is old and played out. What are we gonna do now even if we did mess up. Leave them to the slaughter?

  12. If you don't watch any of this up there, watch this one. This is the core of how I feel as an American Soldier. I teared up after watching it.


  13. The people with roadside bombs are not the people that matter. They are being funded by Iran and are a radical section much like our own militias in North Dakota.

  14. Who ever has the balls to pull our troops from overseas and get this country back into working shape.




    Oil prices are outrageous.


    BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- At least five U.S. soldiers on foot patrol were killed and three others wounded in a suicide bombing Monday in Baghdad, U.S. military officials in Iraq said.


    In 2008, its sixth year, the war will cost approximately $12 billion a month, triple the "burn" rate of its earliest years.


    Who cares about anyone else, I want to see a leader care more about us then others.



    Wow what if the French had said the same during the revolution? We would have lost and never got on our feet. How can you not care about others? Well maybe if you met them it would be easier. If you saw how they live and breath and Love just like us. They have children and they have hopes for them to have a brighter future just like us. They are stuck behind thousands of years of theft and tyranny. Saddam's son Ude let his tiger maul a person in the public street because she bragged she was his lover. Not one of you can sit here and tell that me if you had a brother or cousin that lived through this you would be worried about your gas prices. People other than us paid high prices for America's freedom what makes us any better than them. I am not even gonna read the rest of these posts. However I will say this. Until you have looked in the eye of a starving child. Until you have seen the look in thier eyes when you hand him 10 dollars, which will buy you a movie and a coke, and tears well up in them because he gets to show his father that he is gonna feed their family for a month. Do not worry about your pocketbook as much. I do not agree with the reasons for being there. However the price if we do not continue is way too high. It will not be like Vietnam. They will bring this to our streets the following will grow way more than hatred for bush could ever insight. Young uneducated boys everywhere will know these men defeated America and want to be a part of that. Europe will suffer first. You call it what you want. Its a victory for these people if we give up on the right for a free Iraqi. I am a soldier. I was lucky. My friends were not. I should send you pictures of the dead guys holding children an hour before thier convoy exploded. Then maybe you will think about other people before monetary selfishness. Lives are worth more than money. And don't even bring up soldiers. They know why they do what they do and do not expect the average American to understand. 4000 American men and women have died in Iraq. A little over 400 in Afghanistan. I count everyday and make sure it isnt one of my friends I have made over the last 8 years. Yes the news is negative however does not report the good that every American soldier does there on a daily basis. Let me put it into perspective for you.


    This is what your CNN and FOX will never show. Frankly because no one cares. Think about your freedom and the price it cost Americans and French men and how much you love what you and your familiy does have. Things get a little rough and your worried about gas try 30 attempts on your life cus you are in politics in Iraq. You want your people to be free you still get up and go to work every day.





    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivhAJ2MqJCg IRAQ


    IRAQ ignore song makes me wanna throw up sometimes lol
  15. This guy seems to be getting way too much attention, I think we should vote to either get rid of him or stop talking about him. I understand everyones frustration, and if I played with him I am certain I would be tempted to hit the ban button. But either way, he is getting way too much publicity for playing like a chump.



    You think its bad in here go in the server. He has coined the phrase "you have ben zanned" I wish everyone would ignore and not encourage it. Wrong message to send to noobs. Hes friendly tho.

  16. Most of the regulars press "Auto" when they join a map, but there are a few that always join the easy side, Zan included. It's the nature of the beast and I don't think this can be fixed, unless something is done with team selection screen.


    When I admin, I make sure to spread the word about auto-ing and most acknowledge this.


    Poor Zan, he's been grilled quite a bit lately. o0o


    Grab him and force him to play the other side :P

  17. First off, Retro is a pub. Expecting people to follow your call for a rush is already a folly in itself. Then blaming them for stopping and getting you killed? Besides, this thread is about Zan, a pro-Zan one at that, not about whining.



    This is my biggest pet peve. Its a community. Where we encourage team play. If you dont wanna rush fine. However dont discourage team play. :P k thanks come again.

  18. Hey dark have you heard the song "Breath you in" by Thousand foot Krutch. Its on my myspace as the default song. Its how i have felt about this today. Its funny how a song can spreak so clearly sometimes. you probably know this being the music buff that you are. Im gonna put the lyrics in here.


    "Breathe You In"


    Taking hold, breaking in

    The pressures on, need to circulate

    Mesmerized and taken in

    Moving slow, so it resonates

    It's time to rest, not to sleep away

    My thoughts alone, try to complicate

    I'll do my best, to seek you out

    And be myself, and not impersonate



    I tried so hard to not walk away

    And when things don't go my way

    I'll still carry on and on just the same

    I've always been strong

    But can't make this happen

    'Cause I need to breathe, I want to breathe you in

    The fear of becoming

    I'm so tired of running

    'Cause I need to breathe, I want to breath you in

    I want to breathe you in


    I'm going in, so cover me

    Your compass will, help me turn the page

    The laughing stock, I'll never be

    Because I won't let them take me




    Took awhile to see all the love that's around me

    Through the highs and lows there's a truth that I've known

    And it's you


    I've always been strong

    But can't make this happen

    'Cause I need to breathe, I want to breathe you in

    The fear of becoming

    I'm so tired of running

    'Cause I need to breathe, I want to breathe you in

    I want to breathe you in

    I want to breathe you in

    I want to breathe you in

    I want to, I want to

    I want to breathe you in

    I want to breathe you in

    I want to breathe; I want to, I want to

    Wanna breathe

    I want to breathe you in

    I want to breathe you in

    I wanna breathe




    I can really relate to this song these days. Feeling like your being laughed at because of who you are. Not who you decided to be, but who you really are. When things don't go my way I sometimes like to try and make them go my way. It doesn't work. It's the whole square peg in a round hole thing. Try as you may it's not going to fit. There are things in your life sometimes that you know should fit. You look at the peg and the hole and think to yourself "wow this was a match made in heaven. If it's not the right time it's not going to go. The more you push the more you disfigure what it was supposed to be. Take it from me all that causes is delay and heart ache.


    here is a link to it the way is sung is just great you have to hear it for yourself.



  19. What weapons are the kids sporting? What weapons can I use? These are questions I will need answered before I can answer. If I can wear armor and wield a sword and dagger I could get through quite a few of them before I just ran out of energy. Then I'd just retreat to a room and barricade the door, rest and eat, then start the killing again. Depending on my food and water reserves it could last quite a long time. Guns are useless in this situation in that once they get into close combat your gun is much less effective, not to mention the time for reloads and then the problem of running out of ammo. Swords and other such weapons are much more usefull due to the lack of ammo required.







    The whole point is what he wrote down is all you know you dont have time for recon to get the info you desire. 20 min. The simple answer to this question is leave. Even on foot 20 min is 20 min. Now if there is some circumstance that keeps me in my home. The object would be not to let more than one of them touch you at a time. So you will need a pinch point. Stairs would be good for this. 20 min is plenty of time to pille tings by the top of the stairs to trow at them and do harm. You could boil 4 pots of watter or super heat oil. If your fast enough the kids will be more busy pulling bodies out of the way to get to you than being able to do anything else. Grab the silverware draw and put it up there 2. While they are pulling bodies out of the way throw forks and knives. If you have one of those sinks you could hook a hose up too run a hose from the bathroom to the stairs should only take like 10 seconds to turn the setting on the water heater all the way up. Spray their little faces. Most will go crying home to mom. They are 12 so second degree burns are gonna break their will. If you dont have a stair case. Get on the roof. Kick their faces when they try and get up their 10 foot falls are not going to be part of their fragile bodies Idea of a good time. I mean kick it hard so the pain of the kick is worse than the breaking of the ribs before they hit the ground. Man this was fun anyone need baby sitting this weekend?

  20. I think something has changed in me. I dont want the pain of it anymore. Most probably went through this years ago. I was at a party last night. I saw a girl as a target. The first time in my life I didnt care about her feelings. I am not proud of this but I tried to get her drunk. She didnt need any help actually. I was not attracted to her that much. Its kinda hard to say this. I was just bored. I was tired of being the one on the recieveing end. We went for breakfast. She talked and talked. We made out when I went to drop her off. I tried to get upstairs without any luck. She made it clear it could happen at a latter time. Its sad i dont care if i see her again. Almost like I am putting people on a shelf now for use as my own entertainment. This is not who i am. However its how i am acting. is there a middle groud between not wanting to be used and doing the using. If so could someone write the formula down?

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