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Posts posted by Tyranus

  1. Some of you know my roomate wrecked his bike this Sept. I have had to pay his bills too cus he isn't coming back. Which means its time to sell my toys.


    Alpine CDE-9881 mp3/wma/aac cd receiver Just bought in Sept. Was $179 at Best buy Asking $100 for it. Was installed by them and still have the box to ship it in.


    Alpine MRP-M450 Amplifier was $205 I know its no great deal but need 175 for it.

  2. You assume we like Robertson! What we are saying is he has a huge vote following him. I get my news from the internet now too! And most newspapers I read online. I am for sending them home. I see why they come here but I also understand that when you over look the LAW it creates chaos. Ok I want to say something that has had my Goat since 9/11 Honestly if there was anyone in the white house rep or dem 9/11 would have made everything go up. Even without the Iraq war Afghanistan and homeland security would have still evolved the way it did. We would still be getting bigger and have a huge budget yes Iraq makes it worse. However when are we gonna stop whining about it and come up with good ideas. I personally am glad we did it. After seeing how these people live first hand over there we live in a fairy tale land compared to what they have. Next time your in the drive thru at Burger King ask yourself if you deserve it and others don't. Thats my personal position though I understand where everyone else is coming from though. I believe in taxes especially when we are racking up 7 trillion. I think rock stars have it way to good and should be taxed more. Movie stars should invest it the country that made it rich also. I agree with your last comment and if someone entered like that and didn't waste millions on entering a campaign a year early he would get my vote. I think we are all closer to the mid than we think we are forced at each others throat by the football game on tv called political propaganda.You assume we like Robertson! What we are saying is he has a huge vote following him. I get my news from the internet now too! And most newspapers I read online. I am for sending them home. I see why they come here but I also understand that when you over look the LAW it creates chaos. Ok I want to say something that has had my Goat since 9/11 Honestly if there was anyone in the white house rep or dem 9/11 would have made everything go up. Even without the Iraq war Afghanistan and homeland security would have still evolved the way it did. We would still be getting bigger and have a huge budget yes Iraq makes it worse. However when are we gonna stop whining about it and come up with good ideas. I personally am glad we did it. After seeing how these people live first hand over there we live in a fairy tale land compared to what they have. Next time your in the drive thru at Burger King ask yourself if you deserve it and others don't. Thats my personal position though I understand where everyone else is coming from though. I believe in taxes especially when we are racking up 7 trillion. I think rock stars have it way to good and should be taxed more. Movie stars should invest it the country that made it rich also. I agree with your last comment and if someone entered like that and didn't waste millions on entering a campaign a year early he would get my vote. I think we are all closer to the mid than we think we are forced at each others throat by the football game on tv called political propaganda.

  3. Oh ya cus Dr Dobson doesn't like him because he put all those dems in judge seats in NY. However Pat Robertson gave him his support yesterday.Oh ya cus Dr Dobson doesn't like him because he put all those dems in judge seats in NY. However Pat Robertson gave him his support yesterday.

  4. your right, I do see my side as the norm. Im not for democrats because they are democrats and I don't disagree with republicans simply because they are republicans. Im for a person who shares the same viewpoint and ideas as I do..
    Can you name someone running for president that fits what your looking for? Cus I would vote for him or her. I just dont see it. I watch all news but ejoy fox because they are the only ones even comming close to representing what the American soldier is. I would love to vot the middle but there isnt one anymore.I agree however think it goes both ways. Since most policical figures have flown to the left or right what choice have we had but to change our views. I don't like to cal my self republican or dem I have said this since I was 18 but since then havn't liked any of them. How many of us have to say well so and so leans closest to what I believe. All of us both sides. Show me one running for pres thats in the middle and he gets my vote even if hes a dem. Right now I have to go with my main concerns someone that realizes main stream fundamentalism is a threat to the world not just us. Cus I see a power rising weather you do or not that wants to slaughter jews all over again. And shame on us if we ignore it. Careful on who you trust a lot of promises will be made. Until they see all the classified stuff and theirs eyes go wide open.
  5. that is the most ridiculous spinning crap i have ever heard in these forums ZDThe democrats are Iran's allies...you sir have NO CLUE what you are talking about.In case u didnt notice the dem's/left have been trying to pull our forces out of the supreme failure in Iraq and hopefully regroup some military strength and stop spending 100 OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS on Iraq when other countries have WMDs and can use them against us or innocent countries (if u can call isreal innocent =P )And every respectable congressman/senate person should vote NO WAY IN HELL to ever follow a Bush/Rumsfield led war plan. I would question the sanity of someone that voted for Bush to lead another war. He failed so miserably, ignoring so many generals advice and information just to improve his own agenda.
    'In his defence he said unwilling and by left he didn't mean all dems. I as a soldier agree that soldiers efforts get pooped on by politics from both sides but it mainly comes from the far left. Clinton downsized the military by a huge number. When I signed up my recruiter knew he had to wait for elections to be over for me to sign cus I wouldn't under a Gore administration. I lost 2 roomates over there and what people forget is we die not for the administrations ideology but for this conversation. I wish we could all quit being left and far right quacks and meet in the middle but this media run society doesn't allow for that.
    that is the most ridiculous spinning crap i have ever heard in these forums ZDThe democrats are Iran's allies...you sir have NO CLUE what you are talking about.In case u didnt notice the dem's/left have been trying to pull our forces out of the supreme failure in Iraq and hopefully regroup some military strength and stop spending 100 OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS on Iraq when other countries have WMDs and can use them against us or innocent countries (if u can call isreal innocent =P )And every respectable congressman/senate person should vote NO WAY IN HELL to ever follow a Bush/Rumsfield led war plan. I would question the sanity of someone that voted for Bush to lead another war. He failed so miserably, ignoring so many generals advice and information just to improve his own agenda.
    'In his defence he said unwilling and by left he didn't mean all dems. I as a soldier agree that soldiers efforts get pooped on by politics from both sides but it mainly comes from the far left. Clinton downsized the military by a huge number. When I signed up my recruiter knew he had to wait for elections to be over for me to sign cus I wouldn't under a Gore administration. I lost 2 roomates over there and what people forget is we die not for the administrations ideology but for this conversation. I wish we could all quit being left and far right quacks and meet in the middle but this media run society doesn't allow for that.
    For the record every Pres follows his own agenda. We put them there so if we disagree change it next time around. If you believe the people run this up in here. I hope we do or my friends died in vein. This media drivin prez bashing is so old and it started in the Clinton administration. Its not a football game we don't have to hate eachotherAnd werd if you believe in the God of Abraham careful on that anti Isreal stuff from what I read hes not a fan.
  6. 1 years 2 months 20 days 22 hours 32 minutes 35 secondstill bush is gonegrey-128x128.png
    Lol or until the next moron that isnt gonna be able to please the American people. Its been like this since the Clinton years media makes it a hate game.The sad thing is I havnt seen one video make soldiers look like they really are either. You wont see this video in mainstream media. Our camp alone fed a refuge camp for a year out of the soldiers pockets. Yes not only are they fighting for our freedom of this discusion they are using money from their own pockets to feed the starving. Ask me if i care that a loser drinks and drives over a starving kid. One military compound One refuge camp of 50. In both theaters this happens and you never see it on the news just all the hate and violence.I guess im just a war monger though for serving.
    I made this video cus i was tired of the news not getting reported that soldiers were doing good.Was not our mission we did this on the side.
  7. Nice attitude! " You are wrong I am write" I agreed with you on points now I see this discusion is over. Fear mongering huh. You have obviously not been in one of these countries where women are drug into a stadium and shot in the back of the head. Where young men are molested because of lack of ability of men to have relationships with women unless in secret. However we are the Facists. Next you will tell me we are the ones wanting to destroy a entire race of humans. Wait thats Iran. Our political leadership are all tools but in the literal since they are puppets buy corperate greed. You my friend however have no clue how good we have it here until you have seen a starving 2 year old walking in the street with only a t shirt on and his lil pee pee hanging over the snow ,while his dad is down the street at the local military base digging through military dumpsters to find things that can give his family a chance to survive the winter. All the while digging through our tinkle that we put in 20 oz bottles cus we are 2 lazy to get up in the middle of the night to walk to a latrine. You my friend only have one reason for living to be a hater of Bush which would be a good cause if you actually tried to do something about it. Like politics of civil service but no your just a move on . org blogger. And if your gonna argue an opinion give people the benifit of the doubt rather than call them all a bunch of idiots. Cus it you do no one will listen cus no one likes to be called names you moveon.org blogger! :P


    Have a blessed day and enjoy the night shiny white toilet that you get to use cus the people that have all this oil you speak of are poopin on the ground in their man jammies right now because of facists! Oh yes and they still squat to pee when they have something to aim with. Wow just Wow

  8. I think you would be surprised what Iran and his cohorts are capable of. I also think you would be shocked to see their numbers all over the world. The fact that they were drawn does not scare me we have had plans for north Korea since that war. War games all the way up till sept 11th were simulated on Korea its good training. You would be surprised how many places we have plans for. After Operation Desert Storm we would be stupid to not be ready for it again. I agree there is a bigger picture you think its money I tend to agree with you after all its the root of all evil. However I think we are both clueless to whats really going on and will always be.

  9. Mark my words a day will come in the next 15 years when political correctness is an after thought. When these people start geting over bearing it will be WWII all over again we as a people wont know who to trust in our own nation.

  10. What you quoted of mine was somewhat sarcasim. And my point still remains as long as we are alied with isreal regardless of waht we do or beleieve they will hate us. Your history comment at the end will tell you this.

  11. Isn't it a missle defence system. I didn't know those were nuclear?


    And Bones I am sorry to say this......cus its sad.....but when is the last time our country gave a crap about what anyone thought. Thats why we are here besides the fact of religion.


    Did you know ,and I will look later to find documentation, that the leader of Iran and that religious sect believe if they start world war 3 that a great prophet will come and bring the world to


    Islam. I was in Afghanistan for a year and it is by no means Iraq or Iran however there is an underground Christian Church. The reason being they will kill thier own if they chose to


    believe in something other than islam. Dont get me wrong there are good islamic people. Remember our religious freaks that would bomb abortion clinics? We are talking grander


    scale like the majority over there take it this serious. I dont know what we should do. However I will tell you the only thing they understand over there is the end of a rifle. So try


    sanctions try regulating what they get however the leadership of that country wants to blow up an abortion clinic called Isreal. I agree it shouldnt be our job to tell people what they can


    have and cant. Who will take the lead though? Canada France? Russia? Like it or not Religion starts most of the wars in this world and a big one is comeing. I dont like it but thats real.



    Disclaimer....the views in these pieces might be religous.....I dont agree with some I think there are peacful followers of Mohamad......However this war is gonna be religious weather the


    civil person wants it to be or not. Main reason. Its talked about and fortold by Jewish, Christian, and muslim teachings.







    Make no mistake about it while the UN talks of sanctions these people plot on making the world Islam! The historic way. I like what we had before this administration came. However it would have been differnt with another president it would still be war and we will fight this big fight eventually. I hope it after I am gone and dead I want my American Dream However it might not be in the cards. Bones what will your country do when the neighborhoods are burning like in Denmark Cus your population of muslims that have come from all these places are not happy. Blame us yet again?

  12. I meant to post this a long time ago, but got forumbanned. Anyway, here it is.


    Currently, many of my friends along with me are being viewed negatively in the eyes of the GC community. We've been wrongfully accused of cheating, but the greater offense which we have been incessantly hounded about is "team-stacking." Recently, a rule was even made that when NuggZ connected after a map change, he wouldn't be allowed to pick a team until after everyone else did. Clearly because people only wanted to join his team leading to more team-stacking. Here, I will analyze the causes of team-stacking, its true negative effect, and whether or not a solution is needed for it.


    It is obvious that when people play in the server, they want to have fun. Unfair teams are a detriment to the ability for some to have fun, because it presents a challenge that they would rather not face. However, rather than examine a more underlying cause of the losses, they would find it much easier to accuse a couple of people of "stacking," and be done with it. Team-stacking is defined as one team being considered clearly superior purely because of the individual quality of the players on it. Can we really say however, that stacked teams are the cause to the losses? I would instead view stacked teams as an opportunity. If I was on the weaker team, I would try to analyze our team's weaknesses and try and fix them. Who knows? Maybe if each player focused on their mistakes instead of attributing the loss to stacking, they could even win. Consider the 2004 NBA finals. Nobody told the Lakers about team stacking and they packed a superstar roster of Karl Malone, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, and Gary Payton. Everyone expected them to roll through the tournament securing an easy championship. However, by working better together as a team and by finding flaws and fixing weaknesses, the Pistons were able to overcome and won a glorious victory. I would in fact argue that teamwork makes a team more than players do, and there are examples of this throughout sports history.


    Sticking with the professional sports teams, one might argue back that the teams in professional sports are balanced. Through utilising a draft procedure, teams are enforced to be somewhat even and any team is as good as another. We all know this is utter crap, yet the NBA commissioner isn't making rules saying that Dwayne Wade has to start helping the other team after half time because he is "too good." Similarly I feel that rules such as this against players in the server are unfair. One could also argue that if the other team used the same amount of teamwork we did, they would get better both as a unit and individually, and would be able to challenge one team's domination. One of the biggest reasons us being on the same team makes the team good, is our teamwork.


    This leads nicely into reasons for stacking. The biggest reason we stack teams, is because we like to play with friends. We like to know that someone we can trust is watching our back, and it makes playing more comfortable for us. There are plenty of examples of players who are seen as "less good" always joining teams with their friends but they don't get accused of stacking. Another reason we stack, is because some maps are just way too overplayed and way too terrible to be extended to 15+ rounds. Examples of this are office, aztec, italy. We would much rather win 7-0 on a map where few people have fun anyway, to move on to a much better map. The last reason we "stack" is probably because we share some personal preferences onto what team we would rather join. I know at least in mine and NuggZ's case, we play hyper-aggressively. We hate baiting and we hate just sitting still not moving. Therefore we both would much rather play t-side on dust2, a map where t's enjoy offensive play. You would notice us often stacking t-side on aztec or cobble as well for the same reason.


    The real question however, is whether or not team-stacking is a problem. Most would argue it is, because people have less fun when they can be killed easier. I would argue however, that the challenges which come from needing better teamwork and a lack of dependancy on NuggZ killing everyone are of far greater value to the average pubber. They learn how good players play the opposite team and can come up with effective strategies and types of teamwork to counter it. An example of this was one time on dust2 me and NorgmaN were both on terrorist. We would jump down mid and go quickly up catwalk every round. Eventually a couple of ct's caught on and started boosting to counter our rush. We were killed early in the round and the ct's ended up winning even though teams were "stacked." I would also argue that the gratification that comes from killing a "great" player far exceeds the gratification gained from winning when you didn't need to work for it, and NorgmaN did it all.


    In conclusion, I would argue that team-stacking *is* a problem, however the players who stack aren't at fault. Instead the players on the other team, not willing to work harder for a victory, or embetter their skills as individuals and as a team are at fault, and the "good" players should not be punished. Individual skill can only extend so far. Someone who just bought counter-strike, and someone who has been Cal-I for 6 seasons can still both only shoot one awp bullet at a time, and can still only look at one direction at a time. Teamwork is what makes good players good, and can also easily eradicate the "problem" of stacking. Instead of enforcing teams, encourage people to start working together to figure out new strategies.


    Also, ask yourself why you care so much, enough to impose rules on some people because they are better than others. I'll refer you to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Bergeron . Here is a free copy of the e-book: http://vonnegut.cultish.org/harrison-bergeron/ .


    Edit: Also if anyone does want help getting better because for some skewed reason or another, you think I'm good... it doesn't hurt to ask.

    Edit2: After I wrote this was the first time I changed my name to "Tookey: I dont care if I stack"...this is why.


    Me me me Us us us! Case in point.

  13. Using the word 'rational' in relation to a onipotent and omniscient being seems alittle strange. What is rational to someone living in an American city may seem insane to someone living in a hut in the Amazon jungle, and vice versa. So to try and understand what a being so far beyond our understanding thinks is rational.... well thats just crazy heh :).


    For myself, I have yet to come to a decision regarding the existence of God. My dilemma stems from the fact that through out history people have truly believed in whatever God or Gods they worshiped. They had faith and they knew without a shadow of doubt that thier God/Gods was THE God/Gods. Just as Christians/Muslems/Jews/Hindus ect. do today. So why are they right? What makes their whole hearted belief more true and correct than everyone else who also wholeheartedly believed in their God/Gods? Every religion in history has had sacred books, miracle's, signs, prophet's and so on to prove that they were right. What makes todays religions any different?


    The Universe is so vast that it is hard to make the claim that we are significant to whomever created it. We are swinging around one star among tens of billions of stars just in the Milky Way Galaxy alone. And there are billions of Galaxies, some even bigger than ours. Just thinking about how truly microscopic and insignificant we are to the Universe is really depressing. Its that sort of feeling of being small and impotent that I think helps people believe in a God. It gives you someone who is greater than you, greater than the whole world, who cares about you, and will protect you. Thats a nice feeling. Is it true though? I don't think so.


    If anything I'm a Diest, which is sorta like a Agnostic in that they don't believe that God can be understood, much less worshiped. A Diest believes that God created the Universe and all the laws that govern it, then wondered off to work on other projects, leaving the Universe to grow, expand and create as the rules and laws dictate. We are mearly an aspect of the Universes ability to create. So while I may believe in a God, its not a personal God, or one that even has a passing interest in us. This also allows for science to happily coexist with God, because science is simply figuring out what the Laws and rules are that God created. Nice and tidy.


    But yeah. Trying to create a rational Diety is imposible. We could never understand the thoughts or motivations that could drive one such as God to act. We lack the understanding. So, as far a belief system go's, I think Agnosticism is much more logical than than any other belief.








    May i pose this question then if you made a 1968 gto convertable from scratch you would leave it on a corner somewhere and move on?

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