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Posts posted by Gond

  1. I think everyone should play worse than me...then nobody would be thought a cheater...well, cept me and I'm willing to take on that role!!!


    I've pretty much decided that when I start thinking people are cheating I have played long enough and need to go watch TV or something. Most times it's cause I'm really tired and I just start getting frustrated. So, take that advice for what it's worth.

  2. Well Barto, the fact that your able to realize this and understand what is ahead of you is a great start. Shows there are a few people growing up with some amount of morals and understanding:)


    Teachers are on the hotseat everytime they talk to a child (ok, thats exageration). Doctors are always in fear of the lawsuit. Why would someone want to go through all that. I think people start into teaching & other public service vocations because they genuinly want to do things for other people. Then we do them over and make it miserable for them. Can you see a future where we don't have anyone who wants to be a doctor or a teacher or a police man? Maybe then they will raise the pay for these jobs.

  3. I dont play that often, but when I do, I dont have the time to spend 90% of the time camping and waiting for 10% of the action to happen.

    Since the round time is set I would think that is the max a team can camp;) Being an admin newb isn't it possible to change the round time in game or does that take a server restart? mp_roundtime

  4. Your right linch. No help from parents on discipline. Course I think it's like that in quite a few homes. I get a hard time from my sister cause I'm pretty strict with my daughter. Mostly things like bedtime, mealtime, cleanup..etc. Certainly don't want to get that phone call from the school cause she is in trouble:)

  5. I did kinda keep an eye out for the kids but also felt a bit put out like the parent who left them expected others to take care of her kids...oh well, can't make people think:)


    It is sad to realize you can't just let your kids go. I think I was 4 or 5 when I was able to play outside by myself. It is a different society we live in today.

  6. Ok, I'm really disturbed by this. We asked my daughters preschool teacher to put my daughter in the corner when she wet her pants so she could think about it. The teachers are not allowed to put kids in the corner. There was an incident where a little boy was out of control and ended up hitting 3 other kids. They can't do anything about it cept send the kid to the office. When did this happen? We expect the schools to raise our kids but won't give them the power to discipline them. Did the parents of today not read Lord of the Flies? Why would someone want to be a teacher these days? Underpaid, over stressed...and now you have to have a masters degree? I remember behaving in school because I didn't want the swats. What is wrong with fear of retribution? If children are raised without it they have got to have a higher chance of ending up in jail...no fear of retribution.

  7. Ok, unless you have had your head in the ground you have read or heard about all the kids being kidnapped, "abused" and killed. So, last night I'm at this park and some lady shows up with 3, 5 and 6 year old kids (approximate ages). She says to them "Boys (5 and 6), stay with your sister (3). Girl, stay with your brothers. I'm going to go get your brother." She then proceeds to leave them at the playground and walk across about 3 soccer fields to get her other child.


    Bad enough that the 3 year old could have fallen and gotten hurt but what about the phycho taking the kids? Heck, I don't look like a total hood but I'm not your trim and proper looking guy. I just don't get it? Why don't parents take more responsibility for their children. Something bad happens and they blame society.


    Guess there is no point...do others feel the same way? Are parents just that stupid?

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