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Posts posted by Gond

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/05/08/air...over/index.html


    Ok, I'll admit it was in bad taste and should not have happened...I was actually upset when they wouldn't release the photos...but they did so that is cool.


    But someone quitting over it? I have a feeling it was more of a quit or be fired situation but that is assumption...either way...was this really worth someone losing a job over? And the local police and FAA were aware?


    Least there are still people willing to fall on the sword out there...just wish it was over something worthwhile.

  2. ZD, you are in denial if you don't believe what FX is saying to some point. Sure, some are worse than others but they are all the same. Since Obama came into office, Rush, Sean, Glen...all predicting the end of the world. I'm not saying their is some truth to what they are saying but as FX points out...it's all for money.


    Case in point...listening to Glen Beck today...guy on talking about how to deal with the economic cricis and wants to tell his website for people to go read good info. Glen refuses and says to contact the manager & pay for add space. Thats not a reporter out to help the man more than one out to make money. Sure, it's his job...bottom line...it's his job to get listeners...he wants conservative listeners so he talks to what they want to hear.


    Always remember, when you point a finger there are 3 more pointing back at you.

  3. I agree 100% with the population statement. We MUST stop growing at this rate. It won't be long before there is not enough farm land to sustain us not to mention water. We still reproduce at the 1940's rate...when you needed 6 kids to run the farm and we needed to grow so we could send kids off to die in wars. I do believe that China still has the 1 child rule. I'd never support that here but something has to give. In a round about way population growth is the #1 contributor to global warming as well. More people...more heat...more fuel burned...more CO2 output...


    On fuel...we have to do something. Will it happen in 40 years? Probably...Humans are selfesh and when gas jumps to 20 bucks a gallon eyes will open and then something will happen. There are plenty of options we just have to do it. I work with data and ran across an article (can't post it up cause it's from work) that talked about a company looking into tapping satelites solar panels and then beaming the power to earth (they tested sending power across 96 miles or something between a couple islands). Imagine when that power can be beamed to an electric car just like your cell signal...it can happen, needs funded. All this is why I'm actually upset that the price of fuel went down from 4 bucks a gallon. People were actually thinking about alternatives. Now back at 2 and you don't hear a thing...we just consume along our merry way.


    What did the guy in the matrix say about humans? A virus that destroys it's host or something?

  4. This is a good write up of what the tea parties are about...of course...by Glenn Beck:)




    I don't believe that any reporter is not biased...it's human nature. I do think some are going a bit too far with it though. It's ok to protest Bush but not Obama? It's ok if Democrats protest but Republicans can't?


    This is nothing that didn't happen while Bush was in office...just the shoe is on the other foot.

  5. true point...we are paying for them now.


    I say they are equal to POWs and once the "war" is over they should be returned to the country they were captured in. Releasing them in the US would not be a good idea. They would be found out and they would be "dispatched" I'm sure.

  6. Actually I believe option c would be let them go into bankruptcy (and see if they fail) which is the option I would select.


    I'd also select that for the auto industry.


    It is going to be painful no matter what. Do we pay the price now and let these companies fail & watch the economy melt and then work our way out or do we spend our way out of it now and deal with the problems in the future.


    We can do the latter...I just appologized to my kid and told her she needs to start paying back 1.2 trillion dollars. She handed me a quarter as a first payment. Only $1,199,999,999,999.75 left.


    Wow..sadly for that little *joke* I actually had to look up how many zeros are in a trillion...that is a bunch.

  7. First off...what happened to ZD? I'm not getting my fix here...hehe


    On to the important stuff.




    First off


    On Tuesday, Dodd denied to CNN that he had anything to do with adding the language, which has been used by officials at bailed-out insurance giant AIG to justify paying millions of dollars in bonuses to executives after receiving federal money.


    Apparently the response to this is "Liar, liar, pants on fire"


    Senate Banking committee Chairman Christopher Dodd told CNN Wednesday that he was responsible for language added to the federal stimulus bill to make sure that already-existing contracts for bonuses at companies receiving federal bailout money were honored.


    Now, as far as the individuals getting the bonus...if it was in their contract, regardless of buyout, they should get the money. My problem is with this...


    "We own this company in effect, and we're not asking that these bonuses be rescinded because we have lent money to the company. I believe we are saying as the owners of the company, we do not think ... we should have paid bonuses to people who made mistakes who were incompetent," said Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.


    Then why are these people still employeed there? If they did that bad a job, are "incompetent", they should be canned...then a bonus wouldn't even be an issue here.



  8. If we didn't have pennies what would we put in those little cups at every cash register? ^_^^_^:unsure:


    Have to agree with the "need" to change them though. Waste of money (though it may create jobs...LOL)


    Maybe they are worried that the terrorists have the old plates and are going to destroy our economy by generating trillions of dollars worth of pennies and flood our market.

  9. I will assume your not serious Clueless:)


    The shame of it is that people like this make the system look bad. I know people who have used the system to get out of bad situations and were able to find their way to the other side and get out of the system.


    One girl made a good point. The system is build to help you at the bottom but it doesn't provide anything to sustain you while you climb. She would get to a point and then the benefits were just gone...on or off...so, there were times where she had to go back on as the job didn't pay as much as the system.


    Octo lady is an extreme case (sure, there may be many of them) that the media loves to talk about. We never hear about the mother of 3 who was dumped by the worthless hubby and ended up getting back out of the system.


    We need program reform. We should provide partial benefits when it is appropriate. Unfortunately nothing we do (beyond gestapo tactics) will keep someone from abusing the system. Part of being an American.


    And I agree FX...I'd rather pay taxes to support an idiot then be in their shoes. Also, you can't hurt the kids because the mother is ...well, you know.

  10. LOL...well put:)


    I'll agree that this could be used for bad purposes but I can also see some HUGE value in this network...guess I'd have to talk to a doctor to get their input on it before I can decide. Kinda like I talked to teachers about the no child left behind stuff before I decided on that.


    I may not agree with everything that the Democrats are doing these days but I do NOT think they are monsters who are trying to make us all die. Also, this might be a benefit for working with insurance companies. How can they deny a claim for something that the government said the doctor should do;)

  11. At night the electric usage drops off so plugging in at night should not be a huge issue. This does need to be done along with alternative energy creation I agree. However, we have to start somewhere.


    If you want to look for something to complain about on these cars investigate the carbon usage for creating the batteries and then putting them in a landfill in 10 years compared to the carbon usage of driving a gas car...though I'm sure 10 years is a long time for a government vehicle to be used.

  12. Hehe...this topic isn't about the rest of the stuff...it's about the vehicles.


    I'm pretty much ok with any of the spending that creates jobs here where we need them. I'm just opposed to the handouts though we probably need a few to get us by. Don't want people starving in the streets.

  13. I would say the system will tell the doctor the best recommended treatment for things, kinda like your insurance company does today. I don't believe for a minute that the purpose is to keep your doctor from treating you the best way possible. I see lots of benefits from the systems...as long as they are made and installed by American workers, with American parts made with American components.


    Notice a theme here;)

  14. Even if he did harm one of them, it would not be a civil case. It would be a criminal issue, not a civil issue. They have no rights to file a civil case in the U.S. court system. It is absurd.


    "Remember the OJ"...errr...yea, you know, that guy who didn't kill the people yet was held liable for their deaths in civil court? I belive your statement is correct in theory but not in our society...sadly.

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