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Everything posted by Seph

  1. Seph

    Hey everyone

    lol I toggle on scoutzknivez.. 43-14 scoutzknivez 11-13 next map =(
  2. As some of you may or may not know, as in most MMORPGs, there will most likely be different types of servers for WoW. The most likely ones will be: Normal, FvF (horde vs alliance), PvP (player vs player) and RP (role plaiyng). I'll go into these in detail. Normal: This is "normal" pvp. In wow, there will be instanced zones (maps) that will have pvp (not sure if it is anyone kills anyone, or just FvF) and only in these zones. That means no killing anyone else unless in these zones (or if they agree to a duel..) which basically means it is consentual pvp. This is good if you never want to fight other people, because you can avoid those zones. FvF: This server is great for raiding other towns and for long PvP battles. This means any member of the alliance if open to attack from the horde and vice-versa. This is my personal choice. PvP: Also known as PK servers. These servers are where anyone can kill anyone at any time, no restrictions. Some people see these as suspensful because an attacker could be hiding around the corner at any time, although I've heard horror stories about higher leveling slaughtering newbies. Personally this would be my least favorite. RP: This is where all the people who want to role play go. Role players tend to be more mature (big generalization there) and nicer (again..). These RPers usually interact with eachother within their characters. So instead of going up to someone and saying "hey man, how's it been going? wanna party up?" they would say something like "Oh, I've heard about your deeds before, care to group with me? (I know that sounds cheezy, I suck at doing it.. but you get the point)" Of course, not everyone has to RP on these servers.. its just encouraged here, and generally everyone who would on normal servers go to these. Well there you go.. I'm interested in seeing what you guys will choose. I tried to make a poll but it wouldn't let me.
  3. I chose the Alliance, simply because Dwarves own.
  4. Seph

    Hey everyone

    Hey everyone, I've been playing on your server for a week or so, great community. I know Zeabos and he told me to sign up here, seems like a great place. Looking forward to playing with you guys some more! oh, and if you didn't know, I'm Seph in game
  5. Hey guys. I'm planning on getting wow too as soon as it get out - hopefully right after school ends! Good times staying up until 8:30 am playing w/ your friends I'm thinking Dwarf Paladin or maybe mage? I dunno, I like support classes. Ironforge also looks like the coolest city by far.. Anywho, it'd be great playing with you guys seeing how much I like playing CS with ya =D
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