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Posts posted by Hendryx

  1. Plasma is gonna be obsolete in a few years, because Hi-Def LCD will be out. Plus, if you lay a plasma screen on its side or upside down, its ruined.

  2. draco... hes from g-bury. still cant belive he acually did it, i just saw him the other day to and talked to him. scary stuff.

    Same here. At first I thought he was just blowing off steam, because I saw him in school the next day and he looked fine.


    I know a lot of people who keep saying they're gonna do something like this, and then don't go through with it. It didn't seem like it could actually happen....until it did.


    Can't wait to play a few rounds with you again man. Hope you get back soon! :)

  3. It's been a while since I've played anything even remotely related to Half-Life, but I'll see how much damage I can do. :D

    See you all in game!

  4. *dusts off the board posting page*


    Hey guys, long time no see!


    Those are some awesome screenies. If they do bump the release date, they'll probably aim for the holidays. If it still isn't done by then, they'll probably release it anyway to get a ton of sales then come out with a patch a few weeks later. But who cares about bugs? If screenshots can look that good, imagine what the real thing must be like. :wub:

  5. How many clans does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


    The world may never know.



    So many clans to keep track of, its mind boggling! o0o

    Nevertheless, as long as you guys don't smell like gunman ;) welcome aboard one of the coolest places around! :lol:

  6. www.romnation.net



    I use playagain to find games, then download them on romnation (romnation sorts by weird directory names, but has a fast dl rate. Playagain is alphabetical, but avg 10k/sec)

  7. 4 player Turtles in Time with teamspeak is awesome.

    I have a server set up, but apparently alot of people (outside of gbury) lag on it. Drop in if you're up for a game (I'm usually always in there :lol: )

  on kaillera!

  8. I play with it on. For me on my Geforce 4 Ti 4200, it really smooths motion. The game doesn't look as choppy and I think my aim is slightly better. If you have a decent monitor, go with vsync. My monitor is at 85 Hz at all times, which is plenty for me. I can't really notice the difference between 85 and 99 anyhow (which technically there isn't any, because you're only going to see how fast your monitor can refresh. Vsync just smooths it for you).

  9. Love is like a box of chocolates. You eat one, it tastes good, so you eat so many that you get sick. Rinse, repeat. It's an endless cycle of happiness and sadness. Human emotion baffles us. I think thats why we like it so much.

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