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Posts posted by Brillow_Head

  1. tested last night.


    Bullet registration was phenominally good. This could be an improvement in my client side so I'm not gonna attribute the cfg to this.


    Rubberbanding...yes, its still there. However, for most of the night we had one or two individuals who had 200+ pings and that caused everyone to lag slightly.


    I did have some weapon switch problems due to the rubberbanding. Hit "1", then "2", my pistol would come halfway up then pop back to the primary.


    I'll tracert, and test more as time becomes availible.

  2. Case in point.


    I peek around a corner and spot an enemy, but i'm not lined up so I pre-fire a missed shot which starts the recoil monster in motion...so I will probably not win the encounter.


    One of our many uber skilled members or regs are more apt to round the same corner with a more accurate perception of where the enemy is suppose to be and has already made up their mind that if they see something they shoot it without thought.


    Reversely, the guy that took me down was probably indeed waiting for me to round that corner and was metally prepared to take the action. In the end, he/she wins not because his 29th bullet randommly hit me in the head...but because he was aiming at me the whole time. The fact that only the 29th bullet hit me was more lucky than unlucky from my point of view and was a discredit to my opponent.


    <lower's ego down a notch or two>


    NS, GG

  3. We keep bots:


    You see 9 players, you dont join cause you think its empty.

    Others see 9 players and join cause they think its full.


    We ditch bots


    You see 0 players...you still dont join cause you know its empty.

    Others see 0 players and wont join cause its empty


    Bots 1

    Not bots 0

  4. Motorcycles are concidered by the DMV to be the exact same as cars and trucks...take up the same amount of space...ie one lane.


    Going in between traffic gives the other riders a bad reputation, and in the long run, probably hurts more people than just abiding by the rules of the road.

  5. so you dont miss anything...STAY AFTER ALL THE CREDITS ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. We just set up a Roth IRA account through our bank. If you make under 110k a year combined (as in you and spouse) then you can contribute 4k a year.


    As long as the money is contriubted after taxes, then all the money you deposit in the Roth, AND the compounded intrest will NEVER be taxed and never have to be added as "Additional income." You let it simmer for 30-40 years on a risky to semi-risky mutual fund (or a diversified portfolio) you can net yourself a sizeable chunk of change to retire on (we're hopping for $1 Mill+)


    Not to say that you turn 62 and, bam, your a millionar...you'd withdrawl enough money each year to give you a fixed income to draw from until you die or your IRA runs dry.


    The key is two things


    1) Start early.

    2) Be disciplined (as in keep putting money in)


    Go to your bank and sit down with an investment manager, they can tell you some pretty cools stuff that is relatively easy to set up with a little bit of help.

  7. The gas companies will buy the patent, then burry it till they are out of oil, the bring out a "new technology" which uses water and guess how much you'll pay for the water??

  8. I stopped in to read the topic.


    Keep up the progress!!


    In a few more months of lifting/cardio I'll be ready to take some "before pics."


    I'm benching what I did after basic training...finally after 8 years. Got a good muscle base to work with, now I'm switching to fat loss with high rep lifting to cut the fat out of the tum tum.


    My double chin is almost gone again...its a great feeling.

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