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Posts posted by Clueless

  1. What about healthcare professionals? Are you saying that they should be only concerned with the well being of their fellow man and not making a good living?


    Where's their pay come from in a "free" healthcare system? They do deserve to make a good living....the price for their schooling alone is through the roof.

  2. This government hasn't proven itself capable of running anything more complex than a lemonade stand, and frankly,I think they could screw that up...the thought of them controlling our health care is frightening on a massive level.


    And don't think that it still wouldn't cost alot of the government ran it, the money to fund it would still have to come from somewhere, especially after eliminating such a huge portion of our economy(health insurance companies)...which would then lead into an entire new set of problems.


    And for every story about how awesome socialized medicine is...there's another about excessively long wait times and fewer treatment options, so I'm not sold.


    Sound great on paper, but the reality would be a disaster. We need to fix the system we have first, like REALLY fix it...not just force people to buy in to a broken one.

  3. And to clarify something touched on earlier....this is NOT socialization of the healthcare system...it's merely an unconstitutional law, FORCING every american to buy health insurance from health insurance companies....or be penalized. It solves none of the problems in the system, nor does all this extra buying power seem to be doing anything to lower the cost of health care, it seems to be doing the opposite....why lower the price when the american people are on the hook and have no choice? A truly free and nationwide open insurance market would help lower costs, so would lawsuit reform, and possibly even regulating how much hospitals (at least federal and state ones) can charge for certain services. We need to get rid of the proverbial $200 aspirin tablets, and lawsuits over things that aren't truly negligence. People need to remember....there's no guarantees when you are hurt or sick...if doctors are truly doing the best they can within the abilities of competent physicians, and working within the standard of practice, then they should not be subject to lawsuits...americans just can't deal with the fact that sometimes bad stuff happens, and someone doesn't always have to be on the hook to pay you for your sorrow. The cost of malpractice insurance is a massive burden on the industry as well.


    If a machine is broke, you have to take it apart and analyze it, and make the appropriate repairs....not just duct tape it and slap a fresh coat of paint on it.


    These things seem basic, and they are....and in my opinion, they are the building blocks that should lay the foundation for true health care reform....not the political theatrics that are going on now. The health care system is a HUGE part of our economy and our society as a whole....you can fix something that big, that is intertwined so deeply in our system, immediately....you have to make sound adjustments in the right places and work from there, but in true american fashion...we want immediate gratification.


    What would be next? I dunno...you have to start somewhere, see how the industry reacts, address the new problems as they come, and keep working incrementally towards a system that works....you can't expect to write a pile of nonsense bill like obamacare and just call healthcare fixed.....that's like declaring victory on an aircraft carrier when the fighting just began.

  4. Work hours being cut is going to be the biggest issue, many companies are already gearing up to cut hours to 29 a week, which will cause people to have to work 2 jobs.


    Obamacare is a mess...targeting the reasons that health care is so expensive would have been the logical choice before just forcing more people into a broken system. The insurance companies are the big winners here.


    Don't even get me started on congress exempting themselves from all this crap...

    • Like 1
  5. Tracing route to go2.gcftw.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms homeportal []

    2 26 ms 24 ms 25 ms 99-91-68-2.lightspeed.nworla.sbcglobal.net [99.9


    3 * * * Request timed out.

    4 * * * Request timed out.

    5 * * * Request timed out.

    6 23 ms 23 ms 24 ms

    7 25 ms 27 ms 27 ms

    8 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms

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    12 64 ms 63 ms 62 ms cr1.nsvtn.ip.att.net []

    13 66 ms 63 ms 63 ms cr2.nsvtn.ip.att.net []

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    16 61 ms 60 ms 59 ms cgcil405me3.ip.att.net []

    17 * * * Request timed out.

    18 62 ms 62 ms 61 ms border5.po1-bbnet1.chg.pnap.net []

    19 62 ms 61 ms 61 ms c-64-74-97-232.managed-vds.internap-chicago.nfos

    ervers.com []

    Trace complete.
  6. anyone remember when we got a match together of scopeless server players vs scoped server players?

    Yeah...those were the days. That server kept me super busy, and almost super divorced.....which ended up happening eventually anyways, so I should have just stuck with it! LOL.


    Good luck with it guys, sounds like a lot of fun.

  7. That is a big part of the issue with me...proving chemical weapons were used is fairly easy, proving WHO used them is another thing entirely, and that's where the problem lies. We have absolutely no idea who used them for sure, and if a military strike is the plan, then people better be DAMN sure...and I don't think that's possible.


    The water is way too muddy to be swimming in.

  8. I'm reasonably certain that this information would be there no matter who is in office, I doubt Obama is sitting around editing Wikipedia pages adding strategic info all day. It's the becoming the culture of this country to expect to know everything immediately, especially when it pertains to something juicy, but at the same time, to cry and whine when our privacy is violated.


    Information is only sacred anymore if it's your own.

  9. Enough already....take a break, or get on point. Start actually responding to the posts that are on topic instead of just the ones that feed your seemingly insatiable appetite for confrontation.


    My last post on the subject, from here forward i'm just going to delete everything irrelevant and petty....it's so tiring.

  10. I am just amazed at how the other world leaders, including Russia, are all trying to get everyone to the table to find a diplomatic resolution, and we are showing the world our arrogance again. I find it amazing that politicians can be so stupid and blind, can they not see that we would likely be starting ww3? How is adding more death going to help anything?



    I was also infuriated to see that a few politicians turned away meetings from the Russian delegation coming here, how arrogant and insulting is that? If any county sends a delegation to discuss possible peaceful resolutions to a major issue, you don't turn them away, even if you have no intention of listening to them, you still meet with them, they travelled half way around the world, it's just the right thing to do. That behavior is unacceptable and embarrassing.

  11. I'm not doing it to be nice....people need to start acting like adults down here, i've grown tired of reading the personal insults while "discussing" politics. My vote would be to burn down the political forum altogether, but since I can't get a unanimous vote on that, it has to be cleaned up. Too much trash talk.


    It's sad...look back over this topic for example, there are a few good posts made, with no insults whatsoever, and no attention is paid....the only thing that draws a response is the confrontational stuff. That should tell everybody something.

  12. ZD.... did you miss my last post?


    Wait Let me get this right. For months there have been numerous people in here insulting me and trolling me and when I complain about it, I get the "it's the cellar, blah blah blah." Now all of a sudden there are some rules and apparently only apply to me all the while you get Chan, Shaftiel, and everyone else poopting all over me? How typical.

    Seriously?, it was a general statement to everyone as it's getting a bit out of line....i referenced what you called someone as well as what someone called you...i don't know how much more of a blanket statement it could have been.


    And for the record...I have spoken up a few times recently when things were getting heated between you and others.

  13. Easy on the stone throwing....starting to get out of line.


    Stay on topic, make your points, lose the childish name calling. And yes....that goes for calling people "lefties" just as much as it does for calling people illiterate. If you have to call somebody a name, you probably don't have a very strong point.



    I think we are all pretty much on the same page that going in to Syria is a bad idea.


    And yes, anyone with an open mind and deductive reasoning would find it hard to make a case for going in to Iraq over 9/11....there were many more logical places to go after Bin Laden. Not saying that the government didn't have their reasons for going in to Iraq...not that they were good reasons, especially in hindsight, but they had their reasons, and I feel that they used the countries rage over 9/11 to gain support from the American people for military action.


    We can't continue invading every country that doesn't behave to our standards. Speaking of animalistic standards, maybe we should focus even a 10th of that energy on fixing the animalistic behavior exhibited here in our own country, agaisnt our own, by our own, let the rest of the world kill themselves in the meantime.

  15. Ugh....I had no idea about the animal that he wanted to back. Honestly, when I first started hearing about this "conflict" it seemed that we were simply thinking of lobbing some missiles over there, which in itself is a horrible idea....I had no idea that it's turned into picking a new side to back...and that it was a complete animal like that. It's disgusting, but that video Preacher posted should be seen by every American.

  16. We need a President who is a true diplomat that can get countries like Russia to the table and agree that something needs to happen to stop these horrible acts of brutality, even though they are allies. The battle needs to be won by everyone coming together to agree that something needs to be done, and everyone having input as to what that plan will be. Lobbing cruise missiles over there will do nothing put poke a hornets nest and possibly risk world war.


    How this escapes our government is baffling to me....

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