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Posts posted by Clueless

  1. I am a gun advocate, I love guns and our right to own them, but I don't agree with the hard stance that the NRA seems to take alot. From what I understand, they don't ever want to give an inch because they don't trust the government, they feel every concession will just be a stepping stone for the government to take away more of our liberties. I can at least admire their intentions of protecting our gun rights, and understand the distrust of politicians, but personally....I wouldn't mind not only background checks, but also some mandatory safety and competency testing for handguns. I had to train and test when I went through the police academy years ago, I had to train and test for my CCW license in Ohio, and I am certainly no worse off for it.


    Whether we agree or disagree on the topic of gun ownership rights, I think we can all agree that they are dangerous, and proper training should be required as well as being certain that a person is mentally capable of the responsibility. As an avid gun enthusiast...I have no issue at all, and would gladly pay the required fees and put in the time to ensure that legal gun owners are doing everything possible to be safe and responsible.

  2. It is their taxes broken up into 4 payments, except that they have to estimate their earnings and pay taxes on that, so of business wasn't as good as they had estimated for example, they would get money back. Of course there's write offs and everything too.

  3. A huge corporation getting a big tax refund makes everyone automatically think they paid no taxes, but there is never a mention of how much they paid in estimated quarterly taxes.

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  4. I quit about 4 years ago, cold turkey.....the best way to go, it will suck for a few days, then mildly suck for a few weeks, then it's over. Don't stretch it out for months having to ween off of gums and patches, just set your mind to it, realize that you are strong enough to accomplish it, and do it!


    Good luck! :D

  5. Y'know, just for the record, you make some really good points but its hidden behind all of your racism and ignorance that your point never makes it to the surface.

    Ya know, the conversation goes along fine without you, this is twice you have personally insulted me, calling me ignorant again, and this time also a racist. I am neither, and I assure you that I am no racist. Everything that you say has a smug tone to it...as if you think you know everyone and everything. Beside your smart arse one liners, what have you contributed to this?


    Again, you know nothing about me, so keep your stupid comments to yourself.

  6. because if pumping money into a community is giving handouts then white must be wiping their asses with the government's money


    i'm not even going to pretend to know what means...


    As for spending money properly to help advance society, I think that I have already said multiple times that I agree with that. What I don't agree with is handing paychecks to moochers year after year when they change nothing about their lives...and giving them tax returns when they paid nothing in, or making rich people redistribute their wealth simply because they have it, which is where this thread started.

  7. So that makes them ok then? Simply seeing another human being walking down the street, that just happens to be on "his turf" and just happens to be in a rival gang, and then opening fire on that person, killing and wounding innocent people should just be considered a cultural norm?


    I think that certain people just choose to see the world a certain way, and will blame it on the media, the government, rich whitey, and a hundred other things, but the bottom line is...if people choose that thuggish life of violence, that's because they are too weak to make the climb to succeed in any way. It's easier to get into that pack mentality, and feel the "power" of having a gun,and a bunch of fellow thugs around you, and the "power" that it gives you to take what you think the world owes you, but it's weak, plain and simple.


    The world needs more role models that will show them that there is a better way, but instead, they idolize these gangster rappers, and people like that, people that glorify that lifestyle....is that the media's fault too? Would government handouts fix that?


    The upward mobility that you speak of won't come from government handouts or any other socialist ideas that you may have. It will only come from themselves, whether you choose to believe it or not, the opportunities are there, they just have to want to take them.

  8. oh and let's not forget trayvon martin... because you know, that wasn't racism

    And don't forget, the man that killed him wasn't "most white people"...he was one man. And there is no way to say that he stands for the opinions of all white men.


    Go check your stats for black on black gun violence....where does that fit in your formula?

  9. it is bad to be racist like most white people are.

    That is one of the most ridiculous and unsubstantiated statements that I may have ever seen in here.



    One of the main reasons this opportunity isn't there is because the government doesn't give them resources.

    Another ridiculous statement, there are so many programs and resources available to minorities that apply themselves to education. As I said before, it can actually be harder for someone who isn't a minority to get assistance with tuition. I think this country is more than fair in offering a people a fair shake to educate themselves. But it takes the drive to do it. There are plenty of people that are taking advantage of these programs and doing good stuff with their lives. To say they have no chance because the government doesn't give it to them is just simply false.


    The other issue with all of this is that the hard working people that are trying to get by are being further dragged down paying for those who choose to mooch, and also for a government that wastes money. So there are a great number of people who would prosper simply from our government trying to end the constant cash leakage into the hands of moochers and getting a grasp on a real budget.


    There are many things in my life that I wish that I had accomplished, some things I still will, but I never blame anyone but myself for anything that I have fallen short on, I take personal responsibility for those things, because I know that if I would have chosen to work harder in certain areas, that some things could have been different. So now I will choose to learn from my shortcomings and do my best to raise my son to overcome his own.

  10. It's getting to the point where I am starting to feel offended by being labeled "white"....like the white man is the devil or something. Sure, this nation, as hundreds of others, started in a way that we consider shameful and unfortunate today....but get over it, move on, so tired of hearing people cry racism about everything. The people that constantly beat the point into the ground are the ones that are primarily responsible for keeping racism alive and well. No one alive today had anything to do with slavery, on either side of the coin....so read about it history books, learn from it, but quit crying about it and move on. Slavery was something that was done on a much larger scale around the world for thousands of years...people enslaved their OWN people of lower class....it's an unfortunate part of human history, be we need to evolve and move on.


    As for saying there is an unequal representation in government? What the hell do you mean? We have a black president pete's sake, and we have MANY members of congress and the senate, as well as local government everywhere that are of different ethnic backround.


    Unequal wealth distribution by race? Please explain....first of all, we shouldn't "distribute" anything....WORK for it. If you want to show some kind of numbers as to this distribution, please do, but if you think about it.....the only "distribution" is going to the moochers, there is no "distribution" to anyone else other that those who physically can't take care of themselves, which is fine by me....the rest of the people earn it.


    As far as pop culture goes...there are FAR more examples of races displaying themselves in a poor light than anything else. There isn't much going on out there that's poking fun or degrading any race other than by the people themselves at their own expense.


    As far as internment camps, we were at war, we were attacked on our own soil by the Japanese. Do I agree with what they did? Not really, but times were different then, technology was different, I can at least understand where they were coming from, they were trying to protect the country against an enemy that was unknown at the time, meaning, they didn't know if these people would switch loyalty to their homeland, or if they were even here by design. Again, I don't agree by todays standards, but we weren't killing them. And this is a good example...look at the Japanese Americans of today, are they treated differently? Are they the subject of racism? No, it's not even something that people think about on a normal basis....you think that might be because they don't spend huge amount of their time dwelling on unfortunate times in the past? Because they aren't constantly complaining and thinking that the world owes them something for it? They picked themselves up and moved forward, and many of them are successful people, because they work hard, not because it was given to them. So you can't say events in the past hold people back,the Japanese were the hated enemy of this country once, and now they are just another hard working, respected part of our society.


    And gosh, we could go on all day....look at the number of college grants and scholarships available to minorities....it's staggering....it's actually much harder for a "white" person as you say, to get help with college anymore.


    Enough with the guilt and self pity....people need to pick their arses up and make something happen. Show the world that any negative perceptions of them are wrong.

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