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Posts posted by Chief

  1. Pre: an insane dictator persecuting his people and maintaining internal stability while threatening the region through propaganda and hyperbole.


    Post: an insane population with years of grievances taking out hostilities on each other threatening the region through instability and factional hatred.

  2. It's tough to say. I thought he made a great DA for NY! I just feel exhausted and betrayed by the whole darned system, from the parties to the people. To be fair I have not given him a fair review, but I haven't for anyone. I'm a really passionate guy, and right now I'm just turned off. Why can't things just work out? Don't we all want better schools, faster planes, smarter tanks, and more efficient airports & highways?








    What's so hard about that? Why does the federal government have to do more? I know the grey edges make the world go round and California OUGHT to subsidize North Dakota....... but it's just too darned much about PORK, and not enough about states rights.


    (four beers)

  3. It's been a long time since I haven't voted Republican or thought that the Democratic candidate was better. I'm not feeling up to punching the R tab on the next vote.


    I hated Clinton and thought he commited treason (and all that implies for punishment). I'm at the point where I hate Bush more pretty much.


    This from a guy who thinks Nixon was a great man.


    The dems haven't attracted me, but I'm turned off of Republicans as a mainstream alternative to my beliefs.

  4. Now I'm not saying we need a new government of anything, but we do need to change the status quo.


    I agree--things aren't that bad, but they do need fixed. We need 1 or 2 more major political parties. We need a balanced budget, we need a bigger budget for our military (not to wage war, but to pay troops a better wage and to provide better equipment and training--not that either are lacking). Our standing army should not require Army wives to get food stamps etc. With two parties, we'll never see bettter schools and highways. This isn't a yes or no, left or right, right or wrong world.


    This is a plurality and it needs to be represented. I have no idea how to get there, but I think we have a lot of priorities that have become federal when they belong in the states (marriage, gun control, etc).


    I've been to Canada, Mexico, the Carribean, Europe, Asia and I've lived in Texas, Virgina, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Californa, Nevada and England all for 1 or more years. I've been around the world and America is the best. But we can improve a lot of things and be even better.

  5. Wow I wish I wouldn't have read this at 7:15am when I'm supposed to be on my way to work. Now it's all I'm going to be thinking about. Initial thoughts,


    I've got classical libertarian views brewing in my heart, so I don't mind having an opinionated press. As long as it is honest about having an opinion and the opinions are free to exist. Vive le pamphleteers!!! It's the pseudo-unbiased, hidden agenda press that gets under my skin.


    So from my signature below, I next turn to Jefferson:


    Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.


    -Thomas Jefferson



  6. Wisdom and spells +2 for the video game story--that was awesome


    I've been gone a while from the forums, have all the threads been this productive and conversational between different opinions? This is awesome! Great posts, I've enjoyed reading all of the contributions.

  7. I am saying that the side arms used by the conventional foot soldier are and should be de facto rights to bear. Free people myst protect themselves and be prepared to be called upon to protect others.


    As I said, the military will train you on specialized weaponry for combat including the F22 you attached, bazookas, submarines, ICBMs, c4, et cetera.


    But before I am called into action, as a free man of 18 in these United States I have the right and responsibility to own a pistol, rifle and/or shotgun.

  8. To be honest, I saw Kerry as an unknown. I didn't trust him. I didn't agree with Bush 100% at the midterms, but I didn't think he was as immune to reality as it turned out. It was a question of the guy I don't trust (Kerry) and the guy I trust and disagree with (Bush).


    People that hated Bush by the midterm, weren't standing on firm ground--only the paranoid could have then known how negligent the administration would end up being.

  9. I still support what Bush wanted to do and believe that the strength he had to stay the course ended up being a trap and he never started adapting to a variety of changing conditions on a variety of fronts, foreign and domestic. I believe it is beyond fair that his support has eroded and don't think history will be kind to his legacy.


    I pray every day that Jesse the Body Ventura runs for president! :)


    There are a couple of very liberal people and a couple of very conservative people and too often they snipe at each other instead of learning more about their own position and that of the person they disagree with: I think that there has been a tendency (and I did once or twice myself) to take things personally that should remain academic.


    Also, in my limited time, I've been reading the sherdog.com forums for mixed martial arts stuff. I stop by and read things, but it isn't fair to jump into and out of conversations so I just end up reading a lot of the times.

  10. Pistols, rifles, shotguns. The standard equipment of a combat infantryman. 400 years ago I would have said a sword/sabre/axe/spear. Carefully screened, taxed, documented, authorized, licensed. It is supposed to be a properly regulated militia after all. The military can train me on military needs/skills, but I have the right as a free man to maintain a .45, a rifle, a 12 guage.

  11. I take a somewhat conservative (that does not mean George W. Bush, it means literal) interpretation of the Constitution of these United States. I believe that it is my right and responsibility to be skilled and proficient with weapons. I *am* the militia should the need arise, and so too is EVERY individual.


    The last thing any free person should ever want is to be unable to protect him/her-self. The framers of the Constitution knew that every citizen must own and be skilled with the weapons of the day.


    Yes, people should be screened to minimize the "undesireables" from arming themselves. I think that every police department should also offer training to citizens both on the legal and practical aspects of gun ownership--safety, cleaning and maintaining, marksmanship, self defense et cetera.


    However, a free society protects itself from itself with a balance of power both political and tactical. I challenge you to point out ANY century when there was not a dictator or other political figure that did not have a nation state committing attrocities against its population. No, I am not a zealot or freak. Yes, we have a freely elected system of officials. No, I am not really concerned that in the immediate future there will be great attrocities committed against U.S. citizens by our leaders. Things do, however, go terribly wrong.


    The Iraqis had little idea that Saddam would use WoMD against its own people; Cubans never suspected they would be trapped in the 1950s only 100 miles off the coast of the richest nation in the world; the good people of China never counted on tanks running over students; 2,000,000 Cambodians never reckoned Pol Pot would exterminate a population to preserve power; 6,000,000 Jews and my U.S. Marine grandfather did not count on a weenie named Hitler; the Blacks of South Africa did not expect to be enslaved in their own land; 1000s did not expect to starve in Somalia when food shipments arrived daily...


    It saddens me to think that you or your sons may be called upon to protect our nation or the free people of another nation from tyranny and despotism without having skill with a weapon. One week in bootcamp learning marksmanship will not keep you alive against the mobilized forces of a madman bent on power.


    Learn to shoot. Learn to do it safely. Teach others. Penalize deviants severely. But for Heaven's sake, do not look past the wisdom of the founding fathers. A free people stays as such, by protecting itself and others. It takes the Second to protect the First.






    Saw this video and it reminded me of the wasteland thread that got started years ago! Good memories with a lot of good folks. Hope you are all well and that I get to see many of you at FF07.

  13. Giulliani has a more moderate Rep. reputation than McCain. I think that the moderation of the GOP is going to be key to them having a chance of winning elections for close to the next decade.


    I do not believe that as a whole, the American people will vote in a woman. I think that we'll have a black pres before a woman pres and I don't think Obama is seasoned enough to pull it off.







    Granted there are 3 gop and 1 dem in my front runners list, but there's time for that list to change. It is strictly based on electability in 23 months.

  14. I read this book a long time ago. One of the first times I was playing in some of the olden-est of days I was playing and someone called him a f*g. He stuck him down, spamming it over and over and there was a lightning bolt mod. I thought it was awesome and had found a fun place to zone and play some serious games without the stress. So I asked the admin if he was Bob Lee Swagger.





  15. I still think going into Iraq was a good idea. I don't think enough information is available to know how much we were lied to, and it will be like the Bay of Pigs in that it will be decades before we know.


    But if we would have said, "sadam is out and it's war." I would have been on board on those grounds alone given what we do know about him.


    I don't think that going into Iraq was wrong, but I think that the conduct of the war and the administration's refusal to acknowledge the situation as it unfolded has been at times incompetent and at times criminal. Iraq didn't have to turn out like this, and it shouldn't have.


    First and foremost, I support our troops and think that they have been taken advantage of and misused.

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