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Posts posted by Chief

  1. Hey, I was playing on Prodigious this evening and ran into a bit of trouble as it got later.


    name-- "operation : junuh"



    TKing TAing and being verbally agressive on Mmmm prodigius last night.


    He also claimed to be LANing with


    name-- "shatbag"

    wonid-- 3300799


    I did not record a demo, I just left. Earlier when Mmmms were around "shat" wasn't doing much better than 2:9 (literally). Later, he was 24:2. He could not be flanked because he would turn around on walkers. I heard him running through CT spawn from B to A so I told LongHair to go B and I would distract. He set up camping toward middle high, started shooting a bit too soon, and then took off running toward B without looking back. When I died, "operation : junuh" said, "he knows, we're laning" because I told LongHair to run to B and I would distract.


    I am going to add them to the perm ban on our side and thought that you guys would be interested in this kind of game play.






  2. I hope to get to do this...I mean I can, I just hope I'm not too late to sign up! LongHair and I will be coming from Chicago. With equipment I reckon we should be able to get 1 more in a car. I have a truck so, if people packed up stuff good and sealed it from road dust in like a suitcase I could bring a few machines that way. I have an extended cab so some can fit inside pretty easy too.



  3. I wasn't there and so I won't make any comments about the situation.


    I do, however, know that tolerance is good, respect is a must, and fun is essential.


    I also think that that flower blossoming is waaay too sexy. Maude Lebowski would really like it, too.




    Does the word make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?



  4. If Barto owns all...why does he end up being a dead-beat, never-was rock star mooching off his parents and messing up his sexy, powerful younger sister's administration? :huh:






    8P) You do think Lisa makes for a sexy first female POTUS, right?

  5. Kimber is the master of 1911-dom right now. I own a Kimber and have no problems with your choice. $8 to shoot a Kimber Gold Match (plus ammo @ 15$ per 50) at On Site in the D.C. area--I'll be there this weekend.


    So a Kimber, please hendy!??



  6. You just cannot get people like this to realize that it is a lifestyle and not an addiction. And just imagine the headlines if we were having online tea parties playing "Barbie: a college co-ed modification for Mid-Wife" complete with a realistic physics engine that slowed Barbie down with cramps after 28 days of game play. Just imagine, gamers, you could lose her earrings after a latenight, sneak in after curfew, go shopping with friends, and of course LOTS of voice chatting.


    Are little kids addicted to cowboys and indians?


    Did cap guns set American sensibilities back?


    Does Hide 'n' Seek mold our young male population into emotionally unavailable, sneaky men trained to run and hide from life's challenges?


    The only thing we really need to concern ourselves with is the post-war communist conspiracy to introduce floride into our water supplies--contaminating everything from drinking water to children's icecream. Oh yeah, and a cannuck with a camera can really mislead a whole big bunch of people, too.





  7. For your viewing entertainment (and to see shots not register) spectate me a few rounds when my ratio is well below 1:1 (my connexion is prolly doing its own thing at that point).


    The other day I was on piranesi and someone was sniping from one of the overlooks with an AWP. I saw them round the corner and get in position...I walked up next to them...set my crosshairs on their head...fired a burst into their temple and it made a dull sound...fired a burst into their head...it made the same sound...so I unloaded pulling my crosshairs from the head to the groin...the guy turned and shot me...I died...he had 1oo hp.


    You've all seen me kill someone. I can tell the difference between an enemy's head and the wall! But sometimes my shots just don't register. If you're spectating, it is entertaining (or seems that way based off of people's comments who have seen it when it's happened).





  8. As men, we need to realize that women have the male ogc haxor fembot 3.11. There is no cheat detection and it can successfully block all admin commands. Including gag, kick, slap, slay, ban, llamify, and it stands up quite well to auto team balance.


    Banning the IP range is not an option (for those of us choosing the heterosexual path).


    With smart teamplay and by sacrificing a few rounds without buying anything, you can save up enough for a small group to overwhelm the target. Basic teamplay principles apply: cover your buddy; don't run around making so much noise (sometimes you just gotta take it slow and listen); reload before you run out of ammo; buy a kit if you want to be able to difuse the bomb quick enough to win the round; be willing to take a grenade for the team. They play as a team, and we must too!


    fembot 3.11 has some nasty new features implemented since 3.10. Buy plenty of armor and don't be afraid to use a flash bang and run away. But at the end of the day, they're a worthy adversary. ..and there is nothing quite like counting coup after a well-earned victory.


    :ph34r: like the ninja, we must be swift, deft, and silent. I recommend a few more rounds of practice scrims before the next league match.




    :wub: I also advocate a 1 : 0 ratio for maximum pleasure in the gaming experience

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