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  1. So I can't be the only one with this problem. You buy games on steam (usually at big discounts when they go on sale) but you never get to play the majority of them because life is busy. I am just now getting around to playing Borderlands 2 to show you how far behind I am. It is especially hard for me as I am a completionist so I have to finish all the DLC with most of the games as well. I have the following titles that I have bought but still haven't been able to play (major games only - I have tons of smaller games I haven't played yet either). I thought it would be fun for people to list those games you always meant to play but haven't been able to get around to it even though you own the game. Let's us see who is the farthest behind. Assassin's Creed III Fallout 3 New Vegas (I have completed the original) Bioshock games Elder Scrolls Oblivion Elder Scrolls Skyrim Witcher 2 Far Cry (at least first 2 games maybe the third too) That is all I can remember off the top of my head without being at my computer at home.
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