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Found 1 result

  1. Okay so i know that a lot of people have been purchasing the member slots, in wake of "being kicked to make room for a member", and I for one have a beef with this. I have a beef with this in only one way, the kicking of non-paying players should be limited to the end of the round. So many times lately I have playing and been 2 points away from a tank and get kicked, or have had points that I was in the middle of sending someone for them to heal and get kicked. I agree paying members should get what they pay for, but there should be rules to it. It seems unfair to the rest of the team if someone on their team happens to be a non-paying player, but is actually helping the team a lot, has a bunch of points, randomly gets kicked for a paying player to join. I suggest that members should have to wait to at least the end of the current round. Call me a cheapskate or whatever, I can just see the door being open to abuse of this power if there are no rules to it.
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