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Fatty's Quick Guide to Onslaught

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There's lots of information out there about UNREAL TOURNAMENT:


unrealtournament2004.com for instance has a wealth of info.


www.unrealadmin.org is where I go when I have questions about anything admin for UT.


But anyways, you might not want to venture out! That's why I'm giving you a quick guide to Onslaught, so that you know what's going on in MOBOCRACY 24/7!


Ok, let's get started. You gotta know two main terms: PowerCore and PowerNode. The PowerCore is your base. Everything you do begins and must stay connected to your PowerCore. Besides the fact that you always have to stay geographically connected to your PC, think of this like the game of Risk.


For this example, I'm going to use the simplist of maps called Frostbite:



Here you have two PC, one for each team, and one PowerNode. Most maps have multiple PN, but this will be fine for our example. To attack anything, you must be connected directly to your PC through the nodes. In the end, destroying the enemy PC is the goal. To do that, you must reach it by controling PN.


Here's the Blue base that contains the BPC (blue powercore):



Here's the one PN that lies between the two PC. Notice it's got the blue beam above it. It's under blue control right now. You can also tell that it's control by blue by looking at the first image above.



This next image is the Red team PowerCore. You'll notice it has a red beam above it. That is because it is vulnerable to attack. Whenever a node or core are vulnerable, they show this beam. Notice that in the picture of the blue PC above, it has no beam. That is because it is protected by the node that it owns. Again, here is the red core:




Here's a shot from behind the only powernode on the map. Off to the right you'd find the blue PC, and the red is off to the left. Simple map. Constant battling over this one node makes it non-stop onslaught.



To take control of the node, you must occupy it. You must also keep it at full power in order to use it to attack and also produce vehicles. Here you see two players using link guns to strengthen their node. "Linking" up, as you see here (the player below our fov is linked to the one you can see), speeds up the powering process. Again, to make the next node, or in this map, the core, vulnerable, you have to have fully powered nodes.


Did you notice that a guy from the red team just screamed through that powernode trying to decapitate those guys? Blue was two quick, but obviously you can see what happens when you "right-click" while driving a Scorpion.



You know me...just gotta have an organized team, right? Welp, in this game, protecting what's yours is more important that attacking what you want. Once you lose the adjacent node, you can't damage anything. Here's an example of a couple guys standing guard over this very valuable node. Notice again, the team player taking time to power the node up to full capacity.



So then I finally hit FIRE to jump in and get tossed on the blue team:



I decide to hunt someone down and get a quick kill with the rocket launcher. Rockets hurt, but this guy didn't feel a thing. You'll see his flaming remains landing in the background.


Note that he too was using a rocket launcher, and it was left where I blew him up.



Welp, that's it for now. There is so much more to the game, but this is a quick overview of Onslaught.


Any questions? Any UT2k4 players like to add anything that I may have missed?

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GC Founder

Oh I know what I wanted to do. Here's an example of a map with more than one PowerNode. Remember, Frostbite is the ONLY map with just one powernode.


Here's a shot from ArcticStronghold (and no, they're not all in the snow...I think these are the only two!)



Notice here that blue (the GC default team!!!!!) has control of all nodes and the red base is vulnerable. The locked symbols mean that red can't touch them. Red must attack the circular node at the top and destroy it to protect it's base. (lemme tell ya, i bet it didn't happen).


I've found that if you can get a team to work fast and hard and then be disciplined enough to not charge everyone to the PC, then you'll do fine. In the above scenario, I try to encourage our team to send perhaps 25% of our team to the PC, while 75% make sure the adjacent node stays protected and powered up. This forces the red to divide their forces....making a choice between defending their PC or destroying the node.



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