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Getting better. . . .


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I ran into this problem with the old non source CS. And I'm starting to see it again in souce. I really dig the game, and I've been having a ton of fun playing with you all. However, I feel like I've hit a wall as far as getting better at the game.


Have any of you run into this, and what did you do to get past it? When I played DoD in the battle for europe league we would have practices to work on shots, grenade placement etc. This really helped me get better. Playing actual matches don't seem to do that for me.


Any thoughts?


- andrew

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As the GC trainer for the UT folks, I can assure you that isolated training WORKS. It's the most effective when you can have someone critiquing you, but not everyone has that luxury.


So one thing you can do (no matter where you're at) is concentrate on one area entirely for a few nights. For example, if you want to get better with your shotgun aim, buy nothing but the shotgun in every single game you play for several nights in a row. If that's your weak area, you'll probably get pwned a lot in the beginning. It's ok, though. You'll get better. Also, it'll be really tempting to switch back to your regular configuration. DON'T DO IT!


If you're thinking about going back to your old standby configuration, think of it this way: if you only practice the shotgun for a little while and then go back, you're wasting your time. But if you practice with the shotgun fully for a few days, you'll be that much better.


Hope this helps!

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As the GC trainer for the UT folks, I can assure you that isolated training WORKS.  It's the most effective when you can have someone critiquing you, but not everyone has that luxury.


So one thing you can do (no matter where you're at) is concentrate on one area entirely for a few nights.  For example, if you want to get better with your shotgun aim, buy nothing but the shotgun in every single game you play for several nights in a row.  If that's your weak area, you'll probably get pwned a lot in the beginning.  It's ok, though.  You'll get better.  Also, it'll be really tempting to switch back to your regular configuration.  DON'T DO IT!


If you're thinking about going back to your old standby configuration, think of it this way:  if you only practice the shotgun for a little while and then go back, you're wasting your time.  But if you practice with the shotgun fully for a few days, you'll be that much better.


Hope this helps!


I try to do that as much as I can. However, when I'm playing I really want to try to help the team. (often as just a meatshield) If I'm working on, say shotguns, on a map or in a position that really doesn't lend itself to the shotgun I don't feel like I'm helping. A good example is on de_italy on the T side. Defending long hall with a shotgun is not going to help out nearly as much as with a weapon that can work better at range.



Would anyone be interested in setting up a "training" night? I'd love feedback on what I do well, what I suck at, and how to get better.


- andrew

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Let me ask you this then: do you want to get better or do you want to help the team?


If you want to get better, then practice your weak points exclusively. If you want to help the team, by all means, switch to what you're good at. If you want to do both, then you won't have effective practices and you'll still be at that wall.


You really need to break out of the mentality of wanting to perform well and get into the mentality that you're practicing to get better.


You do bring up a good point about practicing smart, too. If you're practicing the shotgun, make sure you're always on a map that lends itself to shotguns. If that means you have to switch servers or go singleplayer mode, so be it.

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Let me ask you this then:  do you want to get better or do you want to help the team?


If you want to get better, then practice your weak points exclusively.  If you want to help the team, by all means, switch to what you're good at.  If you want to do both, then you won't have effective practices and you'll still be at that wall.


You really need to break out of the mentality of wanting to perform well and get into the mentality that you're practicing to get better.


You do bring up a good point about practicing smart, too.  If you're practicing the shotgun, make sure you're always on a map that lends itself to shotguns.  If that means you have to switch servers or go singleplayer mode, so be it.


goot points. I may setup some local stuff for practice.

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