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Server Update for Week of July 9th thru 15th

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Server Update for Week of July 9th thru 15th


1) The fire that took out a number of Tier One DNS servers in Chicago has still left behind a few quirks even a couple of weeks later.


New hardware is in place and many of you have probably noticed your pings are actually lower to Nepenthe than before - I know I am seeing some super low pings more often than before.


However, I have also noticed that some regulars on Nepenthe have seen some strange ping action - as in a ping of 60 one day, and a ping of 120 the next day, etc. There might be some routing issues that are being addressed up in the hoary netherworld of Tier One providers - I'll keep an eye on it but overall there is little that can be done - for the most part though, the end result has been nothing but good (lower pings for most)


2) Two reminders about lag:


a.) At the end of a super long map, that had seen many players come and go, right at the end don't be surprised if the game seems to "hang" for a second or two - thats the local stats proggie parsing out the text file - the game is already over with (even if your screen says there is two points left on the core or something) - no problems at all there (and you do know to check your stats HERE right?)


b.) Please try to remember that the lag you are experiencing (if you are experiencing it) is more likely than not all on your end. Check your ping - if its over 130+, notice that most everyone else is between 40 and 80 - ya think that might have something to do with it? :freak:


CPU choke (CPU melt, processor overload, etc.) has been more than dealt with on Nepenthe - it ain't there - and trust me - if it were there *EVERYONE* would notice it - if you are pinging way high to our server, sorry, we'd love to have you here, but you might have a more enjoyable playing experience playing closer to home - Nepenthe is hosted in Chicago, IL USA - keep that in mind.


3) Map changes:


Aridoom out.


Nevermore SE and Valarna back in


Frostbite is in (and will rotate on a week to week basis with Primeval)


Volcano High [beta 2] is a new add. A very new map - you can also play it on the Titan 32P server (if you want to play on a server located in the United Kingdom that is)



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