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WTB: programmer for mIRC project


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I want to turn mIRC (or an open source client) into the next myspace. There is an open source program called Mumble that is like Vent. This could be combined with an IRC client for voice chat. Users can voice chat in channels and also do webcam stuff. I want to have avatars next to the nicknames in the nicklist that can be clicked on to see a myspace like profile. NIN.com (nine inch nails) has a java chat and IRC server that does this avatar thing already.


Your avatar can change like the default picture on myspace.


Users can paste images into the chatroom for all to see like on AIM. They can also imbed youtube videos, and whatever else is cool.


Every channel has its own profile page with a list of its frequent chatters, chat stats, playlists (that channels song plays when you join the channel or not, based on your settings). I'm not sure how to integrate this into the chat. Maybe in the background of the chat window? Or some kind of 3d flip thing like vista.


Integrated file sharing. Each client has its own bittorrent client/tracker for hosting and dling large files. File servers with explorer navigation.


Integrated shoutcast. Users can display an ad for a song and a button can be pressed to connect to that users shoutcast station and hear his music. This info can be seen in that users profile as well.


You can access either the website or use the super duper IRC client. It should be made in such a way where the website is never used and the client stays open all the time.


Advertizing. Ads can be displayed as a bar on top of the window or whatever other method can be thought of. The service would be premium compared to regular IRC due to the features so I think most people would accept ads for the future of IRC.


Forums. The network itself has it's own forums and topics but every chatroom has its own forum that connects to the channels profile page.


IM's. If you don't feel like chatting and just want to IM, you can detatch the special IM app and send/recv irc pm's through a program that looks more or less like an instant messenger.


What I am trying to sell here is a way to make IRC the backbone for all things internet.


If anyone would like to add ideas go ahead.

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