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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. By the way, I've been doing a lot of ffa recently, under the name Iceberg-Slim if you want to add that to your friends.
  2. I promise I'm not complicated or cryptic, just stupid.
  3. So look both ways before crossing the street.
  4. #2 king sized, no pickles no tomatoe, chocolate shake on the side
  5. The computer didn't want to coordinate with us, so it was kind of difficult in that respect. And Sub's army of AoW and AP lol. I had my 2 level 10 heros running around too
  6. Well, for the first time and on such short notice, we had a great turnout, thanks to all who came. We had Lord-Gdog Subjectivist Computer (Easy) VS OrcsOwnYou gooober Hendryx DigitalChaos For a grudge match lasting 37 minutes. Great fun was had by all. Hope to see more people next Friday, same time, same place. GG
  7. Here's the info so far then. Tonight, Friday, @ 10:00 est. Try to be reasonably on time, but we'll make do with what we got. Here's some names to add to your friends list, I wish more people posted theirs... Lord-Gdog OrcsOwnYou All_Kill3r Channel name is "hax", backup channel is "Vishnu". We'll start when we get enough people, play a few games, just have fun. Hope to see you all in a few hrs.
  8. And if for some bizarre reason the channel is taken, backup channel will be "Vishnu"
  9. Dunno what that is, and the gameplay looks terrible, but making terrain maps like that is really hard, so I give props just for that. I started in 1.5, so this old sk00l stuff ya'll speak of is beyond me
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