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Posts posted by [LaW]Maverick

  1. If you haven't seen Firefly, do yourself a favor and go rent the first season. The show was GREAT. I saw part of an episode on TV once, and wasn't that impressed really. Then I went to see Serenity in theaters, and I loved it. So I went out and bought the Firefly season and loved that even more.


    So really, go rent it, or if you have seen it, go here: http://www.fireflyseason2.com/


    I saw it in someone's signature and just signed up. Doooo eeeet!

  2. My g/f and I are going out to dinner tonight after work, and now I can't decide what to eat....the choices are:




    The Outback

    Macaroni Grill



    Some steak house I haven't been to

    Winking Lizard (an Ohio thing)

    Some Mexican place that looks good, but I haven't been there either


    and I think that's about it.....


    Right now I'm leaning towards Mexican, because I haven't been there....

  3. I was watching the Daily Show the other night and they showed these clips of George W. speaking on the situation in Iran. I thought it was pretty funny.


    One minute he's calling for decisive action and saying that he will not believe the words of a "crazy man," and will defend the country against such people. The next he's saying that diplomatic solutions are the way to go and they could take a while.


    I thought it was kinda funny, but part of me was happy. It seems to me that he WANTS to go police the nuclear situation in Iran, but has been told that we just can't do it right now, thus forcing diplomatic action rather than police actions.


    The simple truth, in my opinion, is that we couldn't attack or unload troops in Iran if we wanted to. We're spread WAY too thin already with soldiers spread out everywhere, not just in Iraq. Diplomacy has to work, like it or not.


    What do you guys think?

  4. Here's my 2 cents:


    The video may be a little irresponsable as he is one of the more hated people on the planet and it may inspire someone to try. (I'm saying that matter-of-factly, not as opinion, so don't get mad if you like bush)


    That being said, if you hate bush, make a documentary of him getting impeached (which may actually be warranted, but for some reason hasn't been attempted).

  5. Bring a paintball gun to work, and whenever someone asks you to do something get a crazed look on your face and either start shooting them or firing your paintball gun into the ceilling....depending on whether or not you like the person that asked you the question.


    Fatty...you're a genius....lol...sad thing is, I can't help but sit here and think that there are several viable ways to ACTUALLY make Counter Strike educational...which scares me.

  6. My mom's left-over caserole. We call it "Vance's Caserole" named after my brother 'cause it's all he would eat for a time.


    Other than that, a 100 calorie pack of Ritz stuff, which is actually pretty good but small, and a bottle of Lipton's Sweetened Iced Tea (no lemon).

  7. Thanks! Now I just have to will myself not to go crazy while waiting...I'm like a little kid when I buy something like this. For instance, I just ordered a new bluetooth headset from NewEgg, and I'm already going crazy waiting for it. I'm resisting the urge now to go online and check the order tracking...I'm so impatient when it comes to new toys and priveledges! :bang:

  8. Meh, I'm bored at work because I'm waiting for the brass to send me the revisions they want on the rough project I sent them.....


    I have a ton to do, but can't do it yet, and it's driving me crazy. I e-mailed my boss and asked him for more work!

  9. just wondering whats LaW suppose to stand for?


    Hahaha...I get that all the time. LaW is just Law...as in the word law. Everyone else has some sort of akronym so when my brother and I started the clan (pretty much with Sgt. Slaughter) we decided to do it that way.


    That way we can say corny stuff like "I am the law!"


    Also, my last name is Lawman, so it's the first three letters of my last name.


    Simple and direct :-)

  10. if you see a clan named [rev] except the rev is spelled with those fancy shmancy letters people love to use grab an admin to watch them.


    They were on Recrud last night killing everyone on their teams. The whole clan. I didn't want to post up on the ban requests because I didn't manage to capture their names or steam ID's. I was the only one on Recrud that knew any admins so I was searching for one while the shannanigans were going on.


    Thanks again Allanon for coming to the rescue, you fixed the server right up, I just wish there was more that I could have done to help.


    Oh, and for the record, if anyone ever has any complaints about me, I've probably done something to offend completely unintentionally, so just tell me so I can stop being stupid! :-) I love .gc and would never intentionally be a schmuck to anyone on the server.

  11. I've always been a dust fan, but I can see both sides' points as valid. The simple truth of the matter is that you can't please all of the people all of the time. For instance, I DESPISE and loathe Pirinisi, but I still play it. I like the challenge of being a CT...which is difficult. It's a flank like mad map, although not everyone tries it.


    In any case, nothing was worse than survivor. :-)


    I miss maps like comound though. And a few fun maps thrown into the mix, like scoutzknives and fy_anything. The serious and team oriented stuff is my favorite, but sometimes it's good fun to just blow something up.


    So the moral of the story is this: when you're playing on a map you hate with a passion, someone else loves it, and it's only fair to them that they get to enjoy their map. You will appreciate it when the tables are turned! :spin2:

  12. So I went to post up in the ol' CsLs forums to apologize for accidentally offending Zero, and there was a message telling me the clan was no more. I hope it wasn't my fault, and if it was I am truly sorry. Zero, if you read this, I was not putting forth ANY insults intentionally veiled or not. There was nothing personal in what I was saying.


    Now, that being said, I've decided that I'm going to bring back [LaW]. That is, at least for the time being, depending on whether or not anyone is interested. Some of you that have been around forever may remember us, and you have probably seen Slaughter around. Yup, we were an actual clan once! :-)


    In any case, if you're interested, get in touch with Slaughter, myself (Maverick), or Bilbo. You can also post here if ya' like.


    NOTE: [LaW] will be a drama free clan whether it goes completely active or not. :peace:

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