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Everything posted by cobaltgrc

  1. The first one is called de_kilo2, which takes place in a russian submarine yard and the T's have to make their way to one of two Kilo Class submarines. link: de_kilo2 w/ pics The second one is by the same map maker and it is called cs_beirut2, it takes place in a generic middle eastern town and it uses the dust/dust2 textures. link: cs_beirut2 w/ pics Both maps feel really big and I don't know how they would work out for a 12vs12 game because as you can see the map maker has also created 64 spawn point versions of his maps. But besides their size they have alot of nice touches (for example when one of the subs gets blown up it sinks into the water, or another example is the water is so cold that it actually does damage). Download them and have a look at 'em, maybe we can see them on Custom Map Night. -grc
  2. ninjas are cool. I fear them.
  3. ready for the question? so what? He made it seem like he didn't know what the word sovereignty ment.. the way he kept using it like that.... ug. but who cares? I'm glad he was reelected too.
  4. this movi3 is gonna be teh rulez!!11
  5. Piranesi, this map was fun for both sides imho.. it's a flanking map. First team to get behind the other team will be able to pull off a win. And as a CT it's quite easy to pull that off if the T's are rushing to a bomb site in a big mass. PLUS the Ct's can take the Roof before the T's.. I mean COME ON. I can not except that this is a T sided map, because it isn't. I enjoyed it while it was in rotation and I would like to see it back. Chateau, this is another great flanking map and from what I have played of it, I have strategies for both sides that can help pull off a win. I would like to see this map on the rotation.. people just need to think more when playing these kinda maps (no offence to the non-thinking) this is not like your numb brained de_dust. Ahhh de_dust.. please get rid of this map. I don't care if it's a 'classic', in this modern age it's a steaming pile of broccoli. A lot of good players tend to play more CT on this map (because they want to keep their nice record) and I think people dread playing T, at least I do when I'm with an incoherent group of T. Plus there is very little thinking on de_dust.. and I hate that. I like to think when I play CS. RUSH A. ug. aztec, I've warmed up to this map. It can be a good time. tides, what's everyone's beef with tides? Sure it's small, but it's a great CQB (close quarter battle) map and without autosniper there is little to worry about Rushing A through that long stretch on the left. Just smoke the exit before you rush the bomb site... ofcourse there might still be problems with this map on scopeless, could someone give me any info on how this map plays without scopes? besides that I would like to see it played on the server in order to further my map design understanding.(so I can make quality maps in the future) prodigy, please do not ever put this map on rotation again. I have learned my lesson, but thank you for atleast letting me try it out on a scopeless server. Havana... mmm, I just love CQB. I would like to see this map on rotation. Why isn't it? I can't remember if it's one sided or not. Is it because the doors change? What, you guys can't handle a change in terrain? That's like a trademark of any combat situation: The terrain sometimes does things that are unexpected. Can we atleast try it a few times? This would be a good map for team play.. for example: people would have to report to their team which sides of the map can't be accessed. You guys love team play!!! (so do I :-D ) pretty please with sugar and cherrys and chocolate syrup on top... put this map on rotation, do it for the kids. thanks for reading this long post. here is a cookie
  6. ESDF.. hmmm I might have to try that.. for moving I use the standard ASDW and I have the directional pad set for buying my guns/equipment left:guns right:equipment up:prim ammo(single clip) down:second ammo(single clip)
  7. looks like even after the stat swipe I'm still the king of the hill.
  8. true, but those keys are so far away from the up and down arrows on the directional pad (the keys I use for buying ammo)
  9. Ice_Berge was talking in Mayhem one evening about how in old skool CS you could buy individual clips of ammo and how in source you can't. well you can. and he is how: type this in console: bind "1" "buyammo1" ; buys you 1 clip of primary ammo bind "2" "buyammo2" ; buys you 1 clip of secondary ammo I think that should work, if it doesn't let me know. -cobaltgrc p.s. do not type the stuff after the ;
  10. DRAMA! plz close this thread. thx
  11. I was thinking more of just a general whoever is the best ranked with the TMP is the best ever and thus the King. But I'm starting to like this event idea, brillow, and I think I will make a map like scoutknivez but with only TMPs if you guys are willing to play it for a King of TMP event.!!!11 ps. or if there are some TMP maps out there already we can use them. I will search for them.
  12. good, then on April 1st we will meet on a level playing field and do battle.
  13. This is the ultimate show down - A fight between titans - A battle of wits. This is the Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol king of the hill - winner takes all – toe to toe dance of death. Pure - mortal – combat. Currently the mighty Javabomberman and I, cobaltgrc - hero to the people are in a competition that will ring through the ages. We are neck and neck – a struggle to stay above the water… Only Julian also know as the hard hitting Dr. Doom is close to our fight for complete dominance in mastery of the TMP. Who else will answer the call and challenge these two Oligarchs? Are you brave enough to heed this quest? Will you put down that Colt long enough to understand how devastating the Tactical Machine Pistol can be upon the cowardly terrorists? I know you will. I can see the warrior blood that pulses within your veins – how it heats your finger tips – how those tips call for the trigger of a weapon that demands dexterity. As of 9:16 pm Mach 24, 2005 I am master of the TMP. Who will challenge my rightful place on the throne? Will it be you?
  14. alright let me know in advance, plz.. I'd like to be there to see how it plays so I can study its map design for my personal map making education. thx.
  15. when are we gonna try this map? I'd really like to see what happens. :-D
  16. After playing this map a few times on Mayhem and then also on some other servers I'm starting to dig this map but I am still wary. In my opinion it plays like no other official map. It can get very frustrating at times but I think that's because the CS community in general needs to figure out how to play it and the more I play on it the more I see people are strarting to handle it. It's a very tactical map, putting the players in an almost realistic situation and there can be some intense fire fights. I'd like to hear your guys opinions and maybe we can have a discussion on tactics, such as proper places to toss smoke nades or where to execute breaches. What I've been doing as a CT is tossing a smoke nade in the middle of the first opening (along the wall) on the right side which lets me run w/ cover across and around to the second opening directly towards the hostages. What I can't seem to get down is the extraction. looking forward to hearing your comments.
  17. after playing prodigy on noscope I have come to this conclusion: no-scope prodigy = no fun.
  18. wow. are you sure you're not thinking of assault? The group of germans that released de_go_nuke was pretty preformance heavy but I think they just released an updated version to cut down on the preformance strain. I'll check up on that when I've got the time.
  19. It's hard to say.. I was playing on a server with 3 other people (2 on ct and 2 on t) so the T's were able to sneak around and plant the bomb, cover it, and complete their mission with ease. The area to plant the bomb at A is very open so the bomb placer doesn't have much cover, I'd imagine with a team of 12 CTs the Ts would have a heck of a time trying to plant at A. This map plays unlike anything I've seen on the official maps and I think it might be fun to give it a try to see what happens. definetly a scopeless map, though.. however the map maker looks like he put some thought into the sniper nests.. so maybe it could work out well on the scopefull server. At any rate if you guys decided to try this map out let me know the times so I can be there to check it out with you all.
  20. I would like to see this map tried out on your scopeless server. It is very cool, I just tried it out a few moments ago and it looks very professionally done. Thanks http://www.spoonkill.com/de_view.htm -cobaltgrc
  21. how about de_go_nuke? and then also de_train and cs_compound when they hit the streets.
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